Killer Party. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Party - Lynn Cahoon

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      “Believe me, I’ve been roped into doing a lot worse things than shepherding a group of women through town. Besides, I stopped into the shop and talked with Toby for a few minutes.” I didn’t mention how he’d almost killed my dog. I didn’t want to be suspect number one if something happened to my barista in the next few days.

      “Toby Killian? Your roommate?” This time Terrance didn’t even look up from his notebook.

      “He rents the shed out back, he’s not my roommate. I thought we’d already established that Greg was living with me?” I rolled my shoulders. “I feel like we’re diving into my personal life here, not dealing with the issue of who killed Levi Wallace. I know I didn’t. And Greg was sleeping next to me last night. So I think we’re done here.”

      He leaned back and watched me stand up. “If you think so. I just want to have a clear picture of what went on up here in The Castle this weekend.”

      By the sound of his voice, I was pretty sure he thought the group of friends were either wife swapping or worshiping the devil. One or the other or maybe both. I decided I didn’t like Terrance. Not one bit. I walked toward the door.

      “One more thing Miss Gardner. You’re free to return to your home and work. However, please don’t leave the area on an extended vacation until this matter is wrapped up.”

      “Seriously? I’m a business owner and a member of the South Cove community, where would I be going? Unless you have someone who can cover my shop for a while?” I paused at the door, meeting his gaze. I’d missed his point, originally, but now, realization hit me. “Wait, are you saying I’m a suspect in the death of Levi Wallace?”

      He walked toward me and held the door open. “Let’s just say person of interest.”

      CHAPTER 6

      Aunt Jackie arrived at the house minutes after we did. She bustled in the front door, then stopped and looked around the living room “Where’s Emma?”

      “At the vet. She had an issue with some of Toby’s chocolate.” Typically, Emma would be sitting at a very jumpy attention, her tail wagging softly behind her. My dog loved Aunt Jackie. I couldn’t figure out if it was because she typically ignores Emma or if they shared some sort of connection I couldn’t see. I flopped onto the couch. I should call Sissy and see if I could bring her home today or not. “What are you doing here? We weren’t planning on coming home until tomorrow.”

      My aunt sat her wedding planner on the coffee table with a thud. I suspected it weighed a good five pounds now. By the time the wedding came around in June of next year, the book should be heavy enough to need a wagon to pull it around. “That poor dog. You should have left her with me. I would have watched her better.”

      I hadn’t even considered leaving my dog with my elderly aunt. Even if Emma worshiped her. It made my heart swell a bit that she’d think about taking on the almost one hundred–pound dog for me. “Don’t say that to Toby, he feels bad enough.”

      “As he should.” My aunt settled on the couch. “I saw you drive by the apartment so I thought I’d come over and see how you are. You don’t have to explain what happened, everyone has heard about Greg’s friend. That poor bride, she must be heartbroken.”

      “She’s hurting, that’s for sure.” I looked up the stairs toward the bedroom where Greg had disappeared with our bags. I was sure he was avoiding coming down right now to avoid being drilled on the murder gossip by my aunt. Right now, I hated him just a little. “Greg’s a little beat up too. He hadn’t seen Levi in years.”

      “There’s something about childhood friendships that stay with us. Give Greg my condolences.” She stood and turned toward the kitchen. “Do you have coffee made?”

      I leaned back into my couch, trying to enjoy the fact I was home. Home is where you could relax and chill. I opened one eye, she was still standing there, staring at me and waiting for my answer. “It’s almost four in the afternoon and we just walked in the door. Why would I have a pot of coffee going?”

      “For guests.” She waved me back on the couch. “Don’t get up, I’ll make it. And I came by yesterday and put a cherry cheesecake in the fridge for you. We had leftovers at the shop and Harrold doesn’t like cherry.”

      “I could go for that.” Greg’s voice boomed down the staircase.

      When he reached the bottom, I looked up at him. “Sure, now you come downstairs. You’d do anything for Sadie’s cheesecake.”

      “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I’d do almost anything.” He kissed me on the top of the head. “I was talking to Toby. He called to let us know he’s on his way back from Bakerstown with Emma. He should be here in twenty minutes. Should I get some burgers out for dinner? Looks like we’re going to have a full house.”

      Aunt Jackie came back into the living room. “No need. Harrold is at Diamond Lille’s picking up fried chicken. You two just relax. You’ve had quite a weekend.”

      I made eye contact with Greg and he responded to my unspoken, “WTH?” with a shrug that I interpreted as, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” My aunt was being nurturing, which was so not like her. But I liked this surprising side of her. Home, family—this is where you went when you were broken. I hoped Greg would feel the love as well.

      We could read each other pretty accurately. That was one thing I noticed when we were at The Castle. The other couples did the same thing. Except Levi and Jessica. I rarely even saw them talking, let alone casting glances that soon to be newlyweds should be casting. Like, I can’t wait to get you to the room and take off that skimpy bathing suit glances. What was up with that?

      I turned toward Greg, wanting to share my observation. “Levi and Jessica didn’t look at each other.”

      “What are you talking about?” He plopped down on the leather recliner he’d brought from his bachelor pad. I had to admit, it was comfortable and kind of went with my sofa set. Especially if Emma would stop eating the throw pillows I tried to decorate the leather monstrosity with. “I’m pretty sure they knew what each other looked like. They’d been living together for a while now.”

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