Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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nguyeân aâm n. semi-vowel

      baùn nieân n. half year, one semester

      baùn soáng baùn cheát adj. being in danger of one’s life

      baùn thaân n. bust

      baùn thaân baát toaïi n. hemiplegia

      baùn tín baùn nghi adj. doubtful, dubious

      baùn töï ñoäng adj. semi-automatic

      baøn 1 n. table, desk: caùi baøn hoïc study table; baøn chaân foot; baøn chaûi brush; baøn ñaïp pedal; baøn gheá furniture; baøn thôø altar 2 v. [SV luaän] to discuss, to deliberate [ñeán, veà about]

      baøn baïc v. to discuss, to deliberate

      baøn caõi v. to debate

      baøn giao v. to transfer, to hand over

      baûn 1 n. edition, copy, impression [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties, etc.]: moät baûn hieäp öôùc a treaty; moät baûn baùo caùo a report 2 n. R root, base, origin, source (= goác)

      baûn doanh n. headquarters

      baûn ñoà n. map

      baûn leà n. hinge

      baûn naêng n. instinct

      baûn ngaõ n. ego, self

      baûn quyeàn n. copyright

      baûn sao n. a photocopy [of an original document]

      baûn saéc n. character, identity: baûn saéc daân toäc national identity

      baûn thaûo n. draft, rough draft

      baûn xöù n. local/native country

      baïn n. [SV höõu] friend, comrade: nöôùc baïn friendly nation; baïn traêm naêm spouse, husband, wife

      baïn ñoïc n. reader: traû lôøi thö baïn ñoïc to answer readers’ letters

      baïn haøng n. customer, fellow trader

      bang n. R state, country, nation: laân bang neighboring state; lieân bang union, federation

      bang giao v. to have relations with

      baùng 1 n. butt, stock: baùng suùng butt 2 n. ascites

      baøng baïc v. to teem, to overflow

      baøng hoaøng adj. stunned, dumb-founded, stupefied

      baøng quan v. to look on: keû baøng quan spectator

      baøng thính v. to audit [class, course]; to listen in

      baûng n. sign, placard: yeát leân baûng thoâng baùo to put up on the notice-board

      baùnh 1 n. cake, pie, pastry: baùnh ngoït cake; baùnh mì bread; baùnh bao dumpling; baùnh boø sponge cake; baùnh cuoán steamed rolled rice pancake 2 n. wheel: baùnh xe car wheel; tay baùnh laùi steer- ing wheel

      baùnh Trung thu n. mid-autumn festival cake

      baønh toâ n. jacket, coat

      baønh tröôùng v. to develop, to expand, to spread

      bao 1 pron. how much, how many; so much, so many; some, any: Bao giôø? When?, What time?; Bao nhieâu? How much? How many?; bao giôø cuõng ñöôïc any time 2 n. envelope, bag: moät bao thuoác laù a pack of cigarettes 3 v. to pack, to wrap, to cover: bao boïc to protect; bao goàm to include

      bao che v. to screen

      bao dung adj. generous, tolerant

      bao phuû v. to cover up

      bao quaùt v. to embrace, to include

      bao töû n. stomach: beänh ñau bao töû stomach-ache

      bao vaây v. to besiege, to encircle

      baùo 1 v. to announce, to notify, to report 2 n. newspaper: tôø baùo haøng ngaøy, nhaät baùo a daily newspaper; nhaø baùo journalist

      baùo caùo v. to report

      baùo chí n. newspaper and magazine; the press: thoâng caùo baùo chí press release

      baùo danh n. candidate list

      baùo ñoäng v. to alarm, to alert, to be in an emergency

      baùo giôùi n. the press, media

      baùo hæ n. wedding announcement

      baùo hieáu v. to show gratitude towards one’s parents: toû loøng baùo hieáu cha meï to convey one’s filial piety towards one’s parents

      baùo hieäu v. to give the signal

      baùo thuø v. to avenge oneself

      baùo thöùc v. to wake up: ñoàng hoà baùo thöùc alarm clock

      baùo tin v. to inform, to advise, to announce

      baøo 1 v. to plane 2 n. caùi baøo plane: voû baøo shavings 3 n. R womb: ñoàng baøo compatriot, fellow countryman

      baøo cheá v. to produce medicines, to make drugs: nhaø baøo cheá pharmacist, pharmacologist

      baøo chöõa v. to defend

      baøo ngö n. abalone

      baøo thai n. fetus

      baûo v. to say [to], to tell [raèng that]: khuyeân baûo/raên baûo to advise

      baûo an n. security: Hoäi ñoàng Baûo An the Security Council

      baûo ñaûm v. to guarantee, to assure; to register

      baûo haønh v. to give a warranty

      baûo hieåm v. to insure, to assure, to guarantee

      baûo hoaøng v. to be royalist/ monarchist

      baûo hoä v. to protect

      baûo keâ v. to register, to insure

      baûo maät v. to keep secretly, to be confidential

      baûo quyeán n. [precious] family

      baûo vaät n. precious things, valuables (= quí)

      baûo veä v. to protect, to guard, to preserve (= giöõ)

      baûo taøng vieän n. museum

      baûo thuû v. to be conservative

      baûo toaøn v. to keep intact, to preserve perfectly

      baûo toàn v. to preserve: baûo toàn vaên hoaù to preserve one’s culture

      baûo trôï v. to protect, to sponsor: quyeàn baûo trôï patronage, sponsorship

      baûo veä v. to preserve, to guard, to defend

      baõo n. typhoon, storm, hurricane: côn/traän baõo storm; baõo tuyeát snowstorm

      baõo hoøa adj. saturated

      baõo taùp n. violent storm, severe hurricane

      baïo adj. daring, brave, bold

      baïo beänh n. serious illness

      baïo chuùa n. tyrant

      baïo daïn adj. bold, daring, fearless

      baïo ñoäng v. to be violent

      baïo löïc n. repression, violence

      baïo taøn v. to be cruel, to be wicked

      baát baïo ñoäng adj. non-violent

      baùt 1 n. eating bowl: moät baùt côm a bowl of rice 2 num. eight (= taùm): baùt giaùc octagon

      baùt dóa n. bowls and plates; dishes: maùy röûa baùt ñóa dish washer


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