Slaughtermatic. Steve Aylett

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Slaughtermatic - Steve Aylett

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happened here.’

      Rosa felt that if she stopped she’d receive a burn hole, like film in a jammed projector. Pre-detox pale, her face shone out in the gloom of a basement hung with cyberwire and spine X-rays. From here Download ran a sting board full of garbage as a honeytrap for the brotherhood - peeping cops would find their accounts abruptly devoid of cash. Moving cautiously through to the main chamber, gun already drawn, she saw two rocking gyrospheres. Download Jones was bent over a keyboard, hacking frantically, stress-free as a rabbi playing Twister with a psycho.

      At the creak of leather, Jones spun to stare, glaucous-eyed.

      Rosa raised the gun. ‘See you after the recession.’

      When the trigger was squeezed, an area of eighty cubic yards was mapped into an ethigraph grid, converging the vibes so intensely that the piece responded only to the needy. The gun was silent. Rosa frowned, suspecting a jam, then knew what it meant. The rounds weren’t meant for Download, who’d clunked to his knees and seemed about to sob.

      Rosa took a closer look at the figures rolling in the VR spheres like hamsters in a wheel. One was big and one was small. It wasn’t Dante and the Kid. It was Chief Henry Blince and Benny the Trooper.


      In his tender years, Eddie Gamete wrote a mindmauler on ‘The Difficulty of Locomotion on the Upper Lattice Face of a Proton Pulse Bridge’. The difficulty alluded to was the fact that Proton Pulse Bridges were a figment of Gamete’s imagination and anyone attempting to locomote on one would surely die. ‘And I’ll certainly laugh,’ he concluded.

      As he strode across the non-existent landscape, Blince’s reasoning was impregnable. No civilian would have been fooled. The brotherhood, however, was trained to disregard detail. If anything, Blince felt more secure than ever in the mutable blur of the unreal.

      Benny, however, was undergoing squirly symptoms from three hours’ circumstance abuse. There were two ideas tilting at each other across the blank, blizzarding wastes of his psyche. The first was that the gunshot limp he’d endured for eight years had disappeared as though he was placing no real pressure on the leg. The second was that Blince was a bullnecked idiot for deeming to leave a geek basement a few hours back without arresting the geek. The VR enhancer drugs Download had hit them with as soon as they entered the basement were neither here nor there. Ironically, Benny’s mind was more lucid now than it had ever been, but the clarity was as fleeting for him as for any new inmate or cop recruit. Confronting the lie was so painful he had to believe it to ease the strain.

      ‘Do the Germans have a word for blitzkrieg, Benny? It’s been naggin’ me since we left the cop den.’

      ‘We’re on itchy ground here, Chief,’ squeaked Benny uncertainly.

      ‘Do my shell-like ears deceive me, Benny? Skittish at a brace o’ cadavers? I’ll have you know better than I do –’ and he gestured to the bodies around the bank entrance ‘- these folk are in a better place.’

      ‘Some of ’em are maybe burnin’ in hell, Chief.’

      ‘What did I just say.’

      The sky flickered.

      ‘And why are you so goddamn edgy?’ added Blince as they hit the edit. The evidence of their senses fitzed and sputtered, shorting into a vertigo vortex of TV static - the two cops were almost at the point of thinking for themselves when the scene cut in again. They were back on solid illusion.

      The bank stood before them, undamaged and empty of corpses. Any modifications had been voided by the restart. In place of the smoked bulletproof glass of the Highrise was the cheap whiteness of styrofoam. There was no cop back-up in the street behind them and the street was unblemished by name or crater.

