The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 4/4). Johannes Biermanski

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The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 4/4) - Johannes Biermanski

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Das Siegel Gottes ist im heiligen Gesetz Gottes der Sabbat (siehe Erklärung 7,2). Das Zeichen des Tieres muss ein dem Sabbat entgegengestelltes Zeichen sein, auch ein Tag, nämlich der Sonntag (13,16). “Die Zahl des Tieres”, “die Zahl seines Namens” (13,18.17) Dazu schreibt W. Peters, ev.-luth. Pastor in Murtoa, in seinem Buche “Auslegung der Offenbarung”, herausgegeben 1899 in Zwickau i. S., S. 248, unter anderem, dass der Name des rechten Christus [Messias] in griechischer, hebräischer und lateinischer Sprache am Kreuz stand: “Jesus [Jahschua] von Nazareth, der Juden König”. “Der Papst, als der rechte Antichrist, nennt sich ... “Stellvertreter des Sohnes Gottes”, ... “Vicarius filii Dei” - “Der rechte Christus [Messias] war der verachtete “Nazarener”. Der Antichrist will vor Menschen Ehre und Ansehen haben; sein Sitz ist die Weltstadt Rom. Er ist der göttlich verehrte “Römer”. - Der rechte Christus [Messias] ... sandte ... seine Jünger ... aus in alle Welt ... in allen Sprachen” zu predigen, “Der Papst aber, als der rechte Antichrist, lässt in seinem Reich nur die lateinische Sprache als “Kirchensprache” gelten, und darum heißt er mit Recht auch der “Lateiner”. So ist in den drei Bezeichnungen der “Lateiner”, der “Römer” und der “Stellvertreter des Sohnes Gottes”, mit griechischen, hebräischen und lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben, in jeder die Zahl 666 enthalten, “die Zahl des Tieres”, “die Zahl seines Namens”. - Diese Deutung der Zahl 666, gefunden in dem mit hebräischen Buchstaben geschriebenen Worte: “Der Romiit”, bringt auch LUTHER in einer Anmerkung zu Offenbarung 13,18, welche er mit eigener Hand in ein Neues Testament geschrieben hatte, das im Jahre 1530 gedruckt war und hernach in den Besitz seines Sohnes Paul kam. (Siehe Luth. Werke, St. Louis, Bd. IX, S. 1891.)

      Explanation of Ernst Simon:

      The second animal who has climbed up “from the earth” and not like the other animals from the sea is a symbol of the United States of North America. “The two horns” picture the middle-class and religious freedom which found their expression in the republican democratic form of government and in the Protestantism. The “lambs nature“, however, is deceptive; in the “dragon‘s speech“ the true character of this power reveals itself (13:11). It would become as intolerant as the first animal under renunciation of its liberal principles and cause that the terrestrials “adore“ the papacy (13:12). This means an immense increase of the Catholic influence in the state founded by the German Protestantism how it nobody would have held for possible. “Big signs”: North America is the home country of the modern spiritualism which has spread out from there about the whole world and has now more than 100 million followers.

      “Fire... from the sky”: Some interpreters see in the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 a fulfilment of this prophecy (13;13, 14A). The animal tells the terrestrials to make a picture to the papacy.” This picture is a religious untolerant pursuing establishmentt. “’The picture of the animal’ pictures that form of the fallen Protestantism which will be developed if the Protestant churches search the help of the state power for the enforcement of her principles.” (E. G. W., The great Controversy/ The great Conflict, 445/13:14B, 15).

