Asian Face Reading. Boye Lafayette De Mente

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Asian Face Reading - Boye Lafayette De Mente

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on the other hand, most people regard face reading as quackery, something best associated with fortune-tellers and Gypsies.

      This attitude began to change during the last decades of the twentieth century. The publication of a number of English-language books on face reading (including my own), and the appearance of professional business consultants who introduced elements of face reading into their human resources advice, resulted in the skill being taken more seriously.

      By the 1990s, mainstream business publications in the United States were reporting that a growing number of leading corporations had taken to calling in face readers to help them decide on new hires as well as on promotions to managerial and executive positions.

      The appearance of the Internet has been a further boon to this ancient art, with dozens of sites promoting one version or another.

      Most people today would still naturally question the validity of many face-reading claims, and rightly so, because some of the interpretations are simply too esoteric—and often too contradictory—to be accepted without question.

      But there are many insights that are so obvious that no one can deny them. These “readings” are so much a part of our built-in psychology and our culture that they are, in fact, accepted without question.

      One of the most obvious of these readings has to do with the size, shape, and color of the eyes. An infant, male or female, with big eyes is fussed over from day one and gets special treatment.

      Eyes that are blue or green or streaked with gold (as are the eyes of some Vietnamese girls), get an even more dramatic reaction.

      The lifelong influence that big, attractive eyes have on an individual is generally profound.

      The size and shape of the lips is equally powerful. Not only do they reveal a great deal about an individual’s character, but they also dramatically influence the way other people behave toward that person.

      Without question, the size and shape of the nose, the mouth, the teeth, and the ears tell a great deal about a person, and determine to a great extent how other people react to him or her.

      The physiological and psychological foundations of face reading are as solid as physics, and knowing how to read facial and bodily features is one of the keys to developing and maintaining harmonious and effective human relationships.

      As mentioned earlier, everybody reads faces, whether or not they have had any formal training. It is an automatic response. We do it without thinking. And we also react automatically in both positive and negative ways to the faces we see.

      Going beyond one’s naturally programmed ability to read faces can give you not only extraordinary insight into what motivates and compels people, it can also dramatically increase your ability to use the knowledge in a more positive and satisfying way.

      This book covers over one hundred specific facial characteristics, some of which, admittedly, are on the unusual side. The more esoteric readings are easy to recognize and even easier to discount, but they were discovered long ago and have stood the test of time.

      Curiously enough, many of the specific face readings that originated in China, Japan, and Korea are related to love and romance, no doubt because in these countries face reading played such a vital role in choosing mates for so many generations.

      On the more obvious level, face reading is a skill that can be learned easily and quickly by anyone, significantly enhancing the potential for one’s business and social success.

      Boyé Lafayette de Mente

      Tokyo, Japan


       The ABCs of Face Reading

      The Vital Power

      Face reading is primarily based on the size, shape, position, quality, and color of certain facial features. Before one can read these “signs” with a maximum degree of accuracy, however, there are other factors that must be taken into consideration, the most important of which is the strength of the “vital power” of the person whose face is to be read.

      Everyone is endowed with what might be called a “battery” that gives off a kind of “spark” or “light” that is reflected through the eyes, the face, and one’s manner. The strength of this power varies greatly between individuals. In some people it is very feeble, and as a result they have dull eyes, dull faces, and usually lead colorless lives. In others this light may shine with startling brilliance, and such people tend to lead lives that are extraordinary in some way.

      The strength of a person’s “inner light” is not necessarily connected with the type of face he or she has. A person with a very “attractive” face may be low-powered, and a person whose facial features are undesirable may be a regular dynamo. And there are certain facial characteristics indicating a very low order of intelligence and imagination that are seldom accompanied by a strong life force.

      Furthermore, this inner power, whatever its strength, works in different ways. One man with a powerful “battery” may become a great religious leader, while another man with the same amount of power may be a master criminal, a salesman, a writer, or a revolutionary.

      A face reader can only estimate the strength of someone’s vital power and its overall influence, but once he has also scrutinized the individual’s facial features and body build, he can determine it more accurately.

      The Body Build

      Along with this inner light, the face reader must also take note of the person’s body build. Most people fit into one of three broad categories: slender, stocky and muscular, or fat.

      And people in each of these categories share many common characteristics. Slender men tend to be sensitive, intellectually active, emotional, have well-developed imaginative and creative powers, have love affairs with women older than themselves, and may be dominated by strong-willed women. Men of this type often do not fare well in business or politics—occupations that require physical endurance and mental toughness.

      Slender women with oval-shaped faces tend to have quick minds and be skillful at manipulating men. Muscular women tend to display aggressive attitudes and behavior. They are bold and capable of playing and working hard. They tend to be less concerned about their appearance and are usually more matter-of-fact in their relations with men.

      Men with muscular builds tend to prefer physical rather than mental occupations, and their answer to most problems is muscle power in one form or another. They are full of spirit, and if this spirit is not used up in work or sport, they can become frustrated and be more likely to resort to physical violence than the slender or fat man.

      Muscular men usually take their sex appeal for granted, are not too demanding of women, are easier to please than the other types, and therefore are more likely to have satisfactory relations with their wives.

      Both fat men and women tend to extremes of one kind or another. They are almost always friendly and jovial, but they can also be unusually cruel. And they have a tendency to indulge themselves in physical pleasures.

      The Facial Alignment

      One of the most important signs in face reading is whether the right and left sides of the face are balanced. The more unbalanced a person’s face, the more likely he or she will be psychologically troubled and suffer hardships and disappointments in life.

      Just as the brain is divided into two sections with different functions, the sides of the face reflect different things. Usually one side of the face is “positive” and one side is “negative.” One side reveals “conscious” aspects of personality, the other side “unconscious” issues.

      In most people, the left side of the face indicates character and temperament, while the right side portrays emotions, social and economic position, and interpersonal relations with others.

      According to face-reading theory, the front of the face reveals the “public” side of a person, while the sides are more

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