A Lioness Emerges. Sapphire Andrews

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A Lioness Emerges - Sapphire Andrews

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      A Lioness Emerges

      By Sapphire Andrews,

      David Conley and Karen Cruise

      All Rights Reserved. Fictional Story

      Copyright ©2014

      This is a work of fiction.

      Similarities to real or fake people,

      places, or events are purely coincidental.

      Cover Image Credit:

      © Canstock Photo Inc/ konradbak


      It was a wet humid evening in East New York when the night was pierced by the soft moans of pleasure coming from the open window of Amy’s apartment. This was the second time this week that she had sought pleasure from her “Special Toy” she always kept close at hand, in the top drawer of her bedside table.

      Ever since she’d been divorced she’d felt an emptiness inside her, that slight tug deep inside her that yearned for something more than the hard, cold plastic of her purple vibrator slowly moving in and out of her, easier each time as her breath quickened, her voice catching in her throat. Her left hand moving across her breasts, fingers playing with her hard nipples standing to attention as her tongue strains to reach them.

      All those wasted years, she thought to herself, pushing the toy deeper. Harder. Faster. As she thought about how she had walked into her room to see her husb-

      “NO!” she exclaimed, sitting up in bed; her lean, olive colored skin dripping in sweat, a puddle beginning to form where she sat, the vibrator still inside her and purring away. “I guess that’s over with.” She sighed to herself, getting up from her bed and walked towards the shower to clean herself off, deciding to leave the sheets for tomorrow after school to wash – after all, she wasn’t expecting company anytime soon. It’s not like you don’t want to start dating again, she thought to herself as she walked, and picking up her towel from the drying rack. It’s just that…well; I still need time; after my mind erases THAT.

      Amy had married too young and for the wrong reasons. Her high school sweetheart, Daryl, had never believed in “rubbers” as he’d called them. “They don’t feel as good, and I want you to feel good babe.” He would say, smiling the way he did when he wanted something from her, usually followed by his hand moving south, down her back and trying to slide under her jeans and grabbing a handful. She’d never been able to say no to him. After all, how could she? Amy was never the most confident of girls, thinking about it now, she seemed to hunch in on herself and smiled meekly as if some stranger had walked up and said “Hello.”

      Stepping into the shower, she remembered the first time meeting Daryl. She was your average high school senior, the one who flies underneath everyone’s radar, trying not to stand out for fear of doing something wrong. The question “Are they laughing at me?” Always swirling at the forefront of her mind as she walked down the halls in her black tights, brown skirt and white blouse. One day, on another mad dash through the hallways, hoping to stay unnoticed, she tripped. At least she thought she tripped, maybe someone tripped her? It didn’t matter, because Daryl, captain of the football team, a hulking All American bent down to help her pick up her stuff. “Hey cutie.” He said, his eyes meeting hers.

      From that moment, she had been putty in his hand. Anything he wanted, he could have taken from her and she was willing to give it up. After all, he’d saved her from the torment of normality that she faced every day. All of a sudden she was Queen. Least she thought she was. It didn’t take long for Daryl to push her into coming with him to see the city form the hills overlooking it from his truck.

      It was that night where she first felt quivering pleasures of being overwhelmed, dominated by a man. With every thrust of his lance like cock, she pressed into the passenger door. Her legs in the air, locking behind his back trying to get his shaft as deep as it would go. Her breasts were firmer then, they were firm and bounced easily back and forth as he rammed her again and again. With his tongue moving around in her mouth, kissing down and to the left, he teeth tracing a path down to her neck where he bit. Gasping in pain and pleasure, her nails raked across his back. Suddenly he took it out and she got a good look at his hard, throbbing eight inch shaft with thick, blue veins running throughout. It was only a brief look before he turned her around and shoved her back down, this time on all fours, and put it in again. “Take it, Amy, take it all!” He commanded before ramming the bolt home, his hands reaching in front to squeeze her breasts hard, twisting her nipples as she moaned in pleasure. She was riding the wave; she could feel it inside her, building up like a balloon ready to burst. Amy could feel the high note she would wail, she was about to cum, cum all over the faded brown leather seats. The tingling sensation she felt the first night they were together was spreading through her body, curling her toes and arching her back like a cat, the feeling was so strong.

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