Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two. Andrew J. Marshall

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Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two - Andrew J. Marshall

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and the greed of illegal logging bosses. Papua presents one of the few remaining opportunities for proactive conservation action in Indonesia. Avoiding the fate of the rest of Indonesia’s once-vast tracts of lowland forest will require a level of political will that has thus far proved difficult to generate in other parts of the country. But the stakes are too high for us to let Papua quietly go the way of Sumatra and Borneo. The fate of Indonesia’s last great wilderness area, and the people who rely on it, hangs in the balance.


      I thank Hendi Sumantri for assistance with maps and spatial analysis, and Conservation International and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University for postdoctoral support. I also thank Peter Ashton, Bruce Beehler, Amy Dunham, Mark Leighton, Cam Webb, and Tony Whitten for useful comments on this chapter.

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