Day & Section Hikes Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California. David Money Harris

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Day & Section Hikes Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California - David Money Harris

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hiker by the trail name of Halfmile has developed an excellent set of PCT maps that can be freely downloaded for personal use and printed at your own computer. Halfmile’s maps are based on the USGS maps but have the PCT and other key landmarks annotated. GPS users can also download GPS waypoints and tracks from the Halfmile site. The maps and data are found at

      Another hiker by the trail name of Postholer has posted a handy Google Map of the trail at:


      Hikers should be aware of several permit requirements. The national forests in Southern California have instituted a Forest Adventure Pass system that requires vehicles parked on most national forest land to display a permit. This regulation applies to the majority of hikes in this book. The Forest Service aggressively tickets vehicles failing to display the pass at popular trailheads. A pass costs $5 for the day or $30 for the year. You may be able to purchase an adventure pass at a ranger station or business near the trailhead, although this approach can be problematic if you plan to start early. Alternatively, you can order a permit from the Forest Service by mail or on the Internet. Outdoor enthusiasts may find the Interagency Annual Pass to be a better value. This $80 pass covers entry fees to national parks and other federal lands, as well as substituting for a Forest Adventure Pass.

      A California Campfire Permit is required to use a stove or campfire outside of developed campgrounds throughout the state. The free permit is valid for one year and can be obtained online or in person from Forest Service and BLM offices,

      The San Jacinto Wilderness has additional wilderness permit regulations for day and overnight use. See the trips in Part 2 for more details. The popular Humber Park Trailhead has a quota that fills up about a month in advance, so plan ahead.

      Dogs on leash are allowed on all trails in this book except in the San Jacinto State Park wilderness (Hikes 9, 11, and 12). Leave aggressive dogs at home to avoid harassing the wildlife and other hikers.


      WE ARE MORTAL BEINGS. Like any other activity or lack of activity, hiking carries risks of injury or death. Fortunately, you can largely control the risks with prudent planning and behavior.

      Always notify a relative or friend about your itinerary so that he or she can call for help if you are overdue. Hiking in a group is safer than hiking alone. If somebody is injured, part of the group can go for help while other group members stay with the injured person.

      Carry plenty of water; plan on roughly one quart per five miles on a cool day and more in the heat. Dehydration can lead to heatstroke and kidney failure. An unfortunate PCT thru-hiker in April 2011 collapsed from dehydration at the end of the first day on the trail, earning himself the unfortunate trail name of Speed Bump.

      If you need to resupply with water from a stream or other source, treat it before drinking. Many of the streams in the United States are now contaminated with giardia, cryptosporidium, and other nasty bugs that cause days of uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea. Use a water filter, boil the water, or treat the water with iodine or a SteriPEN before drinking.

      Bring sun protection. The sun is strong in California, and you burn faster in the mountains because there is less atmosphere to protect you. Wear a hat and sunglasses and apply sunscreen generously.

      Carry a map and compass or GPS receiver. Be aware of your surroundings, and be sure you know how to retrace your steps to the start. It is hard to get too badly lost as long as you stay on the PCT. If you are lost, stay put and wait for help rather than wandering aimlessly. A campfire can help signal rescuers, but beware: A careless fire can get out of control and become a catastrophic wildfire. It doesn’t hurt to carry a cell phone, but don’t count on coverage in the mountains.

      Pay attention to the weather forecast before you go, and bring appropriate gear. Southern California weather can be unpredictable, especially in the mountains, so bring a bit extra to handle a surprise.

      Carry emergency gear sufficient to handle an unplanned night out on the trail. If a member of your group breaks a leg and it starts to rain, would you survive the night? Recommended gear includes warm waterproof clothing, a headlamp, a trash bag (for lightweight shelter), a whistle (to attract attention), and matches or a lighter. Cotton clothing loses its warmth when wet; synthetic fiber is a better choice.

      Exercise caution when crossing streams, especially in high water during peak spring snowmelt or a thunderstorm. Hikers have been swept away and pinned down by raging creeks. If in doubt, turn back or seek shelter and wait for water levels to drop.

      In the springtime, the high mountains are covered in beautiful snow. Only hike in the snow and ice if you are carrying an ice axe and traction devices and know how to use them. Highly experienced hikers have slipped and fallen to their death while crampons are in their packs.

      Southern California’s chaparral has evolved to burn as part of its life cycle. Many of the trips in this book pass areas that have burned in the past decade, about half ignited by lightning and half by the carelessness or malice of humankind. Exercise extreme caution with campfires, stoves, and other open flames, especially in late summer and fall when the dry vegetation becomes a tinderbox. If you see signs of wildfire while hiking, promptly evacuate the area.

      Close encounters with desert vegetation, especially cactus and yuccas, can be painful. Pay attention to your surroundings. A pair of tweezers can help remove cactus needles.

      Learn to recognize and avoid poison oak, whose urushiol oil causes an intensely itchy rash. Poison oak has three leaves that are usually shiny green, but sometimes turn red. Remember the words of wisdom: “Leaves of three, let it be.” If you accidentally make contact with it, vigorously wash your skin with water to remove the oil right away. If a rash develops (typically a few days after contact), calamine lotion or Benadryl may relieve the symptoms. In severe cases, contact your physician.

      There are relatively few dangerous animals in Southern California. Mountain lions are shy and usually avoid humans; count yourself lucky if you see one in a lifetime of hiking. They have been known to attack humans on very rare occasions. Children and petite women are at greatest risk. Traveling in groups deters lion attacks (and many other dangers). If you are attacked, yell, stand your ground, and fight back.

      Rattlesnakes will usually warn you before you get too close. Heed their warnings and leave them alone. Never put your hands or feet where you haven’t looked first; in particular, avoid stepping over a log onto a sleeping snake. Most rattlesnake bites involve inebriated young men playing with the snake. If you are bitten, seek immediate medical attention.


      Treat rattlesnakes with a healthy respect and give them a wide berth.

      Bee and scorpion stings are rare and normally just irritating, but they can have nasty consequences if you are allergic. Allergic hikers should consult their doctor and carry (and know how to use) an Epi-Pen or other treatment kit.

      Ticks inhabit brushy areas, especially in springtime. In addition to being disgusting bloodsuckers, they can carry Lyme disease, which causes fever, headache, and fatigue. Lyme disease can lead to severe complications if left untreated. Thoroughly inspect your body for ticks at the end of the day, especially if you’ve been hiking through high grass or brush. If you are bitten by a tick, promptly remove it with fine-tipped tweezers. If the tick is attached to your skin for less than 24 hours, your risk of Lyme disease is very small. If you detect symptoms of Lyme disease, such as a fever or rash, consult your doctor.

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