Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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gōngguān 公关 N (shortening of 公共关系 gōnggòng guānxi) public relations
gōngkāi 公开 I ADJ open, public II V make public, reveal
gōnglǐ 公里 N kilometer
gōnglù 公路 N public road, highway
gōngmín 公民 N citizen
gōngpíng 公平 ADJ fair, impartial
gōngqǐng 公顷 N hectare (= 10,000 square meters)
gōngrán 公然 ADV brazenly, openly
gōngrèn 公认 V generally acknowledge, universally accept
gōngshè 公社 N commune
gōngshì 公式 N formula
gōngsī 公司 N commercial firm, company, corporation
gōngwù 公务 N public affairs, official duty
gōngwùyuán 公务员 N civil servant, government office holders
gōngyòng 公用 ADJ for public use
gōngyòng diànhuà 公用电话 N public telephone, payphone
gōngyuán 公元 N of the Christian/common era, AD (Anno Domini)
gōngyuán 公园 N public garden, park
gōngyuē 公约 N 1 agreement, convention, pact 2 pledge
gōng zhài 公债 N government bonds
gōngzhèng 公证 V notarize
gōng 恭 ADJ deferential, reverent
gōngjìng 恭敬 ADJ very respectful, deferential
gōng 供 V supply
gōngjǐ 供给 V supply, provide
gōng 宫 N palace
gōng 弓 I N bow II V bend, arch
gǒng 汞 N mercury
gǒng 巩 TRAD 鞏 V consolidate
gǒnggù 巩固 I V consolidate, strengthen II ADJ solid, firm
gǒng 拱 N arch
gòng 共 ADV 1 altogether, in total 2 jointly, together (used only in writing)
gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 N communist party
gònghéguó 共和国 N republic
gòngjì 共计 V total, add up to
gòngmíng 共鸣 N 1 resonance 2 sympathetic response
Gòngqīngtuán 共青团 N (shortening from 中国共产主义青年团 Zhōngguó gòngchǎnzhǔyì qīng niántuán) the Chinese Communist Youth League
gòngshì 共识 N common understanding
gòngtóng 共同 I ADJ common, shared II ADV together, jointly
gòngxiǎngwénjiàn 共享文件 N file sharing
gòngxìng 共性 N generality, common characteristics
gòng 供 V 1 confess, own up 2 lay (offerings)
gòng 贡 TRAD 貢 N tribute
gòngxiàn 贡献 I V contribute,dedicate II N con tribution, devotion, dedication
gōu 勾 V 1 strike out with a pen 2 delineate (the outline of a drawing) 3 in duce, evoke
gōujié 勾结 V collaborate secretly with (on criminal matters)
gōu 沟 TRAD 溝 N ditch, trench
gōutōng 沟通 V link up, connect
gōu 钩 N hook
gōuzi 钩子 hook
gǒu 狗 N dog
gòu 构 TRAD 構 V construct, form
gòuchéng 构成 V make up, form
gòujiàn 构件 N component, part
gòusī 构思 V (of writers or artists) work out the plot of a story or composition of a picture
gòuzào 构造 N structure
gòu 购 V purchase
gòumǎi 购买 V purchase
gòu 够 ADJ enough, sufficient
gū 孤 ADJ lonely
gū’ér 孤儿 N orphan
gūlì 孤立 ADJ isolated, without support or sympathy
gū 辜 V (as in 辜负 gūfù)
gūfù 辜负 V fail to live up to, let down
gū 估 V estimate
gūjì 估计 I V estimate, reckon, size up II N estimate, approximate calculation, appraisal
gū 姑 N aunt, woman
gūgu 姑姑 N Same as 姑妈 gūmā, especially as a colloquialism
gūmā 姑妈 N father’s sister, aunt
gūmǔ 姑母 N Same as 姑妈 gūmā, especially used in writing.
gūniang 姑娘 N unmarried young woman, girl, lass
gūqiě 姑且 ADV tentatively, for the time being
gū 菇 N mushroom
gǔ 古 ADJ ancient
gǔdài 古代 N ancient times
gǔdiǎn 古典 ADJ classical
gǔdǒng 古董 N antique, old curio
gǔguài 古怪 ADJ weird, queer
gǔjì 古迹 N historic site, place of historic interest
gǔlǎo 古老 ADJ ancient, time-honored
gǔ 鼓 N drum
gǔchuī 鼓吹 V advocate, preach (usually wrong and harmful ideas)
gǔlì 鼓励 V encourage
gǔwǔ 鼓舞 V inspire, fire up … with enthusiasm, hearten
gǔzhǎng 鼓掌 V applaud
gǔ 骨 N bone
gǔgàn 骨干 N backbone (denoting people)
gǔròu 骨肉 N one’s flesh and blood
gǔtou 骨头 N bone
gǔzhé 骨折 V fracture a bone
gǔ 股 N share, stock (in a company)
gǔdōng 股东 N shareholder, stockholder
gǔfèn 股份 N share, stock
gǔpiào 股票 N share, stock
gǔshì 股市 N share market
gǔ 谷 TRAD 穀 N grain, cereal
Gǔgē 谷歌 N (Internet search engine) Google
gǔwù 谷物 N grain, cereal (collectively)
gù 雇 TRAD 僱 V employ, hire
gùyōng 雇佣 V hire, employ
gùyuán 雇员 N employee, staff member
gù 故 I ADJ old, former II ADV on purpose, deliberately
gùshi 故事 N story, tale
gùxiāng 故乡 N native place, hometown