Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
Читать онлайн книгу.nghi v. to suspect
hieåm adj. dangerous, perilous: nguy hieåm dangerous; nham hieåm/thaâm hieåm to be cunning, sly, wily
hieåm ñòa n. strategic area
hieåm ñoäc adj. to be cunning, sly, wicked
hieåm hoaï n. danger, peril
hieåm hoác adj. dangerous, tricky
hieåm ngheøo adj. dangerous, perilous, difficult
hieåm trôû adj. [of road, place] dangerous, obstructive
hieåm yeáu adj. strategically important
hieân n. veranda, porch
hieân ngang adj. haughty, proud
hieán v. to offer
hieán binh n. military police(man)
hieán chöông n. constitution, charter: baûn Hieán Chöông Lieân Hôïp Quoác the United Nations Charter
hieán phaùp n. constitution: thay ñoåi hieán phaùp to amend the constitution
hieàn adj. mild, sweet, meek, good-natured, gentle; R [of wife] virtuous, loyal, worthy
hieàn ñeä n. you, my brother
hieàn haäu adj. mild, kind, benevolent
hieàn huynh n. you, my brother
hieàn laønh adj. meek, good-natured
hieàn nhaân n. virtuous man
hieàn só n. virtuous man
hieàn taøi adj. virtuous and talented
hieàn thaàn n. loyal subject
hieàn trieát n. sage, philosopher
hieàn töø adj. kind, indulgent
hieån danh v. to become famous
hieån ñaït v. to succeed [in one’s career]
hieån haùch adj. brilliant, illustrious, highly glorious
hieån hieän v. to appear clearly
hieån linh v., adj. to be miraculous; to turn out to be powerful
hieån minh v. to be clearly demonstrated
hieån nhieân v., adj. to be evident; to be obvious manifest; evident
hieån vi adj. microscopic
hieån vinh adj. successful and honorable
hieän 1 v. to appear, to become visible 2 adv. now, at present
hieän dòch n. active service, permanent military service
hieän dieän v. to be present
hieän ñaïi n., adj. present times; contemporary, modern
hieän ñaïi hoaù v. to modernize
hieän giôø adv. at present
hieän haønh v. [of law] to be in force or in effect
hieän hình v. to appear
hieän höõu v., adj. to exist at present; present, existing
hieän kim n. (= tieàn maët) actual cash
hieän nay n. nowadays, at the present time
hieän taïi n., adv. present, at present
hieän thaân n. personification, incarnation
hieän thôøi n. present, now
hieän thöïc adj. realistic
hieän tình n. the present situation, present conditions
hieän traïng n. present situation
hieän töôïng n. phenomenon
hieän vaät n. things in nature, object; payment in kind; material things
hieáng adj. squint-eyed, cross-eyed
hieáp v. to oppress, to bully: aên hieáp, öùc hieáp to oppress
hieáp daâm v. to assault, to rape
hieäp 1 v. (= hôïp) to come together, to unite 2 n. round [in boxing]; half [of soccer]
hieäp ñònh n. agreement, convention: hieäp ñònh thöông maïi trade agreement
hieäp ñoàng n. contract
hieäp hoäi n. association
hieäp khaùch n. knight
hieäp löïc v. to unite, to join forces
hieäp thöông v. to confer, to negotiate
hieäp öôùc n. pact, treaty: hieäp öôùc phoøng thuû defense treaty; hieäp öôùc thaân thieän treaty of friendship
hieáu adj., n. dutiful, filial, pious; filial piety: baát hieáu to be impious
hieáu chieán adj. warlike, bellicose
hieáu danh v. to thirst for fame
hieáu döôõ ng v. to nurse one’s parents
hieáu ñeå adj. dutiful toward one’s parents
hieáu ñoäng adj. lively, active, dynamic, restless
hieáu haïnh n., adj. filial piety; dutiful
hieáu hoaø adj. peace-loving
hieáu hoïc adj. studious
hieáu kyø adj. curious
hieáu nghóa n. filial piety
hieáu saéc adj. lustful, lewd
hieáu thaûo adj. pious
hieáu thaéng adj. ambitious, aggressive
hieáu trung n. piety and loyalty
hieåu v. to understand, to grasp
hieåu bieát v., n., adj. to understand; understanding
hieåu duï n. notice, announcement
hieåu laàm v. to misunderstand
hieåu ngaàm v. to understand through hints
hieäu 1 n. (= tieäm) shop, store, department store 2 n. pen name, pseudonym; nickname: quoác hieäu official name of a country 3 n. signal, sign: nhaõn hieäu trade mark, label
hieäu chính v. to regulate, to check, to revise
hieäu ñính v. to edit, to check
hieäu ñoaøn n. student council
hieäu leänh n. order, command
hieäu löïc n., adj. effect, validity; effective
hieäu naêng n. efficacy, efficiency
hieäu nghieäm adj. effective, efficient
hieäu quaû n. effect, result
hieäu soá n. difference, remainder
hieäu suaát n. efficiency, yield
hieäu trieäu v. to appeal
hieäu truôûng n. high school principal, primary school principal, headmaster, university president
hình n. form, figure; appearance, image, photograph, picture, illustration (= aûnh): maùy hình camera; voâ hình invisible
hình aûnh n. image, picture
hình baùt giaùc n. octogon(al)
hình baàu duïc n., adj. oval; elliptical
hình boán caïnh n. quadrilateral
hình caàu n., adj. sphere; spherical