Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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      Psychic Explorations: How to Read for Yourself and Others

       “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”—Confucius

      Linda Schiller-Hanna settled into a comfortable chair in her hotel room, closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and went inside herself, as if between two doors. When her awareness of the outside world slipped away, she prayed silently, “Tell me what to say and how to say it,” and then imagined a violin string connecting our two hearts.

      All four of her psychic channels instantly opened. She heard, saw, knew, and felt my life story as it flowed into her mind; she even felt my feelings, and in a rush of words told me what came to her. The story tumbled out, as she expressively nodded, laughed, waved her hands, and shifted in her chair in response to the energetic impressions streaming into her mind.

      Linda was joyful during this thirty-minute reading, and I watched her connection with her Source intensify moment by moment. She was wired up to my unique electroencephalograph, the Mind Mirror, and it showed that she was channeling pure energy. Within four minutes, her brainwave pattern shifted from the awakened mind of psychic mastery to the superconscious mind of the higher self. When she asked me to close my eyes and feel the love of my divine teachers and guides, her brainwaves suddenly shifted into the highest-known brainwave pattern of the angelic, godlike nature. Today we know this as the higher self, or the oversoul.

      To make sure that Linda’s movements had not influenced her extraordinary brainwave patterns, at the end of the reading I asked her to close her eyes and connect with her Source. The evolved-mind pattern of illumination, a circle of blissful oneness with the divine, appeared on the EEG and then returned to the superconscious mind, in which very high frequencies of light evolve the brain and consciousness. (See the next three chapters for the significance of these brainwave patterns and how to develop them.)

      It was a magnificent display of the psychic’s rise in consciousness, made possible by Linda’s meditation mastery and nine months of psychic training at a California school, Heartsong, in 1980. She has been a professional intuitive ever since. (See Resources at the end of this chapter.)

      “Psychic readings are meditations for someone else,” Linda told an audience of ninety people at a psychic training intensive seminar hosted by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. on that February weekend in 2012. The next day she stated, “A psychic reading is a healing.” She would know. She offers free intuitive counseling to HIV and AIDS patients through her Angel Love Healing Center and, as a Reiki master, gives hands-on healing to people in need. In two cases, she prayed deeply, applied Reiki, and was “coincidentally present,” she said, when Spirit awakened the recipients from comas. One woman had been in a coma for several years and awakened on the spot. The other person, a young man who had been shot in the head, awakened the next day.

      People with a high spiritual intention to help and heal others can do “all of these things and more,” as Jesus promised. It’s a simple matter of deepening into the quiet awareness of your soul and allowing it to resonate with the energy and information you seek. Your soul will draw intuitive imagery and healing energy from the superconscious realm of Universal Consciousness, where Edgar Cayce believed the most accurate readings were produced.

      Psychic perception and transmission are the natural abilities of the soul. Every soul can do these things, as you will see for yourself in trying out the powerful intuitive techniques presented in this chapter.

      Seven Steps to Psychic Awareness

      Linda Schiller-Hanna’s seven steps to psychic awareness quiet and center the mind while raising sensory awareness into the high-sense perception of the soul. After years of practice, Linda needs only a few moments to deepen into her alpha brainwaves, the doorway to intuitive awareness. Practice will teach you to shift your brainwaves and consciousness into this higher state of awareness very quickly, and eventually you, too, will consciously live the intuitive life of your soul.

      If you are new to psychic inquiry, you will find these seven steps immensely helpful. I learned them in one of Linda’s Lightworker Intensive trainings and have taught them to hundreds of people in community college classes, with terrific results.

      Whether you use the seven steps for self-guidance or to intuitively “read” someone else—an animal, object, or place—this preparation will enable you to access information about the past, present, or future. You may wish to read others in person to begin with, but with practice you will be able to “tune in” to the vibrations of the person, place, or thing without regard to distance.

      When two people pair up to read for each other, the sensory-rich seven steps guide the speaker (reader) and listener (recipient) into a shared intention, subconscious awareness, and an intuitive heart connection. Experience these steps and their shifts in consciousness alone, as you begin. Then, after reading the guidelines in the rest of this chapter, get together with a friend or friends to practice paired readings with the help of these seven steps.

      1. Breathe. First, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth seven times. Immerse your mind in your deep, slow, and steady breathing.

      2. Affirm protection. Say out loud or inwardly: “I set my intention that this reading is for the highest good of all concerned. This reading will be truthful, non-judgmental, non-manipulative, caring, and in divine order.”

      3. Ground yourself. Imagine your body as a tree with roots extending from your tailbone and your feet all the way into the center of the earth.

      4. Center yourself. Successively move your attention to the center of your forehead, the center of your heart, and your center of gravity (just below your navel).

      5. Cleanse. Imagine a white shaft of light flowing from above you (and from God, if you wish) down into your heart and through your spine, carrying all negativity, fear, prejudice, and anything that is not perfectly you into the center of the earth.

      6. Make a heart connection with your partner. Imagine a violin string of energy extending from heart to heart. You may feel a little tug indicating that this connection has been made. (Be sure to disconnect this heart string at the end of the reading.)

      7. Open “banana” fingers. The speaker widens the fingers of both hands and extends both palms toward the listener to sense his or her energy field. At this point, the listener clearly states his or her name three times to attune the speaker to the vibration. The speaker’s eyes close, and the listener’s eyes remain open. The speaker says whatever comes to mind without any editing at all. The listener listens without comment and gives feedback afterward.

      Schiller-Hanna advises the reader to “blurt out” whatever he or she receives, which is great advice. Sometimes people working in groups hesitate, as if looking to each other for permission to begin. But once the first person begins to read, so does everyone else.

      Some people receive information more slowly than others, and that’s fine, too. Just take your time and allow the words, images, feelings, and inner knowing to surface in their own way.

      Setting an Intention or Ideal

      Psychic inquiry must always begin with a spiritual intention, as you have seen in the seven steps. Intention is everything in psychic readings, as it unites the body, mind, heart, and spirit into a single-pointed awareness that frees the soul to journey through the superconscious to the sought-after information.

      The recipient’s intention is equally important; if it is only one of idle curiosity, there will not be enough resonance to make the connection, according to a Cayce reading (294-131) and the science of intuition presented in later chapters of this book. Resonance is the law in physics and metaphysics by which two vibrations attune to one another.

      If you don’t already have a clear intention for your life, which Edgar Cayce termed an ideal or guiding aspiration, you may wish to set one now. Simply close your eyes, relax, and get in touch with what you need most in

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