Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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      huǒxīng 火星 n Mars

      huózhe 活着 v, adj to live (be alive); alive

      huòzhě 或者 conj or

      hūshì 忽视 v to ignore

      hùshi 护士 n nurse

      hútu 糊涂 adj confused (mentally)

      húxū 胡须 n beard

      hùzhào 护照 n passport


      jī 鸡 n chicken

      jǐ 几 adj several

      jì 系 v to tie

      jì 寄 v to post, mail

      jì bù ... yòu bù 既不 ... 又不 conj neither ... nor

      Jǐ ge? 几个? how many?

      jǐ shí 几十 n tens of, multiples of ten

      jiā 加 v to add

      jiā 家 n home, family

      jiǎ dòngzuò 假动作 n feint (sports)

      jiā xiāngliào de 加香料的 adj spicy

      jiābān 加班 n, v overtime; to work overtime

      jiābīn 嘉宾 n honored guest, VIP

      jiǎchàng 假唱 n lip-synch

      jiǎde 假的 adj false (not true)

      jiǎdìng 假定 v to suppose

      jiàgé 价格 n cost (price), tariff

      jiàgé tīngzhènghuì 价格听证会 n public price hearings

      jiāgōng chùlǐ 加工处理 adj processed (food)

      jiǎgǔwén 甲骨文 n oracle bone inscriptions

      jiājù 家具 n furniture

      jiāmì píndào 加密频道 n encoded channel

      jiāmì 加密 v, adj to encrypt; encrypted

      jiǎmào wěiliè chǎnpǐn 假冒伪劣产品 n counterfeit and shoddy products

      jiǎmàode 假冒的 adj false (imitation)

      jiān 煎 v to fry

      jiǎn 减 v to minus

      jiàn 件 n piece, item

      jiàn 建 v to build

      jiàn 键 n key (computer)

      jiānbǎng 肩膀 n shoulder

      jiǎnchá 检查 v to inspect, examine

      jiǎncǎi 剪彩 n, v ribbon-cutting ceremony; to cut the ribbon

      jiānchí 坚持 n to stick to

      jiǎndān 简单 adj simple (uncomplicated, modest)

      jiǎndāo 剪刀 n scissors

      jiāndìng 坚定 adj firm (definite)

      jiāndū bùmén 监督部门 n watchdog

      jiānduān 尖端 n end (tip), point

      jiǎnduǎn 简短 adj brief

      jiǎnféi 减肥 v to lose weight

      jiǎnfù 减负 v to alleviate burdens on sb

      jiāng 姜 n ginger

      jiǎng 讲 v to speak; to tell (a story)

      jiǎnghuà 讲话 n speech

      jiàngjià 降价 v to reduce (price)

      jiǎngjià 讲价 v to bargain

      jiānglái 将来 adv in future

      jiǎngshī 讲师 n lecturer (at university)

      jiàngxī 降息 v to reduce interest (finance)

      jiāngyào 将要 modal v shall, will

      jiàngyóu 酱油 n soy sauce

      jiǎngzuò 讲座 n lecture

      jiāniánhuá 嘉年华 n carnival

      jiànjìn wěishēng 渐近尾声 v to draw to a close

      jiānjué 坚决 adj determined, stubborn

      jiànkāng 健康 adj healthy

      jiànlì 建立 v to establish, set up

      jiànmiàn 见面 v to meet

      jiànpán 键盘 n keyboard (of computer)

      Jiǎnpǔzhài 柬埔寨 n Cambodia

      Jiǎnpǔzhàide 柬埔寨的 adj Cambodian (in general)

      Jiǎnpǔzhàirén 柬埔寨人 n Cambodian (people)

      Jiǎnpǔzhàiyǔ 柬埔寨语 n Cambodian (language)

      jiǎnqǐ 检起 v to pick up; to lift (something)

      jiǎnqù 减去 v less, minus

      jiānruì 尖锐 adj sharp

      jiǎnruò 减弱 v to decline (get less)

      jiǎnshǎo 减少 v to decrease

      jiànshēn duànliàn 健身锻炼 n fitness training

      jiànyì 建议 v, n to suggest; suggestion

      jiǎnyuán zēngxiào 减员增效 v to downsize staff and improve efficiency

      jiǎnzhí bù 简直不 adv hardly

      jiànzhù 建筑 n architecture

      jiànzhù miànjī 建筑面积 n floorage

      jiāo 交 v to hand in

      jiāo 教 v to teach

      jiǎo 脚 n foot

      jiào 叫 v, adj to be called, named

      jiāo’ào 骄傲 adj proud

      jiàobǎn 叫板 v to challenge

      jiāodàizhǐ 胶带纸 n tape (adhesive)

      jiàofù 教父 n godfather

      jiàohǎn 叫喊 v to yell

      jiāohuàn liúxuéshēng 交换留学生 n exchange student

      jiāojǐng 交警 n traffic police

      jiāojuǎn 胶卷 n film (camera)

      jiāoliú 交流 v to exchange (opinions)

      jiǎoluò 角落 n corner

      jiàomǔ 教母 n godmother

      jiǎoqiú 角球 n corner (soccer)

      jiàoshī 教师 n teacher

      jiàoshì 教士 n priest

      jiǎotā shidì 脚踏实地 adj be down-to-earth

      jiàotáng 教堂 n church

      jiāotōng 交通 n traffic

      jiāotōng dǔsè 交通堵塞 n traffic jam

      jiàowùchù 教务处 n dean’s office

      jiàoxǐng 叫醒 v to awaken, wake someone up

      jiàoxuéfǎ 教学法 n pedagogy; teaching method

      jiāoyì 交易

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