Catching Fire Cookbook: Experience The Hunger Games Trilogy with Unofficial Recipes Inspired by Catching Fire. Rockridge Press

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Catching Fire Cookbook: Experience The Hunger Games Trilogy with Unofficial Recipes Inspired by Catching Fire - Rockridge Press

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      Copyright © 2013 by Rockridge Press, Berkeley, California

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      DISCLAIMER: This cookbook is unofficial and unauthorized. This book is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Suzanne Collins, her publishers, Scholastic Press, Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation, or the producers, writers, distributors and licensors affiliated with Lionsgate Entertainment.

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      ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-187-4 | eBook 978-1-62315-188-1




       Hazelle’s Hearty Beaver Stew

       Finger-Thawing Herb Tea

       Greasy Sae’s Gourd and Bean Soup

       Haymitch-Style Boiled Cabbage and Burnt Meat

       Lavender Cookies Fit for a President

       Paprika Duck and Rosemary Tubers With Gravy

       Haymitch’s Hangover Muffins

       Peeta’s Multigrain Bread

       Soothe My Soul Tea

       Mellark’s Cinnamon Bread

       Bittersweet Memories Dill Bread

       Prim’s Hearty Beef Stew

       Mrs. Everdeen’s Simple Broth


       Silent, Cold Soup of Beet Puree

       Fish Cakes With Wasabi-Lime Mayo

       Cornish Hens Stuffed With Oranges Over Rice

       Watercress and Almond Salad

       Chocolate-Covered Cherry Custard

       Soothing Honey and Spiced Milk


       Homesick Cheese Buns

       Snow’s Suckling Pig

       Capitol Lamb Stew With Plum Dumplings

       Presidential Stuffed Fowl

       Ocean Creatures and Cocktail Sauce

       Savory Pumpkin Soup With Nuts

       Taste of Spring Soup

       Cold Raspberry Soup With Fresh Berries

       No Manners Needed Chocolate Cake

       Blood Orange Quail

       Disappearing Mints

       Sweet Pheasant With Cranberry Jewels

       Baby Vegetables in Lemon Butter Sauce

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