Remedy Box. Amy J. Conway

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Remedy Box - Amy J. Conway

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is the largest organ of the body involved in the elimination process. When the kidneys and bowel systems are stressed, the toxins are eliminated through the skin. The toxins block the pores of the skin or irritate the follicles of the skin, causing rashes.”

      Many times a fungus-like rash will appear after a course of antibiotics. Fungal rashes are commonly called ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot. Vaginal yeast infections or thrush of the mouth, also funguses, may occur. Milk thistle taken three times a day helps the liver process the toxins through the body.


      Poison ivy is another rash many of us have encountered. For those of us who are not sure what the plant looks like, I’ve included an illustration to help identify the species.


      For all of us who suffer from premenstrual tension, also known as PMS, I have good news. Symptoms of bloating, anxiety, mood swings, cravings, cramps, and depression can be eliminated through proper diet. Fluctuating hormones do not have to control our lives. Nan Fuchs, states in her book, The Nutrition Detective, that “poor or unbalanced diets are often the cause of PMS, and good nutrition is a major part of the solution.” In a study she conducted with Dr. Guy Abraham, they found that “dietary and supplement changes resulted in a significant increase in both liver function and hormone production...PMS symptoms were greatly decreased or completely alleviated.”

      Those foods we crave right around the time our periods are due are the ones that have got to go. Sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, dairy (yes, ice cream and frozen yogurt) and unfortunately, chocolate. The salt and sugar cravings are a call for more magnesium. Dr. Fuchs recommends increased amounts of magnesium in the diet, as “it aids our body in absorbing calcium and vitamin B6, both anti-stress factors.” Foods high in magnesium are whole grains, legumes, and dark green vegetables.

      As a side note, I always assumed that dairy products were good sources of calcium. However, according to Sara Charno, “calcium in dairy is not the most easily assimilated form. Add to that the irritation of the gastrointestinal tract from the lactose and cassein and you have produced more harm than good.” Dairy products can increase the symtoms of bloating and cramping associated with PMS.

      Another cause of menstrual cramping is a lack of essential cold-pressed vegetable oils such as safflower oil. No oil or the wrong kind of oils—animal fat, margarine, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil—initiate cramps by supplying our bodies with chemicals that inhibit the natural uterine relaxant. Increase your intake of cold-pressed vegetable oils to relieve cramps.


      I experienced postpartum depression myself, and one of the best healing tools I found was the realization that I was not alone. This disorder is very common. Even severe postpartum depression is not as rare as we may think. Once I got past the shame and shared my feelings with other women, I heard stories that usually began with, “I’ve never told anyone this, I felt so ashamed...” These stories came from young women as well as women in their sixties. Women must realize they are not crazy or bad and that there is help. When traditional American Medical Association methods—antidepressants and hormone therapy—did not work, I found my own path and healed myself with understanding health practitioners in various alternative fields—acupuncture, nutrition, counseling, and support groups. I want to stress that there is help available and people who understand. The fluctuating hormones that accompany pregnancy and childbirth can be difficult to control, but there is no need to wait “a year until it goes away,” as I was told by various orthodox M.D.’s. Take action today to love and nurture yourself and your new baby.



      Let’s face it, at some point in our lives most of us encounter some sort of emotional challenge such as death of a loved one, loss of a job, or a major illness. Modem life is full of challenges, and many of us have not learned appropriate coping methods. When we are faced with these catastrophes, our nervous systems become overloaded. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that work without side effects or addiction. -

      Bach Flowers are extremely useful in the treatment of emotional challenges. What exactly are Bach Flowers? Two years before his death, Edward Bach wrote, “The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open up our channels for the reception of the Spiritual Self; to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault that is causing harm.” I know this sounds esoteric and New Age, but I took the Rescue Remedy Bach Flower regularly when I needed the strength to help my father while he was dying of cancer. It helped immensely. Bach Flower books are available in most health food stores and bookstores.

      In addition to the remedies included in the Remedy Box, I again encourage support groups as they are wonderful tools for expressing emotional concerns and receiving valuable feedback. Skilled psychotherapists, body workers, acupuncturists, and art therapists can also help to rebalance and restore emotional health. Find a qualified health practitioner to work with who will help you gain confidence in yourself. It takes a lot of courage to face painful issues in our lives, but the rewards are many and priceless. Have faith. Know that all joy, happiness, abundance, and peace is your birthright.

      • CHAPTER FIVE •

      What Else Can I Do To

       Relieve Discomfort?

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