Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      bố dượng n step-father

      bố láo adj cheeky

      bố phòng v to take defense measures

      bố thí v to give alms, to give to charities

      bố trí v to arrange, to deploy (troops)

      bộ n 1 set of items 2 govern­ment department 3 appear­ance, look, gait

      bộ binh n infantry

      bộ dạng n figure, gesture

      bộ điều khiển n control unit

      bộ điều tốc n speed control unit

      bộ điệu n gesture, attitude

      bộ đồ n suit

      bộ đội n army

      bộ hạ n subordinate

      bộ hành n pedestrian

      bộ khuếch đại n amplifier set

      bộ lạc n tribe

      bộ luật n set of law

      bộ luật dân sự n civil law

      bộ luật hình sự n criminal law

      bộ máy n system; machine

      bộ máy hô hấp n respiratory system

      bộ máy tiêu hoá n digestive system

      bộ mặt n face, look, air

      bộ môn n subject

      bộ nhớ n memory

      bộ óc n brain

      bộ phận n part (of a machine), organ

      bộ trưởng n minister (of a government department)

      bộ vi xử lí n micro-processor

      bộ xử lí n processor

      bộ xương n skeleton

      bốc v to pick with one’s fingers

      bốc dỡ v to load and unload

      bốc đồng v to be hotheaded

      bốc hơi v to evaporate

      bốc phét v to boast

      bốc vác v to load and unload by hands

      bộc lộ v to expose, to reveal

      bộc phát v to flare up; to happen suddenly

      bộc trực adj frank, outspoken

      bôi v to apply in a thin layer

      bôi bác v to smear

      bôi nhọ v to slander, to soil, to dishonor

      bồi n houseboy, porter, waiter

      bồi bàn n waiter, waitress

      bồi bổ v to foster; to strengthen

      bồi bút n hack writer, ghost writer

      bồi dưỡng v to feed up, to cultivate

      bồi đắp v to consolidate, to raise level of

      bồi hoàn v to refund money, to reimburse

      bồi hồi adj fretty

      bồi phòng n room-keeper, chambermaid

      bồi thẩm n juror

      bồi thẩm đoàn n jury

      bồi thường v to pay damages, to pay compensation for

      bối cảnh n background, setting

      bối rối adj uneasy, perplexed

      bội v to break

      bội bạc adj unfaithful

      bội chi adj overspending

      bội nghĩa v to betray, to be unfaithful

      bội ơn v to be ungrateful

      bội số n multiple

      bội thu adj bumper, yield more than usual

      bội thực v to have indigestion, to have stomach upset

      bội tín v to violate a trust

      bội tinh n medal

      bội ước v to break one’s promise

      bôn ba v to run after (honors and wealth); to wander

      bồn n basin, vase; bed

      bồn chồn adj anxious, worried

      bồn hoa n flower bed

      bổn phận n duty, obligation

      bốn num four

      bốn mươi num forty

      bốn phương n four directions, everywhere

      bông n 1 cotton, cotton-wool 2 flower

      bông đùa v to make a joke

      bông lông adj vague, unsettled, aimless

      bông tai n earring

      bồng v to carry in one’s arms

      bồng bế v to carry by arms

      bồng bềnh v to bob

      bồng bột adj enthusiastic; eager, ebullient

      bồng lai n fairland

      bổng I n benefits; bonus II adj high-pitched, rising up

      bổng lộc n bonus, fringe benefits

      bỗng adv suddenly

      bỗng chốc adv suddenly

      bỗng dưng adv by chance, by accident

      bỗng nhiên adv suddenly

      bốp chat v to be snappy, to be blunt

      bộp chộp adj to be of a impulsive nature

      bốt n 1 boot 2 post, station

      bột n flour, powder

      bột phát v to flare up; to happen suddenly

      bơ n butter

      bơ phờ adj tired; dishevelled

      bơ vơ adj lonely, desolate

      bờ n edge, rim; bank

      bờ bến n bound; coast

      bờ cõi n frontier, territory

      bờ lu dông n blouse, lumber-jacket

      bờ rào n fence, hedge

      bở adj friable, crumbly

      bở hơi tai adj flagged out

      bỡ ngỡ adj new and unexperienced

      bợ v to hold with both palms

      bợ đỡ v to flatter, to be toady

      bơi v to swim

      bơi bướm v to swim the butterfly stroke

      bơi ếch v to swim breast stroke

      bơi lội v to swim

      bơi sải v to swim the trudgen stroke

      bởi vì conj because

      bởi thế conj therefore, because of

      bởi vậy conj therefore

      bởi vì conj because, since

      bới v to dig up


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