Simple Ways to Wellness. Louise Taylor

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Simple Ways to Wellness - Louise  Taylor

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the acupressure meridian system that are particularly effective for individual symptoms. I have not described all of the points and their applications here, but I have included specific points that you can use on yourself for specific symptoms. For more information on acupressure, refer to the books listed in the bibliography.


      While working on your body, keep your mind as positive and peaceful as possible. It is a disservice to yourself to infuse distressful or negative thinking into the powerful intake points of the body. Perhaps some pleasant music or positive conversation with a friend would help. It is also important to keep the body as relaxed as possible. Sit comfortably; if you get in uncomfortable positions, or ones that stress the body, it is counterproductive to your healing. If the point you need to press is difficult to reach, see if someone will press it for you.


      When locating the points you wish to use, be as specific as possible. The energy points radiate out to about the size of a dime, but if you are not careful you will miss the location and not gain the benefit. There are directions in part 2 of this book for locating the points. There is also an illustration for each point. Your bones can be used as guides for locating the points. You can also use the standard body measure called a "body inch." A body inch is the measure of the width of your thumb at its Joint or of the distance between the first and second joint of the middle finger. Three body inches is the width of your four fingers at the major joints.

      This is a very precise and accurate technique for finding the points on any individual. If you are working on someone else, use their hand or thumb, which is specifically proportional for them.

      Study the diagrams carefully and then locate the point on your body. You may wish to mark it on yourself with a pen until you become familiar with the location.


      It is important to work on each of the selected points at least twice a day. You can check in part 2 of this book for specific instructions on repetition frequency. The changes in the body's energy are subtle and it takes repeated application of pressure to make a significant difference in your state of health. Since you also wish to make a permanent change in the condition of your body, repetition over a period of time is necessary. You may need to keep up the good work for several weeks. Even after the symptoms disappear, it is important to continue working with the pressure points for a while in order to solidify the healing effect. If conditions worsen or are not being relieved, see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.


      Energy moves through the body in a systematic and timely manner. In the system of acupressure, the energy in each individual meridian is most readily accessible and powerful during specific two-hour time periods of the twenty-four hour day. The time period for each meridian is given in the body clock to the right.

      Ideally, you can derive the most benefit from the various acupressure points if you work with them at the peak time of day for that specific meridian. Sometimes this is not convenient, especially if the time of greatest energy activity is in the middle of the night. The second most ideal time would be the time directly opposite of the desired meridian's time. For example 3-5 P.M. is an alternatively powerful time to work on the lung meridian points. It is perfectly acceptable, however, to work on the points at any time of the day, or whenever symptomatic needs arise.

      Pressure should be as firm as possible, without inflicting pain. This system is called acu-pressure, not acu-touch or acu-torture. It is important to make an impression on the point without causing discomfort.

      You can use the thumb or any finger with which you can comfortably apply pressure. Since you are not used to applying pressure with your fingers, they may get tired. If this happens, you may switch fingers or let up on the pressure for a few seconds and then re-press on the same point. The pressure should last for approximately two minutes on each point. This is an average time. If the point becomes uncomfortable, stop earlier. If the body tissue under this point feels like it softens or releases, or there does not seem to be any pressure being exerted before the two minutes are up, press a little more firmly.

      Work on both sides of the body. Work on the side where the greatest problem is first, but then work on the other side. The body is bilateral and therefore benefits most when both sides are released.

      You may also wish to work on more than one point in any session. You can work on several points for one condition or on several points for several conditions in any one session.


       Never work on a full stomach or while you are too hungry.

       Keep the room you are working in at a moderately warm temperature.

       Make sure that your hands are clean and your nails are short.

       Avoid working on any skin surface that has a cut, scar, or infection.

      These precautions will allow the energy released by your acupressure treatment to move freely, without being inhibited by body tension. This will maximize the benefits from each session.

      Color Therapy


      Energy, the basis of all matter, occurs at specific frequencies and in precise wavelengths that have been scientifically measured. There are many individual wavelengths of energy moving at a variety of frequencies in the complex world we live in. The configuration of each specific wave of energy gives it an individual nature that can be described as its "vibration." As light energy vibrates at a specific rate, it gives off a particular color. Each color, then, is light energy vibrating at a particular frequency with a specific wavelength.

      Our world is an array of color because of the multiplicity of the vibrations of energy that exist. As we view our world and see the infinite variety of colors, we become aware of the tremendous variation in the energy around us.


      Your body is made up of points of electro-magnetic energy or elements that combine to become atoms and cells of vibrating, living consciousness. It remains healthy when there is perfect harmony and rhythm between these elements. Every element, organ, or system of your physical body contains cells vibrating in perfect harmony for their specific function.

      This was first researched in India, in 1873, by Dr. Kinshah Ghadiahi. He founded the Spectro-Chrome Institute where he showed that specific colors relate to and affect specific organs or functions of the body. In 1878, Dr. Edwin Babbitt, of England, developed "color disks" to stimulate healing. He used these to treat various organs and body systems, effectively showing the physical body to be susceptible to changes in vibrational forces from the outside. Experiments were done by focusing light through specific color disks, which were then focused toward the body. It is from these great pioneers that the system of color therapy has been developed.

      In more modern times, bioelectric energy, or body energy, has been observed through Kirlian photography. This technique, developed

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