Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      to enter, to put in

      ニュウ NYŪ い • る i(ru) はい • る hai(ru) いれ • る ire(ru)

      The character 入 represents the entrance of a house.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 手術のため入院した。

      Shujutsu no tame nyūin shita.

      I checked into the hospital to have an operation.

      2. 収入が増えた。

      Shūnyū ga fueta.

      My total income has increased.

      3. 今日の映画は気に入りましたか。

      Kyō no eiga wa ki ni irimashita ka.

      Did you like the movie, today?

      4. 私は毎晚ふろに入る。

      Watashi wa maiban furo ni hairu.

      I take a bath every evening.

      5. ポケットに手を入れないで下さい。

      Poketto ni te o irenai de kudasai.

      Don't put your hands in your pockets!

Common Compounds and Phrases
入院nyūinadmission to a hospital
収入shūnyūincome; earnings
記入kinyūan entry (in a ledger)
入学nyūgakuadmission into a school
入り口iriguchian entrance; an outset




      ハチ HACHI ハツ HATSU や ya や • つ ya(tsu) やっ• つ yat(tsu) *よう yō

      The character 八 represents something that can be easily divided in two, ie. the number eight.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 日本に来て八年になる。

      Nihon ni kite hachinen ni naru.

      It has been eight years since I came to Japan.

      2. これは八百年前の寺です。

      Kore wa happyakunen-mae no tera desu.

      This temple dates from eight hundred years ago.

      3. 今日帰りに八百屋で買い物をしよう。

      Kyō kaeri ni yaoya de kaimono o shiyō.

      I'll shop at the vegetable store on the way home, today.

      4. 彼はおにぎりを八つも食べた。

      Kare wa onigiri o yattsu mo tabeta.

      He ate as many as eight rice balls!

      5. 八日は彼女の誕生日だ。

      Yōka wa kanojo o no tanjōbi da.

      Her birthday is on the eighth.

Common Compounds and Phrases
八年hachineneight years
八時hachijieight o'clock
八百happyakueight hundred
七転びnanakorobibouncing back after
八起きyaokibeing knocked down
*八日yōkathe eighth day of the month; eight days
*八百屋yaoyaa vegetable store; a greengrocer's



      low; below; to go down

      力 KA ゲ GE した shita しも shimo さ • がる sa(garu) くだ • る kuda(ru) お • りる o(riru)

      The character 卜 represents something below a horizontal line; ie., something underneath.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 下線を引いて下さい。

      Kasen o hiite kudasai.

      Underline (that word)!

      2. 七月下旬に夏休みを取る予定です。

      Shichigatsu gejun ni natsuyasumi o toru votei desu.

      I'm planning to take my summer holidays at the end of July.

      3. テーブルの下で猫が眠っていた。

      Tēburu no shita de neko ga nemutte ita.

      A cat was asleep under the table.

      4. パソコンが値下がりしている。

      Pasokon ga nesagari shite iru.

      The prices of personal computers are dropping.

      5. 友達とカヌーで川を下るつもりです。

      Tomodachi to kanū de kawa o kudaru tsumori desu.

      I'm planning to go canoeing downriver with a friend.

Common Compounds and Phrases
下線kasenan underline; underlining
下旬gejunthe last third of the month
靴下kutsushitasocks; hosiery
*下手なheta naunskillful; poor at




      コウ KŌ ク KU

      くち kuchi

      The character ロ represents the shape of a mouth.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 都市に人口が集中する。

      Toshi ni jinkō ga shūchū suru.

      The population is concentrated in the cities.

      2. 非常口はあそこです.

      Hijōguchi wa asoko desu.

      Emergency exits are located over there.

      3. 試合に負けて口惜しかった。

      Shiai ni makete kuyashikatta.

      I felt frustrated after losing the match.

      4. ロに虫が入った。

      Kuchi ni mushi ga haitta.

      A bug flew into my mouth.


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