Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
Читать онлайн книгу.thằng, cậu, người, ông; em gái younger sister CL con, cô, người, bà 2 pron. I, me [used by younger sibling to elder brother or elder sister, second person pronoun being anh or chị respectively]; you [used by elder brother or elder sister to younger sibling, first person pronoun being anh]; you [used by young man to his sweetheart or by husband to wife, first person pronoun being anh]; you [used to young child]
em dâu n. sister-in-law
em họ n. cousin [male or female]
em rể n. [one’s younger sister’s husband] brother-in-law
em út n. youngest brother or sister
ém v. to cover up, to hide: ém chuyện đó đi, không nên nói với ai to cover up that story, do not tell anyone
én n. swallow
eng éc v., n. [of pig] to squeal; squeal
eo n. waist: đo vòng eo được bao nhiêu to measure a waist to find out the circumference
eo bể n. straits
eo đất n. isthmus
eo éo v. to scream
eo hẹp adj. [of financial situation] scanty, too tight
eo óc n. confused noise
eo ôi! exclam. interjection showing disgust, surprise
éo le adj. [of situation] tricky, full of surprises, awkward
ẻo lả adj. weak, thin, feeble
ẽo ợt adj. in an effected voice: ăn nói ẽo ợt to speak in an effected voice
ép v. to squeeze, to press, to extract, to press out [oil, wine, etc.]; to force: ép cam to squeeze an orange; ép ai làm việc gì to force someone to do something
ép duyên v. to force a woman to marry against her will
ép nài v. to insist, to urge someone to do something
ép uổng v. to force, to compel
ẹp adj. crushed, flattened
ét n. [Fr. aide-chaufleur] driver’s assistant
Ét Tô Ni n. Estonia, Estonian
ét xăng n. [Fr. essence] petrol, gasoline; cây (ét) xăng, trạm (ét) xăng petrol station, gasoline pump; thùng ét xăng jerry can; gasoline drum; gas tank [in car]
ê 1 exclam. Hey! 2 adj. numb, sore, aching 3 v. to be ashamed, to feel ashamed
ê a v. to make noises loudly and unceasingly [as a child studying a primer aloud]
ê ẩm adj. tired, exhausted: đau ê ẩm a dull pain
ê chề adj. [of pain] overwhelmed by anguish
ê hề adj. abundant, too much: thức ăn ê hề too much food
ế adj. to have no customer, in little demand, quiet: ế hàng could not sell; ế vợ [of man] to have trouble getting a wife; ế chồng [of woman] to have trouble finding someone to marry
ếch n. frog: ếch nhái frog and tadpole
êm adj. [of music, voice] soft, [of weather] calm, [of seat, cushion] to be soft; êm như ru sweet
êm ả adj. quiet, peaceful, calm: một ngày êm ả a peaceful day
êm ái adj. soft, tender, sweet; melodious
êm ấm adj. peaceful, tranquil, calm
êm dịu adj. sweet, gentle: lời nói êm dịu sweet words
êm đềm adj. quiet and gentle
êm giấc v., adj. to sleep soundly; sleeping well
êm ru adj. very mild, very soft; smooth-sailing, quiet
êm tai adj. pleasing to the ear, melodious: tiếng nhạc nghe êm tai a melodious song
êm thấm adj., adv. amicable, peaceful; amicably
ếm v. to bring bad luck by one’s presence; to exorcize: ếm ma quỷ to exorcize evil spirits
êu intj. Bloody bad! Phew!
êu ôi exclam. Phew!
ga 1 n. [Fr. gas] accelerator: dận ga to step on the accelerator; tăng ga lên to step hard on the accelerator 2 n. [Fr. gare] railroad station, bus station: nhà ga railway station; xếp ga station master
ga-la n. gala
ga-lăng adj. gallant
ga ra n. garage
ga-răng-ti n. guarantee
gá v. to harbor [gamblers]: gá bạc to run a gambling den
gà 1 n. [SV kê] chicken, fowl CL con: trứng gà egg; cuộc chọi gà cock fight; chuồng gà fowl house, hen house; lồng gà chicken coop 2 v. to give advice on, to assist someone
gà chọi n. fighting cock
gà con n. chick
gà giò n. chicken
gà gô n. young partridge
gà mái n. biddy, hen
gà mờ adj. dim, obscure: mắt gà mờ dim-sighted
gà nòi n. pure bred cock
gà rừng n. wood grouse, grouse
gà sống n. rooster
gà tây n. turkey
gà thiến n. capon
gà trống n. rooster
gả v. to give [one’s daughter] in marriage
gã n. individual, block, chap, young man
gạ v. to court, to woo, to seduce [a young girl]; to coax, to wheedle, to cajole, to persuade
gạ chuyện v. to try to approach someone
gạ gẫm v. to make approaches to, to persuade someone
gác 1 n. upper floor: thang gác staircase; trên gác upstairs 2 v. to put, to place, to set on: gác chân lên bàn to put one’s legs on the table 3 v. [Fr. garde] to keep, to guard: lính gác watchman; gác cửa to keep the door; người gác cửa door-keeper; canh gác mounted guards
gác bếp n. kitchen shelf
gác bỏ v. to set aside: gác bỏ ngoài tai to not listen, to pay no attention to
gác bút v. to put away one’s pen, to stop writing
gác chuông n. bell-tower, belfry: gác chuông nhà thờ a church bell-tower
gác thượng n. upper story, top floor
gác xép n. garret, loft, small floor
gạc 1 n. antlers [of deer] 2 v. to cross out: gạc tên trong danh sách to cross out the name on the list
gạch 1 n. brick: nhà gạch brick house; lát gạch to pave [with bricks or tiles]; lò gạch brick kiln 2 v. to draw [a line]; to cross out: gạch một đường to draw a line
gạch cua n. red-yellow fat inside the shell of a crab
gạch dưới v. to underline: gạch dưới những từ quan trọng to underline the important words
gạch men n. tile: lót gạch men sàn nhà to lay floor tiles
gạch nối n. hyphen (-)
gai 1 n. thorn: chông