Photographic Guide to the Birds of Malaysia & Singapore. Morten Strange

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Photographic Guide to the Birds of Malaysia & Singapore - Morten Strange

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      Copyright© 2000 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd

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      A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Malaysia and Singapore

       ISBN: 978-1-4629-1561-3 (ebook)


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       Grebes - Podicipedidae

       Pelicans - Pelecanidae

       Boobies - Sulidae

       Cormorants - Phalacrocoracidae

       Darters - Anhingidae

       Frigatebirds - Fregatidae

       Herons, egrets, bitterns - Ardeidae

       Storks - Ciconiidae

       Ibises - Threskiornithidae

       Geese, ducks - Anatidae

       Osprey - Pandionidae

       Hawks, eagles, vultures - Accipitrae

       Falcons - Falconidae

       Pheasants - Phasianidae

       Buttonquail -Turnicidae

       Cranes - Gruidae

       Rails, crakes - Rallidae

       Finfoots - Heliornithidae

       Jacanas - jacanidae

       Paintedsnipe - Rostratulidae

       Oystercatchers - Haematopodidae

       Lapwings, plovers - Charadriidae

       Curlews, sandpipers, snipe -Scolopacidae

       Stilts, avocets - Recutvirostridae

       Phalaropes - Phalaropidae

       Thick-knees - Burhinidae

       Pratincoles - Glareolidae

       Gulls, terns - Laridae

       Pigeons, doves - Columbidae

       Parrots - Psittacidae

       Cuckoos - Cuculidae

       Barn Owls - Tytonidae

       Owls - Strigidae

       Frogmouths - Batrochostomidae

       Nightjars - Caprimulgidae

       Swifts - Apodidae

       Treeswifts - Hemiprocnidae

       Trogons - Trogonidae

       Kingfishers - Alcedinidae

       Bee-eaters - Meropidae

       Rollers - Coraciidae

       Hoopoe - Upupidae

       Hornbills - Bucerotidae

       Barbets - Megalaimidae

       Honeyguides - Indicatoridae

       Woodpeckers - Picidae


       Broadbills - Eurylaimidae

       Pittas - Pittidae

       Larks - Alaudidae

       Swallows - Hirundinidae

       Cuckoo-shrikes, minivets

       Ioras, leafbirds - Chloropseidae

       Bulbuls - Pycnonotidae

       Drongos - Dicruridae

       Orioles - Oriolidae

       Fairy Bluebirds - Irenidae

       Crows, jays, magpies - Corvidae

       Tits - Paridae

       Nuthatches - Sittidae

       Treecreepers - Certhiidae

       Philippine Creepers - Rhabdornithidae

       Babblers - Timaliidae

       Thrashes - Turdidae

       Warblers - Sylviidae

       Flycatchers - Muscicapidae

       Fantails - Rhipiduridae

       Monarchs - Monarchidae

       Whistlers, accentors -Pachycephalidae

       Wagtails, pipits - Motacillidae

       Wood-swallows - Artamidae

       Shrikes - Laniidae

       Starlings, mynas - Sturnidae

       Sunbirds, spiderhunters - Nectariniidae

       Flowerpeckers - Dicaeidae

       White-eyes - Zosteropidae

       Sparrows - Passeridae

       Weavers - Ploceidae

       Munias - Estrildidae

       Finches - Fringillidae


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