Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
Читать онлайн книгу.chè tea set; pha chè to make tea; rượu chè alcohol; to be a tea drinker; chè hạt/hột/nụ tea buds; chè tươi/ xanh green tea; chè (ướp) sen lotus tea; chè hoa nhài jasmine tea 2 n. pudding, custard, dessert dish using such ingredients as soybeans, sugar, peas, lotus seeds, etc.
chẻ v. to split, to chop [wood]
chém v. [SV trảm] to cut, to chop; to behead: chém cổ/chém đầu to cut off someone’s head; máy chém guillotine
chen v. to creep in; to elbow one’s way through a crowd: chen chúc to jostle
chén n. [SV bôi] cup (= tách), eating bowl (= bát): đánh chén/cạn chén to empty one’s cup [of wine]
chèn v. to chock [wheel, etc.]; to force [opponent, cyclist, motorist] out of his path
cheo n. betrothal, engagement fee: nộp cheo to pay the engagement fee
cheo leo adj. perched way up high
chéo adj. slanted, tilted, diagonal
chèo 1 v. to row [boat, oar]; to paddle: chèo thuyền to row a boat 2 n. comedy, farce
chép 1 v. to copy, to transcribe, to note down, to write down: ghi chép to note down 2 v. to smack: chép miệng to smack one’s mouth
chét v. (= trét) to fill [crack, hole]
chẹt v. to crush, to run over; to be strangled, to be crushed in between: chết chẹt to be run over; to be caught between two fires
chê v. to belittle, to spurn, to criticize, to scorn, to find fault with [opp. khen]: chê cười to laugh at, to mock
chê bai v. to criticize, to scorn
chê cười v. to laugh at, to mock
chế 1 v. to jeer, to mock: chế bác to scoff [at]; chế riễu to mock at 2 v. to manufacture; to process: bào chế to prepare drugs; sáng chế to invent; chế biến thức ăn to process food 3 v. R system; R to moderate, to limit, to control: hạn chế to limit; tiết chế to control; pháp chế legislation; binh chế military system; học chế educational system
chế biến v. to process
chế dục v. to restrain one’s desire
chế định v. to determine, to decide
chế độ n. system, regime, -ism: chế độ quân chủ monarchy; chế độ tiền tệ monetary system; chế độ thuế má tax system; chế độ khoa cử examination system
chế ngự v. to control, to restrain, to bridle
chế nhạo v. to mock, to jeer
chế phục n. uniform; mourning clothes
chế tác v. to create, to invent
chế tạo v. to manufacture, to make: nhà chế tạo manufacturer
chếch adj. tilted, slanting
chêm v. to wedge; to add: nói chêm vào to break in
chễm chệ adj. sitting in a solemn, haughty manner
chênh adj. tilted, slanting; very different
chênh chếch adj. oblique, tilted, slanted
chênh lệch adj., n. uneven, unequal; different; at variance
chếnh choáng adj. tipsy, groggy, tight
chểnh mảng adj., v. to be negligent, be neglectful; to neglect
chết v., adv. [SV tử] to die; [of timepiece, machine] to stop; extremely, awfully [follows main verb]: xác chết corpse; giết chết to kill; đánh chết to beat to death; cái chết của ông ấy his death; chết vì to die of, to die from, to die for; đâm chết to stab to death; cắn chết to bite, to sting to death; Chết chưa! Chết Chửa! Oh, my gosh!
chết cha intj. Oh my god!: chết cha! Làm sao bây giờ! Oh! Damn it! What to do now?
chết dở v. to be between life and death, to have [financial] trouble
chết điếng v. to be half dead [because of pain, shock]
chết đói v. to starve to death
chết đuối v. to be drowned
chết giấc v. to lose consciousness, to swoon
chết hụt v. to escape death [very narrowly]
chết (mê chết) mệt v. to be madly in love with
chết ngạt v. to be asphyxiated, to be suffocated
chết ngất v. to swoon, to faint, to be unconscious
chết non v. (= chết yểu) to die young
chết oan v. to die because of someone’s injustice or error, to die innocently
chết sống n., adv. life and death; at any cost, in any case, in any event
chết toi v. to die of a contagious disease, to die in an epidemic
chết tươi v. to die on the spot, to die in one’s boots
chết yểu v. to die young
chệt n. Chinese
chi 1 pron. (= gì) What?; something, anything, everything: không can chi it doesn’t matter; hèn chi no wonder; huống chi all the more reason, especially when; phương chi all the more reason; vị chi …. that makes ... 2 n. R branch (= cành); limb: tứ chi the four limbs 3 v. to pay, to disburse, to spend [opp. thu] out: tăng thu giảm chi to increase the income and to cut the spending
chi bộ n. cell of a political party
chi cấp v. to allot, to grant, to provide
chi chít adj. thickly set; all over, condensed
chi cục n. branch office
chi dụng v. to pay, to spend
chi đội n. detachment [army]
chi hội n. branch of association/society
chi li adj. to be stingy; particular
chi nhánh n. branch office
chi phí n. expenses, expenditures: chi phí ăn ở living expenses
chi phiếu n. check
chi phối v. to control, to govern, to rule
chi thu n. expenditures and receipts
chi tiết n. detail: đầy đủ chi tiết fully detailed, in full detail
chi tiêu v. to spend
chí 1 n. will, resolution: ý chí ambition, aim; chí khí, chí hướng purpose in life; đồng chí comrade; khoái chí to be happy; bất đắc chí to be discontent; thiện chí goodwill 2 v. R to arrive, to each (= đến, tới); to, until: từ bắc chí nam from the north to the south; từ đầu chí cuối from beginning to end; tự cổ chí kim from ancient times; làm chí chết to work very hard 3 adv. R very, quite, most: chí phải quite right; chí hiếu very pious; chí lý quite right; chí chết/chí tử [slang] to the utmost, to death 4 n. head louse 5 n. R magazine, newspaper: báo chí press; tạp chí magazine, journal
chí chóe v. to quarrel, to argue noisily
chí hướng n. ambition, aim, purpose in life
chí khí n. will, purpose, integrity
chí lý adj. most reasonable
chí nguyện n. volunteer
chí sĩ n. retired mandarin; strong-willed scholar