The Handbook for Poor Students, Rich Teaching. Eric Jensen

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The Handbook for Poor Students, Rich Teaching - Eric Jensen

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go check on the isolated, concerned, or checked-out students. Marzano describes this use of real-time information as withitness, which has a massive effect size of 1.42 (Marzano et al., 2001; Marzano, 2017).

      2. Yesterday’s learning: Retrieval practice has a positive impact on learning (Ritchie, Della Sala, & McIntosh, 2013). To find students who are lost, use an activity to get feedback from the previous day’s class. Give students a blank sheet of paper and twelve minutes to write down everything they can recall from yesterday’s lesson. Collect their work, and quickly sort it to identify the struggling students. Then, reteach confusing concepts and correct your own teaching mistakes. This way, the students get better and so do you.

      3. One-minute summary: At the end of class (as an exit pass), ask students to write an anonymous one-to-two-minute note on two topics. First, they answer, “What is the most important thing from class today?” Then, your students answer, “What is still a bit confusing to you about today’s class?” Even though they’re anonymous, which helps students be honest, they’ll give you immediate, useful feedback on your teaching. Figure 5.15 shows an example notecard with this kind of feedback.

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