      There was a long-term kickback to the Mall’s twenty-four-hour loop. The theory was that the lack of any lasting consequence would maintain the dull ache of disempowerment familiar from the outer world, but here the absence of effect was so immediate even slabheads perceived it and felt a sense of carefree surrender at no longer having to delude themselves on the issue. The instant the new day kicked in, Blince received a deafening volley of laughter in his right ear - he and Benny were surrounded by some of the most savage louts to have slid whooping down the bell curve. The bastards in question took unblushing advantage of Blince’s surprise and Benny’s distress. Unrelieved years of polychrome abjection turned to hard fury and hit the cops like a diamond anvil. Splinters of panic broke out of the sky.

      Blince registered the situation with a flummer of his pixellated jowls and, in a sluggish attempt to pull in the reins, began shooting people for all he was worth. Every gunflash was like a fluorescence bomb and knocked the target to crimson pieces. The broad sweep of his firearm took in bomb zombies, pandemonials and others who had deemed morality a woefully inadequate protection against the modern world. Better guttural cries and stabbing daggers than a shapeless apprehension, thought Blince. ‘But our concrete actions are unequal to the ideas we hold,’ he bellowed aside.

      Benny heard nothing above his own screams and fired his snubgun with less and less discretion, unreality muffling the reverb. A gridgirl with what appeared to be a sawn-off belly gun put a salvo in his direction and exploded like a doll stuffed with meat. The street ran with berserkers and sim flames of rubine red. He was dazzled by strobe light.

      Blince caught a glimpse of Benny being bundled into a cartoon car which roared off, flattening rioters. The bodies were as viscous as a Dali watch, sticking like gum to Blince’s boots. Running, he thought about bugs and their external skeleton. Charmless but happy. People meanwhile buried their bones as deep inside as was physically possible. What were the creeps trying to hide?

      Smoking a shock absorber, twitching once for each nerve in his body and speaking artlessly from a technocrazed heart, Download laid out the scam. He’d hacked the Mall less than twenty-four hours ago and had been preparing to shoot up with a jolt gun when the cops bellied in. Jones tendered a dozen rounds at the intruders, who objected reedily while subsiding to the floor. ‘Admit it - you liked it,’ Jones had sniggered as he strapped them semiconscious into the VR rigs, the most convenient fixture of restraint. Then it occurred to him to goggle the cops and open the Mall. The more he thought about it, the more suspect and enjoyable the notion seemed.

      This was Jones all over. There’s a story concerning Download and the slabhead Brute Parker which illustrates the Jones rip. Parker had owned the all-night gun shop on the comer of Dive, and when it was burned to a shadow by the cops he attempted to wreak vengeance upon the downtown cop den and everyone in it. The heartfelt plan went awry and Parker went freelance as a hitman. His clients ranged from the IRS to the mob. On one occasion the oil industry hired him to kill the inventor of a car that was fuelled by depression. The moguls didn’t know how to profit from such a cheap and abundant resource. After ventilating the inventor, Parker went to bomb the depression-fuelled car as per contract, but couldn’t resist trying it out. Due to the boneshattering rage he expressed at the drop of a hat he hadn’t enough depression to fill a bird’s ear - the motor whined but never caught. Parker torched the target’s house but towed the vehicle home and brought in Download to take a look. It was a drophead Spider with a biofeedback net, four-wheel drive and a wetware graft engine. Download retuned the graft net for anger and ignorance in a split-propulsion system. Anger ran the front wheels and ignorance the rear. Strapped in, Parker found himself start-stopping like a learner, the rear and front bidding for control. He was thrown repeatedly against the dash, his anger and confusion fuelling the process in the most vicious of circles. Jones pedaled alongside on a tricycle, braying with laughter and shouting that Parker could stop the car by feeling a sense of calm. Parker was over the state line before seeing that rather than transcend his stupidity and rage, all he need do was synchronize them. It had been the formula for complacent brutality since the year dot. In a moment of rare gratitude, Parker drew off his mirror shades, uncovering the gun-metal grey of his eyes. That was enough to convince Download he should never sell used eggs again.

      But finding himself with two cops in a VR deck, he knew the dry seed of wisdom was dead. He jacked Blince and his yes man into

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