Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia. Morten Strange

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Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia - Morten Strange

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      Description: Shape, large size and overall dark plumage are diagnostic. Tail is slightly forked when closed.

      Voice: A rather faint, prolonged scream.

      Habits: Frequents open country, often populated areas, villages and the outskirts of towns. Moves near the coast during migration. Feeds on all kinds of meat, both live prey and carrion, often scavenging at garbage dumps and fishing areas.


      Haliastur indus 45 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: A relatively small hawk; bright chestnut brown upperparts and black wing-tips are diagnostic. Immature bird is mottled brown.

      Voice: A nasal, mewing call.

      Habits: Usually a coastal bird found in mangroves, estuaries and harbour areas, but also occurs in wooded lowlands far from water. An opportunistic feeder. It takes all meats, often picking up debris from the water's surface or catching live fish. Also hunts small terrestrial prey. Its nest is built high in a large tree, often near water.

      WHITE-BELLIED SEA-EAGLE (White-bellied Fish-Eagle)

      Haliaeetus leucogaster 70 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Massive size, grey upperparts and V-shaped lifted wings when soaring are diagnostic; immature bird is brownish.

      Voice: Loud, honking call used frequently around nesting site.

      Habits: A coastal bird often found on offshore islands far from the mainland; also ventures up large rivers and to reservoirs some distance from the sea. Picks large fish out of the water in spectacular swoops without getting wet; also takes a variety of other prey and scavenges along the shoreline. The nest is a massive structure in a large tree or on an offshore rock.


      Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus 68 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Distinguished from the similar and sympatric Lesser Fish-eagle, l. humilis (58 cm), only by larger size and distinct white base to tail.

      Voice: A wailing scream with short, chuckling notes heard at dawn and dusk.

      Habits: This shy forest bird frequents large rivers in the lowland and lower montane forest areas; also found around stagnant ponds and reservoirs. Usually seen as it takes off from its forest edge perch and flies low out of sight along the river. Seems to feed almost exclusively on freshwater fish; feeding and breeding habits little studied.


      Gyps himalayensis 130 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Unmistakable; largest of all raptors with a massive 10-kg body and 3-metre wingspan. Photo shows two immature birds.

      Voice: Usually silent.

      Habits: Resident from 1,500 to 4000 metres. Immature birds seem to disperse in small groups and may be found near forested hills. Soars on motionless, outstretched wings, covering ground and shifting elevation with incredible swiftness and speed.

      WHITE-RUMPED VULTURE (White-backed Vulture)

      Gyps bengalensis 89 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Distinguished from the similar and sympatric Long-billed Vulture G. indicus by blackish (not sandy brown) wings and prominent white rump.

      Voice: Usually silent.

      Habits: Feeds on carrion, mainly cattle carcasses. Remarkably tolerant of the human presence, often seen feeding on busy rubbish dumps and nesting in large trees in villages. Previously numerous in much of the region, but numbers are now much reduced, even in its stronghold of northern India, for reasons not fully understood.


      Sarcogyps calvus 81 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Note diagnostic red head and feet.

      Voice: Usually silent.

      Habits: Much reduced in numbers and no longer occurs near human habitation anywhere within this region. Mainly found as territorial pairs in remoter areas, especially along forested river valleys, from the lowlands to 2,000 metres. Shyer and less gregarious than other vultures. Feeds on carcasses of large mammals, often together with other scavengers.


      Spilornis cheela 81 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Somewhat scaly plumage and small crest are diagnostic (left); note white wing band on flying bird (right).

      Voice: A penetrating wheew-wheew when soaring carries far. Vocal.

      Habits: Essentially a forest bird that seems to prefer mature secondary growth along forest edges and clearings. Sits motionless on a mid-storey branch watching for prey, mostly tree snakes, but also some small mammals and birds. Often soars high over the forest on late morning thermals.


      Spilornis holospilus 56 cm F: Accipitridae

      Description: Unmistakable within its range. Recently accepted as a full species. Distinguished from previous species by more well-defined spots on underparts and wings.

      Voice: Similar to previous species.

      Habits: Occurs in forest and along forest edges, often seen in

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