Killer Party. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Party - Lynn Cahoon

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I looked up at Greg who was grinning. He shrugged, “It could happen.”

      “Well, I’m just glad you saw the light and left that woman.” Levi smiled at me. “I’ll tell you a secret. She always gave me the creeps.”

      “Let’s put my romantic history aside, okay guys?” Greg nodded at Levi. “You know our host. The guy standing next to him with his foot in his mouth is David Rock. The behemoth over there is Butch, and that’s Mikey, with the beer in his hand.”

      “You’re a few behind,” Mikey grabbed a can from the bucket of ice and held it out to Greg. “Finish that beer you’re nursing like a little girl and let’s get this party started.”

      Greg squeezed my waist. “You want to join us?”

      “I think I’ll head over to the pool. You get caught up with your friends.” I held up my glass in a toast. “Have fun and I’ll see you at dinner.”

      “I’ll be five steps away.” Greg shook his head. “You just want an excuse to pull out a book and read by the pool.”

      “You know me too well.” I kissed him. Walking away, I surveyed the women tanning by the pool. Jessica lay so still, I figured she was asleep or passed out already. There was a lounger near a woman who had her own book open underneath a large sun hat. Her hair was curly like mine, but blond. And she had a white sunscreen nose.

      I grabbed a towel from a table and then spread it out on the chair next to her. “You don’t mind if I join you, do you?”

      The woman looked over her sunglasses at me. “Another cast-off wife or girlfriend? For this couples’ weekend, they sure like their bro time.” She held out a hand. “I’m Lois. Butch is my husband. We had to make it official before he went down state so we could at least have a few special visitations.”

      “Oh? I’m Jill Gardner. I’m here with Greg.” I wasn’t sure where down state was, so I jumped into the fray. “So where are you guys from?”

      “Louisiana. We live in Shreveport, but Butch works on the docks. It’s hard work, but he makes good money.” She cocked her head toward Levi. “Well, not great money like the computer nerd over there. According to the upcoming bride, Levi’s not just a millionaire anymore.”

      I’d found out more about two of the couples in less than five minutes than Greg had told me since receiving our invitation. “Greg and I live together.”

      Lois laughed. “I take it you just started shacking up?”

      “Well, yeah, why?” I wondered if Lois had known Sherry too.

      “Just the way you say it. I remember when Butch moved into my apartment. I didn’t know how to describe our relationship. I mean, boyfriend sounds too casual, and yet, you’re not married. Relax, you’ll get used to it. When we got hitched, Butch went off the deep end. Like he was responsible for me or something. I told him he could get off his high horse and just be himself.”

      “I don’t know if we’re even ready to talk marriage yet.” How’d we get so deep into the personal stuff so quickly? Of course, I’d starting thinking about the future, but honestly, I liked where we were right now.

      “I’ll stop bringing it up then.” She nodded to the other women on the lounge chairs. “Jessica’s the bride to be. MaryAnne is with David.”

      MaryAnne waved a hand to me, but didn’t turn her head. “Nice to meet you, Jill.”

      “The one swimming is Allison. She’s Mikey’s new wife.” Lois leaned closer and whispered. “Number five. Mikey has problems with commitment.”

      “Preach it,” MaryAnne called from her lounger. “At least this one actually talks to us. The last wife thought she was too good for us.”

      “So you guys know each other?” I hadn’t expected that.

      “Every September we get together at someone’s house.” Lois looked at me. “Greg hasn’t shown up for a few years. I’m surprised he didn’t just bring you along.”

      I tried to think back to last fall. Had he invited me to some trip that I’d turned down? “I’m sure we must have been busy on those weekends. Greg works so hard and I’ve got the shop.”

      “Oh, don’t feel bad about it. He rarely showed up with Sherry either. That woman wouldn’t let him out of her sight.” Lois stood and wobbled a bit on her flip-flops. “Let’s go drag the boys inside and get dinner started.”

      I watched as Allison stepped out of the pool, water dripping off her blue bikini which was just as skimpy as Jessica’s. The women were in great shape. Except for Lois. Yet, she seemed more comfortable in her plus-size body than the other woman did in their model size ones.

      “Throw me one of those towels, please.” Allison looked at me since I was standing next to the table.

      “Sure.” I tossed her a towel.

      “Thanks.” As she wrapped herself into the large towel, she grinned at me. “Looks like Greg found someone who wasn’t a flake.”

      “Just because I can throw a towel?”

      Allison stepped closer and held out her hand to shake. “Actually, just because you responded to a request. From what I heard, Sherry would have ignored me completely. I’m Allison and I’m so glad I’m not the new girl anymore.”

      “I guess that role falls on me now.” I liked Allison and Lois. MaryAnne seemed nice or at least funny. And Jessica? Well, she was the bride, so I’d let her have some bridezilla moments for the weekend.

      Lois stood at the edge of the table, her hand on Greg’s shoulder. “Nice to see you stranger.”

      Greg looked up and gave Lois a quick kiss on the cheek. “Did you meet my girl?”

      Lois patted him on the shoulder, then smiled back at me. “I did. She’s lovely. You did good this time.”

      “I hope so.” Greg leaned his head back and made eye contact. “Oh, honey, I didn’t see you standing there.”

      “Whatever. Apparently, it’s time to eat. You guys done talking about glory days?”

      Mikey jumped up and into a sumo warrior stance. “Never. But I am hungry.”

      As we made our way into the grand hall where Brenda and her crew had set up dinner, I heard Jessica whisper to Levi. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this snooze fest. Tell me we won’t be doing this every year.”

      A glance up at Greg and I knew he’d heard the comment too. He pulled me close and nuzzled my neck. “I guess we’re more of an acquired taste.”

      “Or the rest of us are too polite.” Bridezilla Jessica had two strikes against her. One more and she’d be officially on my list. And not the one where I keep all my best friends.

      CHAPTER 3

      Brenda’s staff served the dinner party in four courses. When the dessert course, strawberry shortcake and coffee, was served, Levi stood. “Let’s take this party back out poolside. The bar is open and Greg’s behind on tequila shots.”

      The group stood and followed Levi, leaving Greg, Allison, and me staring longingly on the uneaten plates. He sat his fork down on the table and turned to me. “Do you mind?”

      I shrugged. “I get it, you want to go play with the boys. But seriously? You’re turning down one of Sadie’s desserts? I’m going to have to rat you out the next time she visits.”

      “Don’t. She’ll stop bringing her leftovers to the station for the guys.” He looked at the group as they disappeared out of the dining room. “I’ll stay and wait if you want to finish yours.”

      I shook my head. “Go. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”


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