60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Boston. Lafe Low

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60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Boston - Lafe Low

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a performance fabric is always an excellent idea. A lightweight jacket—a mood and possibly lifesaver, when weather conditions take a turn for the worse—also offers excellent protection against voracious bugs. Cotton is great for lounging around the house but not so great for outdoor activities during which you may be sweating one moment and getting chills the next. Choose your clothing wisely.

      The person who packs a hat and mittens may suffer some teasing, but he or she may also wind up the envy of all when icy winds blow down from Canada, catching your hiking party unprepared. The same can be said of the one who thinks to bring wind and rain pants. Hypothermia can set in even when thermometers register temperatures above freezing.

      And anyone who has gotten a blister or stubbed a toe knows the importance of wearing appropriate footwear. The best shoes for hiking are boots with solid ankle support. The sneakers or sandals you wear every day may feel more comfortable, but their flimsy soles mean more work for your feet and ankles when hiking over rough terrain.

      Weather, unexpected trail conditions, fatigue, extended hiking duration, and wrong turns can individually or collectively turn a great outing into a very uncomfortable one at best—and a life-threatening one at worst. Thus, proper attire plays a key role in staying comfortable and, sometimes, in staying alive. Here are some helpful guidelines:

      images Choose silk, wool, or synthetic fabrics for maximum comfort in all of your hiking attire—including hats, socks, and everything in between. Cotton is fine if the weather remains dry and stable, but you won’t be happy if that material gets wet.

      images Always have a hat tucked into your day pack or hitched to your belt. Hats offer all-weather sun and wind protection as well as warmth if it turns cold.

      images Be ready to layer up or down as the day progresses and the mercury rises or falls. Today’s outdoor wear makes layering easy, with such designs as jackets that convert to vests and zip-off or button-up legs.

      images Wear hiking boots or sturdy hiking sandals with toe protection. Flip-flopping along a paved urban greenway is one thing, but never hike a trail in open sandals or casual sneakers. Your bones and arches need support, and your skin needs protection.

      images Pair that footwear with good socks. If you prefer not to sheathe your feet when wearing hiking sandals, tuck the socks into your day pack. You may need them if the weather plummets or if you hit rocky turf and pebbles begin to irritate your feet. And, in an emergency, if you have lost your gloves, you can use your socks as mittens.

      images Don’t leave rainwear behind, even if the day dawns clear and sunny. Tuck into your day pack, or tie around your waist, a jacket that is breathable and either water-resistant or waterproof. Investigate different choices at your local outdoors retailer. If you are a frequent hiker, ideally you’ll have more than one rainwear weight, material, and style in your closet to protect you in all seasons in your regional climate and hiking microclimates.

      Essential Gear

      Today you can buy outdoor vests that have up to 20 pockets shaped and sized to carry everything from toothpicks to binoculars. Or, if you don’t aspire to feel like a burro, you can neatly stow all of these items in your day pack or backpack. The following list showcases never-hike-without-them items, in alphabetical order, as all are important:

      images Extra clothes Raingear, warm hat, gloves, and change of socks and shirt

      images Extra food Trail mix, granola bars, or other high-energy foods

      images Flashlight or headlamp with extra bulb and batteries

      images Insect repellent In some areas and seasons, this is vital.

      images Maps and a high-quality compass Even if you know the terrain from previous hikes, don’t leave home without these tools. And, as previously noted, bring maps in addition to those in this guidebook, and consult your maps prior to the hike. If you are versed in GPS usage, bring that device too, but don’t rely on it as your sole navigational tool, as battery life can dwindle or die. And be sure to compare its guidance with that of your maps.

      images Pocketknife and/or multitool, such as a Leatherman or Victorinox

      images Sunscreen Note the expiration date on the tube or bottle; it’s usually embossed on the top.

      images Water As emphasized more than once in this book, bring more than you think you will drink. Depending on your destination, you may want to bring a container and iodine or a filter for purifying water in case you run out.

      images Whistle This little gadget will be your best friend in an emergency.

      images Windproof matches and/or a lighter, as well as a fire starter


      Besides all the aforementioned items, those below may appear overwhelming for a day hike. But any paramedic will tell you that the products listed here—in alphabetical order because all are important—are just the basics. The reality of hiking is that you can be out for a week of backpacking and acquire only a mosquito bite. Or you can hike for an hour, slip, and suffer a bleeding abrasion or broken bone. Fortunately, these items will collapse into a very small space. You may also purchase convenient, prepackaged kits at your pharmacy or on the Internet.

      images Adhesive bandages

      images Antibiotic ointment Neosporin or the generic equivalent

      images Athletic tape

      images Benadryl or the generic equivalent, diphenhydramine In case of allergic reactions

      images Blister kit, such as Moleskin/Spenco 2nd Skin

      images Butterfly-closure bandages

      images Elastic bandages or joint wraps

      images Epinephrine in a prefilled syringe Typically by prescription only, for people known to have severe allergic reactions to hiking occurrences such as bee stings

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