Ingmar - Cosmic Symbols. Wolfgang Becvar
Abra | Adam |
Adina | Agda |
Ahem | Angus |
Anti-Pi | Aphta |
Ara | Aragon |
Ariel | Asram |
Avita | Birne |
Cabos | Carl |
Carla | Ceres |
Coiphis | Dann |
Delta | Dim |
Dor | Doranda |
Dyrn | Eccel |
Echo | Elba |
Elias | Elos |
Emu | Epan |
Epto | Erban |
Ethel | Eybel |
Fahr | Flachs |
Flat | Flott |
Galgat | Gans |
Golan | Grind |
Gumor | Haber |
Hamor | Hepipher |
Holon | Hyrl |
Ins | Isli |
Jacob | Kalma |
Kardul | Karp |
Karsal | Kart |
Kavalir | Kerlan |
Ketos | Khal |
Kilo | Kiril |
Klara | Klirr |
Klon | Kob |
Kolos | Krisis |
Kurt | Laf |
Lagos | Lâmbert |
Land | Lantra |
Lara | Lateran |
Latos | Leathon |
Leber | Lebner |
Lego | Legrand |
Leisur | Lémon |
Leur | Limen |
Linnen | Linz |
Lithos | Lotto |
Lur | Mahi |
Malma | Mantyr |
Mert | Mittel |
Mur | Nephta |
Nutpen | Obus |
Odin | Opus |
Orgon | Othos |
Pédal | Phyr |
Pi | Pin |
Plasta | Platha |
Plátin | Plö |
Pollut | Prana |
Pter | Quall |
Quer | Rad |
Ragun | Ramdul |
Rasch | Ratta |
Rau | Raziz |
Rebel | Rede |
Reiki | Ries |
Rig | Riga |
Rigal | Rinkh |
Risis | Ritter |
Rondo | Rotor |
Run | Rus |
Rydd | Scharan |
Schicht | Sexsek |
Sonar | Spa |
Spagira | Sren |
Surel | Tak |
Talg | Tara |
Tatar | Templa |
Ton | Toth |
Urban | Urus |
Usus | Viert |
Vril | Yena |
Zagat | Zam |
Zar | Zier |
Zig | Zill |
Zimbal | Zita |
Zorro | Zyna |
Like many other stars of this solar system, planet Earth is preparing itself for a very big change. A quantum leap in the overall consciousness of the Earth will not only impact humankind but virtually everything that exists on this celestial body. Apart from the many ‘forecasts of the end of the world’, which have long circulated in the collective subconscious of man, there are movements which speak of an inconceivable renewal of the world order that will reverse all values. In other words, a kind of reversal of polarity which will also, and mainly, take place in the human consciousness.
Planet Earth is preparing itself for a quantum leap.
Radical changes have always taken place from time to time – one of which was, for example, the last Flood which is mentioned in virtually all ancient myths on Earth. These upheavals are related to a spiritual process of cleansing. They are not brought about by a God who seeks revenge or wants to punish man, but are the result of laws which have accurately taken effect at the ‘right time’ ever since Creation.
Preparations for the fifth dimension.
Planet Earth is now preparing itself for the shift to the fifth dimension which will be dominated by a comprehensive change and/or rectification of the collective and individual conception of the world – in other words, the perception of what actually IS. This new orientation will naturally be accompanied by orientation and changeover difficulties. As in ancient times, however, humankind will again not be alone, but will undergo this transformation with the help of its stellar brothers and sisters. Many humans who live on Earth are not ‘pure’ earthlings but stem originally from other civilisations on other heavenly bodies and/or from other solar systems. In the course of the transformation that lies before us, the Earth will receive a new mantle and will be elevated to a higher level of energy. This process of spiritualization will thus create a completely new world order. Power, greed and gross egotism should then be things of the past. New technologies and totally modified medicine need tools that are 100% up to date. To facilitate this incredible step forwards for humankind, innovations are already cropping up today all over the world – amongst which are symbols. In principle, these symbols are to be understood as instruments and/or tools which will help us in our present-day existence but will be of particular assistance and indispensable following our leap into the fifth dimension. People all over the world are now establishing contact with their stellar brothers and sisters who are providing them with the information needed for the times to come. These could be soul mates of Sirius, of the Pleiades or even of Aldebaran. They all have important information at the ready for us so that we will have sufficient tools at our disposal in the phase of transition and afterwards.
Assistance and support have been promised by our stellar brothers and sisters.
Aldebaran, the solar system with the number 211, is located in the constellation Taurus. Some of the beings that live there feel obliged, in a very loving and spiritual way, to gradually impart their knowledge to their relatives – and to all humans on Earth who are interested. Ingmar marks the start of the transfer of this information to the human consciousness. In the book in hand, these messages are intentionally written in a relatively concise and clear form because Ingmar is a system that is open to everyone and everything. It is a system that focuses on free energies and the efficient use of these energies. Readers and/or beings that concern themselves responsibly with the symbolic forces described are free to find out what and how many possibilities are held out by the application and combination of the symbols. But here again, the cosmic law applies that any abuse of these forces will ultimately