Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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      bǎojiàn ànmó 保健按摩 n therapeutic massage

      bǎojiànpǐn 保健品 n health care products

      bǎojiànshì 保健室 n clinic

      bǎojiàn shípǐn 保健食品 n health care food

      bāokuò 包括 v included, including

      bǎolěi 堡垒 n fortress

      bàolì piàn 暴力片 n violent movie

      bǎolíngqiú 保龄球 n bowling

      bǎoliú 保留 n reservation

      bǎoliúdì 保留地 n reserve (for animals)

      bǎomì 保密 v to keep a secret

      bāopí 剥皮 v to peel

      bàoqiàn 抱歉 exclam sorry!

      bǎoshì 保释 n bail

      bǎowèi 保卫 v to defend (in war)

      bàoxǐ bú bàoyōu 报喜不报忧 v to report only the good but not the bad

      bǎoxiǎn 保险 n insurance

      bàoxiāo 报销 v to apply for reimbursement

      bàoyuàn 抱怨 v to complain

      bǎozhèng 保证 n guarantee

      bǎozhì qī 保质期 n shelf (storage) life; guarantee period

      bāozhuāng 包装 v to pack

      bāshí 八十 num eighty

      bāshì 巴士 n bus

      bǎshǒu 把手 n handle

      bātái 吧台 n bar counter

      Bāyuè 八月 n August

      bèi 背 n back (part of body)

      bèi 被 adv by (passive voice marker)

      bèidòng xīyān 被动吸烟 n passive smoking, second-hand smoking

      bèifèn 备份 v to back up (computer)

      bēihēiguō 背黑锅 v to become a scapegoat

      bèijiàn 备件 n spare parts

      bèi jìnzhǐ de 被禁止的 adj forbidden

      bèi shāohuǐ adj 被烧毁 burned down, out

      bèi xiàzhe adj 被吓着 frightened

      bēi’āi 悲哀 n sorrow

      běibiān 北边 n north

      Běijīng 北京 n Beijing

      bèináng 背囊 n backpack

      bèirù 被褥 n bedding

      bèitóu 背投 n rear projection (TV)

      bèixīn 背心 n vest, undershirt

      bèiyòng zījīn 备用资金 n reserve fund

      běiyuē 北约 n NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

      bēizi 杯子 n cup, glass (for drinking)

      bèn 笨 adj stupid

      bēn xiǎokāng 奔小康 v to strive for a relatively comfortable life

      bèng 泵 n pump

      bèngchuáng 蹦床 n trampoline

      bēngdài 绷带 n bandage

      bèngdí 蹦迪 n disco dancing

      bèngjí 蹦极 n bungee jumping

      běnlěidǎ 本垒打 n home run

      běntǔhuà 本土化 n localization

      bǐ 比 conj than

      biānchéng 编程 n programming (computer)

      biàndāng 便当 n, adj lunch box; handy

      biànhǎo 变好 v to get better (improve)

      biànhù 辩护 v to defend (with words)

      biànhuài 变坏 adj spoiled (of food)

      biānjiè 边界 n boundary, border

      biànlùn 辩论 v to argue

      biànmì 便秘 n constipation

      biànsèlóng 变色龙 n chameleon; opportunist

      biàntiáo 便条 n note (written)

      biànwèide 变味的 adj spoiled (of food)

      biànxiàn 变现 v to liquidate

      biànxiéshì diànnǎo 便携式电脑 n laptop; notebook computer

      biànxìngrén 变性人 n transsexuals

      biānyuán 边缘 n border, edge

      biānyuán kēxué 边缘科学 n fringe science

      biānzào 编造 v to make up, invent

      biǎnzhí 贬值 v, n to devalue, depreciate; depreciation

      biānzhì 编制 v to weave

      biǎo 表 n watch (wristwatch)

      biǎogé 表格 n form (to fill out)

      biǎomiàn 表面 n surface

      biǎoshì 表示 v to express, state

      biǎoshì bùmǎn 表示不满 v to frown (express dissatis­faction)

      biāotí 标题 n title (of book, film)

      biǎoxiàn 表现 v to behave

      biǎoyǎn 表演 n show (live performance)

      biǎoyǎnsài 表演赛 n exhibition match

      biǎoyáng 表扬 v to praise

      biāozhì 标记 n sign, symbol

      biāozhǔn 标准 n level (standard)

      bié zài zhèyàng 别再这样 command stop it!

      biéde 别的 adj anything else, other

      bìguān zhèngcè 闭关政策 n closed-door policy

      bǐjiào 比较 v, adv to compare; rather, fairly

      bǐjiào hǎo 比较好 adj better

      bǐjìběn 笔记本 n notebook

      bǐjīní 比基尼 n bikini

      bìjuàn 闭卷 n closed-book exam

      bíkǒng 鼻孔 n nostril

      bìlù diànshì 闭路电视 n CCTV, close-circuit television

      bīn’guǎn 宾馆 n guesthouse, hotel

      bīng 冰 n ice

      bìng 病 n illness

      bīngdiāo 冰雕 n ice sculpture

      bīngdòng 冰冻 adj frozen

      bǐnggān 饼干 n biscuit

      bīnghú 冰壶 n curling (sport)

      bīngjīlíng 冰激凌 n ice cream

      bìngle 病了 adj sick, ill

      bīngmǎyǒng 兵马俑 n terracotta warriors and horses

      bīngqílín 冰淇淋 n ice cream


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