Language Power. Margo Gottlieb

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Language Power - Margo Gottlieb

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      What Your Colleagues Are Saying . . .

      This thought-provoking and very practical book will be welcomed by all educators who are striving to provide a more equitable curriculum for students. As Gottlieb and Castro suggest, this endeavor requires classroom teachers to think critically about the language they use with students, and develop the knowledge and skills to provide students with explicit and well-planned support for the development of academic language. Language Power will assist educators in making these endeavors a reality.

      —Pauline Gibbons Author of Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning, Second Edition and Associate Professor, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

      As educators strive for equitable, collaborative classrooms inclusive of all students in an uncertain educational and political landscape, Gottlieb and Castro focus on students who may find themselves marginalized or otherwise left out due to their developing grasp of academic language. This timely book provides educators with accessible, research-based tools for students to learn the power of language. . . . I’m definitely integrating Gottlieb and Castro’s framework into my future professional development!

      —Diane Staehr Fenner, President SupportEd, Washington, DC

      Language Power is helpful not only for teachers who want to adapt materials for English language learners, but also for all teachers, no matter what content area, who want to move their students beyond the comprehension level. It breaks down the notion of academic language to four key uses—discuss, argue, recount, and explain—identifies the language associated with those uses, and offers practical examples for classroom instruction. . . . We’re very proud at BrainPOP® to provide content for the examples used in this valuable resource for teachers.

      ——Bev Fine, Editorial and Outreach Director BrainPOP® ESL, New York, NY

      For the first time, Drs. Gottlieb and Castro move beyond a theoretical description of the critical role of academic language to describe key uses, tools, and strategies that facilitate the instruction and acquisition of academic language across content areas and relevant assessment resources to capture students’ performance level. This is a powerful resource.

      —David Nieto, Executive Director BUENO Center for Multicultural Education University of Colorado Boulder, School of Education Boulder, CO

      Language Power is a compelling resource for educators in 21st century schools. Through skillful use of the inquiry cycle and practical tools for application, Gottlieb and Castro empower teachers to support learners in multilingual and multisemiotic classrooms. Understanding key uses of academic language helps teachers unlock opportunities for their multilingual students. With a commitment to social justice and integration of technology, Language Power challenges teachers with a forward-thinking perspective on how we can serve multilingual students who must navigate today’s globally interconnected learning environments.

      —Jon Nordmeyer, International Programs Director WIDA at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

      Language Power

      Key Uses for Accessing Content

       Margo Gottlieb

       Mariana Castro

       Foreword by

       Pauline Gibbons

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      1  Foreword

      2 About This BookThe Purposes for the BookOrganization of the BookFeatures of the BookHow to Use This Book

      3  About the Authors

      4  Acknowledgments

      5 PrefaceThe Inquiry CycleASKEXPLORETeaching and Learning TheoryAcademic AchievementEducational EquityGlobal InterconnectednessAPPLYREFLECTTAKE ACTION

      6 Chapter 1. Examining Key Uses of Academic LanguageASKEXPLOREAPPLYA Rationale for Key Uses for Academic LanguageLanguage Functions and Their Relation to Key Uses of Academic LanguageAcademic Language in Key UsesLanguage Features in Key UsesDISCUSSARGUERECOUNTEXPLAINREFLECTTAKE ACTION

      7 Chapter 2. Ideas and Inspiration:

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