      Everybody who remain loyal to God will be threatened by a decree of the second animal with the death (13:15B). “The sign of the animal”: The seal of God is in the holy law of God the Sabbath (see explanation 7,2). The sign of the animal must be a sign opposed to the Sabbath, also a day, namely Sunday (13:16). “The number of the animal”, “the number of his name” (13:18, 17) In addition writes W. Peters, ev.-luth. Pastor in Murtoa, in his book “interpretation of the revelation”, published in 1899 in Zwickau i. S., p. 248, among others, that the name of the right Christ [Messiah] stood into Greek, Hebrew and Latin language on the cross: “Jesus [Yahshua] of Nazareth, the Jews king”. “The pope, as the right Antichrist, calls himself... “Deputy of the son of God”... “Vicarius filii Dei” - “The Right Christ [Messiah] was the despised „Man from Nazareth“. The Antichrist wants to have honor and prestige before humans; his seat is the cosmopolitan city of Rome. He is the divine adored „Roman“. - The Right Christ [Messiah]... sent... his all world...” to preach, “ in every languages” , “The pope, however, as the right Antichrist, accepts only the Latin language as „a Language of the Church“ in his empire, and this is why he is called rightly „Latin“. Thus is written in three indications of the „Latins“, the „Romans“ and the “deputies of the son of God”, with Greek, Hebrew and Latin letters, is included in every the number 666, “the number of the animal/beast”, “the number of his name”. - This interpretation of the number 666, located in the word written with Hebrew letters: “Der Romiit“, also brings LUTHER in a remark to Revelation 13:18 which he had written with own hand in a new testament which was printed in 1530 and came afterwards to the possession of his son Paul. (See Luth. Works, Saint Louis, Vol. IX, p. 1891.)

      * note: The Number of his Name. The number of the beast, says the prophecy, "is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threecore and six." (666.) This number, some attempt to find in the word "Lateinos," the "Latin" kingdom. Thus they make, by what rule we do not understand, L stand for 30; A, for 1; T, for 300; E, for 5; I, for 10; N, for 50; O, for 70; and S, for 200; which numbers, added together, make 666. Deriving the number from the name, in this manner, we must regard as rather conjectural than otherwise, seeing that names can be found to almost any extent, making just that number. We think we discover, however, a serious objection to the name here suggested. The number, says the prophecy, is the number of a man; and if it is to be derived from a name or title, the natural conclusion would be that it must be the name or title of some particular man. But in this we have the name of a people or kingdom, not of "a man" as the prophecy says.

      The most plausible name we have ever seen suggested as containing the number of the beast, is the blasphemous title which the pope applies to himself, and wears in jeweled letters upon his miter or pontifical crown. That title is this: Vicarius filii Dei: "Vicegerent of the Son of God." Taking the letters out of this title which the Latins used as numerals, and giving them their numerical value, we have just 666. Thus we have V, 5; I, 1; C, 100; (a and r not used as numerals;) I, 1; U (formerly the same as V), 5; (s and f not used as numerals;) I, 1; L, 50; I, 1; I, 1; D, 500; (e not used as a numeral;) I, 1. Adding these numbers together, we have just 666.

      The following extract on this point is from a work entitled "The Reformation," bearing the date of 1832:- "Mrs. A., said Miss Emmons, I saw a very curious fact the other day; I have dwelt upon it much, and will mention it. A person, lately, was witnessing a ceremony of the Romish church. As the Pope passed him in the procession, spendidly dressed in his pontifical robes, the gentlemen's eye rested on these full, blazing letters in front of his miter. 'VICARIUS FILII DEI,' The Vicar of the Son of God. His thoughts, with the rapidity of lightning, reverted to Rev. 13:18. Will you turn to it? said Mrs. A. Alice opened the New Testament and read: 'Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threecore and six.' She paused, and Miss Emmons said, He took out his pencil, and marking the numerical letters of the inscription on his tablet, it stood 666."

      Here we have indeed the number of a man, even the "man of sin;" and it is a little singular, perhaps providential, that he should select a title which shows the blasphemous character of the beast, and then cause it to be inscribed upon his miter, as if to brand himself with the number 666.

      Thus closes chapter 13, leaving the people of God with the powers of earth in deadly array against them, and the decree of death and banishment from society out upon them, for their adherence to the truth. Spiritualism will be, at the time specified, performing its most imposing wonders, deceiving all the world except the elect, Matt. 24:24; 2Thess. 2:8-12. This will be the "hour of temptation," or trial, which is to come upon all the world, as mentioned in Rev. 3:10. What is the issue of this conflict? This important inquiry is not left unanswered. The first five verses of the following chapter, which should have been numbered as a part of this, complete the chain of this prophecy, and reveal the glorious triumph of the champions of the truth.

      from: "Thoughts on the Revelation", by Uriah Smith, 1883, pp. 281-284.

      Chapter/Kapitel 14

      Rev./Offb. 14,1 Und ich sah das Lamm stehen

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