Bony Buys a Woman. Arthur W. Upfield

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Bony Buys a Woman - Arthur W. Upfield

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the slightest fear of him, and what fear, engendered by inherited instincts, she had of Murtee the Medicine Man was rarely manifest. She was one-fifth white, and four-fifths black, and all that her father contributed was a softening of the aboriginal lines of her features, and an acute sense of humour. It is told that before Canute was blinded by a grass fire, she laughed at him when in a towering rage, and that when Canute rushed at her, brandishing a waddy, she took it from him and knocked him cold, then stood over him and hugged herself tightly while laughing down at the silent one. It is also told of Sarah that in punishment Canute put the ban of silence on her, and she kicked him in the stomach and laughed right heartily.

      Now that Sarah was cooking at ‘government house’, she and Meena rose early and arrived at the kitchen near enough to six every morning. It was her job first to prepare the morning tea which Meena took to Mr Wootton, whom she would surely find seated at the transceiver and talking with a neighbour.

      This morning the fire had been lit and the water was simmering in the wide-bottomed kettle, and Meena was busily tidying the living-room, when there stepped into the kitchen one Sarah had never seen. She noted his lean dark face, the deep blue eyes, the white teeth, and the smile, the clean white shirt tucked into brown gabardine slacks. She said:

      “No feller ’lowed here. What you want? Brekus not ready yet.”

      “I am allowed here,” he told her, adding as though an afterthought, “I am allowed anywhere. Have you made morning tea yet?”

      Without invitation he seated himself at the scrubbed table, stretched his legs, smiled again at Sarah, who was undecided whether to be pleased or angry. It was the blue eyes which brought the indecision, they and the voice more than hinting at authority. Meena appeared, paused in the doorway to the living-room. Sarah swayed the teapot violently to assist the brewing, and, with the pot held by the handle and the tip of the spout, she asked:

      “You big-feller policeman, eh?”

      “Yes. You knew I was coming?”

      Sarah nodded, placed the pot on the side of the stove, took cups and saucers from the dresser. The boss was forgotten. First she served the stranger. Standing before the visitor, Meena came to stand beside her, and Bony said:

      “You are Sarah. And you are Meena. I shall be here some time. Is Mr Wootton up and about?”

      “He’s inside waiting for his tea,” replied Meena, recalling Sarah to her duties. “What’s your name?”

      “Napoleon Bonaparte. If we ever become friends you may call me Bony. Meanwhile, please tell Mr Wootton that Inspector Bonaparte is here.”

      “Inspector Bonaparte,” she repeated, and giggled. She cupped her hand about her breast, thrust forward her tummy, and again giggled. Sarah looked at her and dug an elbow hard into the ribs, which cut the giggle. She gasped, and managed to say:

      “I thought you would be old, have grey hair, look fierce. You married?”

      “Mr Wootton ... tell him I am here,” Bony urged gravely.

      White or black, it makes no difference. Meena smiled at him, her hips swaying as she walked to the living-room. Once she looked back at him, and Sarah exclaimed:

      “That Meena!” But there was pride and affection on her broad face.

      Meena returned and nodded for Bony to enter the living-room, and, passing her, he tilted her chin and said:

      “You will not be so saucy when I leave Mount Eden.”

      The cattleman was standing with a tea-cup in one hand and a biscuit in the other. His expression was one of incredulity. His hair was tossed, and his moustache needed clipping.

      “Inspector Bonaparte?” he questioned, with emphasis on the rank. “Of what?”

      “Of detectives, Mr Wootton,” suavely replied Bony. “It seems that I am famous in some quarters and not so in others.”

      “But we know nothing about you. The policeman at Loaders Springs knows nothing.”

      “I asked him to know nothing,” calmly announced Bony. “In fact I am ten days late, having been delayed on a case at Boulia.”

      “In southwest Queensland? You came here by ... ?”

      “Horse. I needed to meditate between murders, Mr Wootton. My credentials.”

      Wootton placed cup and biscuit on the table and leaned forward to examine the open wallet, and the copy of the letter instructing Bonaparte to investigate the murder of Mrs Bell, for and on behalf of the South Australian Police department. Frowning, the cattleman straightened and stared into the blue eyes, so predominant in the dark face. He said:

      “You have no objection to my contacting Senior Constable Pierce?”

      “None whatever. By the way, your cook gave me a cup of tea which I left on her kitchen table. May I?”

      “Meena!” called Mr Wootton. “Bring Inspector Bonaparte another cup of tea and biscuits.”

      Meena came in with the tea. Bony’s eyes were directed to the polished panel of the transceiver, and her employer was at the wall telephone. Her gay mood had given place to one of curious watchfulness, and for a second or two she gazed at the slim figure with the squared shoulders, the straight back, before withdrawing with a rustle of her starched apron.

      Bony was looking over the titles of the books, of which there must have been a hundred on the shelves beside the transceiver, when Wootton said:

      “Pierce said he expected you. He said, also, that he told no one of your coming, in accordance with your instructions. And yet the blacks knew. The maid told me three days ago that a high-ranking policeman was coming. Doesn’t add up, does it?”

      “Oh yes, it adds up,” countered Bony. “They communicate, you know. Smoke signals, telepathy. I’ve been associated with them on the Boulia case.”

      “On the killing of that aboriginal stockman? I’ve heard about it. You found the killer?”

      “Of course.”

      “Otherwise you would not be here now?”

      “Naturally. I locate a killer once I start on his tracks.”

      “I am afraid you won’t get on the tracks of our murderer, Inspector. The wind wiped them out, bar at two places, and that a month back.”

      “I was speaking metaphorically.”

      “Oh! Well, anything I can do, we can all do, to help, you can be assured. What d’you suggest?”

      “I am in possession of the frame of this Mount Eden crime, and have to resurrect the flesh. That will take some time, in view of the reputation of Constable Pierce, and the thoroughness of his efforts. As you ask me to make suggestions—a room, a shower, breakfast.”

      “Of course. Meena! I’ll have the room prepared for you. Your things where?”

      “On the pack-horse I left in your horse yard.”

      “Good! Meena! Call Charlie to fetch Inspector Bonaparte’s gear from the pack-horse in the yard. And see to it that the corner room is ready for the Inspector. Tell Sarah about the extra breakfast. And, Meena, don’t dally with Charlie.”

      Meena smiled faintly and departed. She was both impressed and subdued.

      “Pardon me remarking on it, Inspector, but your arrival indicates very early travelling.”

      “It surely does, Mr Wootton. I came down the Birdsville Track on the mail truck to Maree, caught ‘The Ghan’ to Coward Springs, where I contacted Constable Pierce and borrowed the horses. I made north and looked over the country southward of Lake Eyre. When day broke this morning I was meditating on the long ago of the aborigines. Always I have been interested in anthropology.”

      “Sometimes I wish I had studied the subject,” Wootton said. “You know, I’ve

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