Moon Spell Magic For Love. Cerridwen Greenleaf

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Moon Spell Magic For Love - Cerridwen Greenleaf

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      Charging a candle imbues it with your intention; the candle can then be used with any spell for enhanced results. While picturing what you want to achieve, anoint the candle with the scented oil of your choice. My favorite oil is “vamber,” which is a combination of vanilla and amber. Remember that your level of clarity and concentration will be reflected in the candle’s power.

      You can further charge the candle by scratching your desire into the wax. I use the thorn of a rose for this, and you can write words, although many witches use symbols—a heart, a dollar sign, or a number, for example.

       Lighting the Fire of Friendship

      Take a large yellow pillar candle anointed with lemon or bergamot essential oil and charge it with positivity toward yourself. Scratch your own name into it and write: “I love (your name).”

      Light the candle and say four times:


      I love me. I love (your name).


      Light the candle every night and repeat this love charge before bed and every morning when you arise. Your heart will lift and soar, which then will emanate outward toward the relations in your life.

       New Moon, New Friends

      When I moved to San Francisco, I didn’t know a soul, but I used this tried-and-true trick to fill my life with friends.

      On the first Friday after a new moon (Freya’s Day, which is ruled by Venus, is ideal for fun, love, flirtation, gossip, and good times), light amber incense. Anoint yourself with amber oil and dance around, arms flung out and upward. Say aloud:


      I call upon you, friend Freya,

      to fill my life with live and joy. I call upon you, Goddess,

      to bring unto me that which I enjoy

      in the form of people, wise and kind.

      This I ask and give thanks for; blessed be.


       Ask a God to Send Your Love Note

      The god Mercury prevails over communication, speed, mental clarity, and fun. Traditionally, he also escorts the dead to the afterlife. All things yellow and citrus can bring forth Mercury’s bright presence, which will help you in all your interactions with friends or potential friends. Try these surefire ways to make contact.

      On a Wednesday, burn three yellow candles. Anoint yourself and the candles with lemon and neroli oil. Meditate on the flame and breathe deeply, filling your lungs with the fiery citrus scent. Holding both hands out, palms up, say:


      Messenger of the gods,

      bring me your news.

      Tonight, in this fire and flame,

      tell me the place and the name.

      Mercury, messenger and god,

      I will listen for your word on the wing.

      Blessed be, to thee and me.


      Now, you can either go to sleep with your dream journal nearby, or you can close your eyes and take up your pen for “automatic writing,” allowing your hand and wrist to relax until you see what words take shape on the paper. Often, the names of people you will soon meet appear here first.

       Get Metaphysical: Come to Me Rite

      Have you ever attended an art opening or book reading and hit it off with the person seated beside you? You meant to exchange business cards, but one thing led to another and now you have no way of getting in touch. It’s time for some magical intervention. Try this spell and you will soon be bumping into each other at your neighborhood coffee shop.

      At your local metaphysical shop, buy two body-shaped candles. (One should be shaped like your own body; the other should be a woman’s figure if you want to reach out to a woman, or a man’s figure to communicate with a man.) When you have the appropriate candles, set them on your altar. If you can’t find any with the desired shapes, use two pink candles instead.

      Scatter fresh rosemary around the candles. Rub amber resin on the candles and burn amber incense. Light the candles, then break off some rosemary and sprinkle it in the incense. Hold your hands together between the candles and recite:


      Sister/brother stranger, friend I met today,

      merry may we meet again. With every word I say,

      I draw you closer to me.

      So mote it be.


      The rosemary in the spell will cause your new acquaintance to remember you, too, and the amber resin will cause that person to “stick” to you as your friend.

       Shamanic Sisterhood

      To inculcate the bond between you and a new acquaintance, grind together one part white sandalwood and one part frankincense; use a mortar and pestle if you have one. Add four generous drops of sandalwood oil and speak the following full moon blessing together:


      Daughters under the sun,

      sisters under the moon,

      tonight, we bind our hearts and minds.

      So mote it be.


      You can alter this spell to reflect the gender of the people participating.

       Poppet Power Charm

      Everyone has heard of voodoo dolls, but poppets are not nearly as well known. Sewn of plain muslin or linen, a poppet is simply an herb- or cotton-stuffed head, tied with string or threaded about the neck. It can be used to charm, protect, or even heal a friend. You can add something that represents your friend—red yarn if your friend is lucky enough to be a redhead, for example. Your poppet can be placed on your altar and can be the beneficiary of any number of charms or spells of your design.

      Take dried sage, a plain muslin square, and a white string to create a “head.” Tie the doll’s neck securely so she doesn’t lose her head, so to speak. Pin or sew charms representing the good fortune you wish for your friend—coins for money, a heart-shaped patch for love, a sun for luck and happiness, a pyramid or moon for wisdom, whatever suits you. Feel free to use your imagination, and remember to use this only for positive results. (To wish harm has a karmic price you do not want to pay!)

      Say aloud three times:


      To (friend’s name) I give all the luck in the world.

      To (friend’s name) I give all the money in the world.

      To (friend’s name)

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