Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia. Morten Strange

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Photographic Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia - Morten Strange

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145 Parrots - Psittacidae 150 Cuckoos - Cuculidae 159 Barn Owls - Tytonidae 160 Owls - Strigidae 165 Frogmouths - Batrochostomidae 168 Nightjars - Caprimulgidae 170 Swifts - Apodidae 173 Treeswifts - Hemiprocnidae 174 Trogons - Trogonidae 177 Kingfishers - Alcedinidae 184 Bee-eaters - Meropidae 187 Rollers - Coraciidae 188 Hoopoe - Upupidae 189 Hornbills - Bucerotidae 196 Barbets - Megalaimidae 203 Honeyguides - Indicatoridae 204 Woodpeckers - Picidae PASSERINES: 215 Broadbills - Eurylaimidae 218 Pittas - Pittidae 223 Larks - Alaudidae 224 Swallows - Hirundinidae 226 Cuckoo-shrikes, minivets 230 Ioras, leafbirds - Chloropseidae 234 Bulbuls - Pycnonotidae 249 Drongos - Dicruridae 253 Orioles - Oriolidae 255 Fairy Bluebirds - Irenidae 255 Crows, jays, magpies - Corvidae 260 Tits - Paridae 263 Nuthatches - Sittidae 264 Treecreepers - Certhiidae 264 Philippine Creepers - Rhabdornithidae 265 Babblers - Timaliidae 294 Thrashes - Turdidae 309 Warblers - Sylviidae 322 Flycatchers - Muscicapidae 333 Fantails - Rhipiduridae 335 Monarchs - Monarchidae 336 Whistlers, accentors -Pachycephalidae 338 Wagtails, pipits - Motacillidae 341 Wood-swallows - Artamidae 342 Shrikes - Laniidae 345 Starlings, mynas - Sturnidae 351 Sunbirds, spiderhunters - Nectariniidae 362 Flowerpeckers - Dicaeidae 366 White-eyes - Zosteropidae 368 Sparrows - Passeridae 369 Weavers - Ploceidae 371 Munias - Estrildidae 373 Finches - Fringillidae 375 Buntings - Emberizidae 376 GLOSSARY 379 BIBLIOGRAPHY 382 FURTHER INFORMATION

      Female Great Hornbill feeding young inside


      In January 1997 something unusual happened to me. I had dropped by to visit the local bird park on the Indonesian island of Bali, and while I was waiting at the parking lot for a friend to pick me up, Eric Oey, the CEO of Periplus Editions, unexpectedly appeared, I have known Eric For almost ten years, having supplied his company with a few photographs and occasional texts on Southeast Asian wildlife.

      Eric had decided to produce a new book on Southeast Asian birds, to be included in his Periplus Nature Guides series. Within 10 minutes, while standing there in the parking lot, the two of us had agreed on the concept for what later became Tropical Birds of Southeast Asia, Periplus Editions (1998).

      As it turned out, Eric's ambitions went further than this small introductory volume. He planned to publish a complete (as possible) photographic coverage of the birds found in Southeast Asia and Indonesia. This would be produced in a guide book format that birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts in the region could use for identification purposes and to further their knowledge of the birds' locations and habits.

      It is self-evident that in a photographic guide the photographs are of utmost importance. Since my reasonably comprehensive

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