The Pink Sneakers Club. Christian Jr. Bertoni

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The Pink Sneakers Club - Christian Jr. Bertoni

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behind a large oak tree. Away from anyone able to spot me.

      My life’s a mess, my parents . . . practically non-existent. If it weren’t for Randi and the others I don’t know what I’d do. I do know that I’ve got another year and half before I graduate and then – I don’t know. I’ll figure something out. All I know is I need some substance in my life. Something I can hold on to. Something real. Something I can look at and say I did that. That’s what I need.

      I looked to my left and saw Natalie Pelledario talking animatedly to Mr. Dinkle. I couldn’t make out what was being said but it looked like he was yelling at her. After a few minutes he pointed as if telling her to leave. She spun on her heels and ran off in that direction. Mr. Dinkle rubbed his hands nervously together, made a quick phone call and then walked back into the school.

      When the bell sounded for the end of first period I got up brushed the grass from my skirt and headed back inside.

      I met the guys for lunch, just as Randi stated earlier we hung out and ate, gossiped until who should walk up? You already know -- Natalie Pelledario. Her make-up was spot on. After Randi left, Natalie took it upon herself to sit down and begin eating Randi’s fries.

      “She sure is huffy. Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing.” She said with a mischievous grin.

      “I’m sure.” I said looking straight at her.

      “So Kaye,” when she said my name she punched the ‘k’ and elongated the ‘e’. So it came out ‘Kayee’, “what did you get on that last test? I got an 83.”


      “94? How did you get a 94?”

      “Hey, I’m lazy not stupid.”

      “Humph, well, did you answer Ms. Loren’s essay?”

      “What was it?” Deirdre asked.

      I answered, “what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?”

      Deirdre cooed, “ooooh, I love that one? It’s a classic paradox.”

      I rolled my eyes, “Your such a dork.”

      “So what did you say?” Deirdre pressed. She could hardly contain her excitement.

      “It was a stupid question,” Natalie continued, “I mean everybody knows an irresistible force can move any object. Am I right?” She looks over at Caren who nods. She’s not even paying attention.

      “But,” Deirdre chimed in, “an immovable object cannot be moved.”

      “Um, I don’t speak geek.” Natalie said holding her hand in front of Deirdre’s face.

      “All I put was that there are no irresistible forces so there can’t be any immovable objects.” I said.

      “Really? Mountains are immovable objects.” Natalie interjected.

      “Actually that’s not entirely true.” Deirdre said.

      Natalie glared at her, “really? When was the last time you moved a mountain?”

      Deirdre carefully slipped her hair behind her ear, it was a habit she did when she got nervous. Even though she was so in her element. “You can dynamite mountains, there are volcanic actions and mountains can erode over time. So you see the question really has no answer. We do not live in a universe, which allows irresistible forces and immovable objects.”

      “It’s a hypothetical question Natalie.” Caren said. We looked at her, “what? I can do two things at once you know.” She went back to filing her nails.

      Deirdre continued, “Natalie, let’s imagine a universe, which allows irresistible forces. Such a universe cannot allow immovable objects, as that would violate the very definition of a hypothetical universe. Now, let's imagine a universe, which allows immovable objects. Again, such a universe cannot allow irresistible forces, as that would violate the very definition of a second hypothetical universe. So, an irresistible force cannot meet an immovable object. In fact, no universe can ever allow both irresistible forces and immovable objects. And, the question has no answer.”

      “Well, that’s just stupid.” Natalie got up and left.

      “Why does she always think she’s smarter than the rest of us?” Deirdre asked.

      “You know what I say you can’t judge a book by its front parts.” Caren said. “I hate it when other pretty girls sit with us.”

      Deirdre and I looked at her and shook our heads.

      Caren shrugged her shoulders, and went back to filing her nails again.

      I was glad school was over for the day. The four of us headed for the parking lot.

      “I can’t believe that bitch screwed me!” Randi screamed in anger.

      “What are you gonna do now?” Deirdre asked.

      “What choice do I have? Either I do it or I don’t go to competition and let Natalie win. And I rather die before I let Nat-

      At 3:05 the horn blared indicating a shift change at the chemical plant. Followed by a scream from above, and then -


      Chapter 3

      Thursday, 6:45 AM

      I woke up to the soothing sounds of the ocean. I sat up in my large, king-size bed, my light blue Duvet bunched at the foot of my bed. I let the music continue to play, stretched, swung my legs over the side, stretched again and got up. Life is good. MMMMMMM.

      I turned off the music and padded across my thick, carpeted room down the hallway and made my way downstairs. Oh I almost forgot my name is Caren James.

      I walked down the long, wide hallway and entered our ginormous kitchen. Yeah it’s a word don’t believe me? Look it up.

      Our kitchen opened up to the back patio a large black, crescent-shaped, granite countertop sat in the middle with high-back bar stools around the front. Breakfast nook to one side with large top to bottom bay windows overlooking the double pool. A small waterfall separated the two pools. There were two large bedrooms downstairs, three bedrooms upstairs and a large sitting area that opened out to a balcony with stairs going down to the large cement covered patio. It’s pretty awesome.

      You’re probably wondering how does an aerobics instructor afford a 5000 plus square foot home? Easy. My mom has been married 3 times. Her last marriage was to some gross, old fart who died three weeks later. He was wealthy. You’ve heard of filthy rich? He was disgustingly rich. So my mom inherited everything. I mean everything. He had no kids, no ex-wives. Jackpot! It reminds me of that old saying, “if you don’t have money your stupid.”

      I was in the kitchen eating a Special K bar when my mother walked in still wearing her black Versace dress.

      “Hey sweetie your up.”

      “You just getting in?” I asked. Not really surprised. She’d been doing that for the past month.

      “Yeah,” she tousled her hair, “Andrew just couldn’t let me go.” I rolled my eyes. She says that every time.

      My mom is pretty cool. Her and my dad have been divorced for about ten years now. He moved out west somewhere I don’t really know. It’s just my mom and me.

      She’s got long, dark brown hair, heavy curls and dark eyes. She is in a matter of speaking voluptuous and curvy.

      “Well momma’s going to shower, change and take a little nap. You okay to get yourself off to school?”

      “Always am.” I said. “How about letting me borrow the Aston Martin?”

      She gave me a look only a mother could give, but I have my own look. I opened my big,

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