Secrets Dog Training Methods: Getting Your Dog Trained In a Few Easy Steps. Jimmy JD Mark

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Secrets Dog Training Methods: Getting Your Dog Trained In a Few Easy Steps - Jimmy JD Mark

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dogs are more inclined to contracting certain illnesses or diseases, there are some sicknesses which are common among all breeds. Some cases can be severe and others minor, but all should be properly taken care of and treated. It is important to visit your veterinarian regularly avoid and detect these illnesses early.

      The following are some of the most common diseases and sicknesses dogs can contract, as well as how they are prevented:

      Distemper - While distemper typically affects younger dogs it is highly contagious though fluid from the respiratory system, feces, and urine. Some symptoms include coughing, eye discharge, and paralysis is also common. In order to prevent your dog from contracting distemper make sure he has received the immunization for distemper.

      Canine Parvovirus - Also called parvo, this virus is spread through mere dog contact, and it is spread through the feces, fur, and feet of infected dogs. When a dog contracts parvo, he is typically depressed, vomiting, and having uncontrollable diarrhea. The virus can be prevented through immunizations; otherwise it can be deadly for unprotected dogs. Some say carrying your dog into the vet’s office is best as your dog’s feet can contract parvo and other diseases through their paws.

      Kennel Cough - Scientifically called Canine Leptospirosis, kennel cough is caused by bacteria in the respiratory tract. It typically causes cough and nasal discharge, and a vaccine can be administered to stop the bacteria. One way to prevent kennel cough is to make sure your dog is not in contact with areas where dogs that have the illness may have been.

      Heartworm Disease - Heartworms develop when an infected mosquito has bitten a dog and transmitted blood infected with the heartworm to the dog. The heartworm reaches and develops within the dog’s heart, lungs, and other vital organs. Heartworm tests must be administered for a diagnosis to be made, and is treatable. Veterinarians suggest also taking heartworm pills for healthy dogs to keep the possibility of contracting the disease to a minimum.

      Heart Disease - Heart disease is shockingly popular among dogs, and is classified by the inability of the dog’s heart to pump blood quickly caused by any number of reasons. Coughing, fainting, tiredness, and lack of energy are signs that your dog should be seen by a veterinarian to be tested for the disease. To prevent heart disease make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and has a good strong diet.

      Not only are these some of the medical conditions which arise in dogs, but there is also a problem with ticks and fleas for any dog.

      Ticks are tiny parasites, visible to the naked eye, which can be transmitted between dogs, cats, and humans. They feed on the blood of their hosts, which can particularly bad to the host when the tick is infected with certain diseases. For dogs, ticks usually feed on areas that have the least amount of fur, where there is easier access to the skin. If you notice a tick on your dog, there are at-home ways to remove them yourself, or if you feel more comfortable take your dog to a veterinarian. There is protection from ticks available in pill and topical form which can be obtained, however it is important to have your veterinarian’s opinion before beginning any new medications.

      Fleas are very similar in behavior to ticks, except their lifestyle is much longer. There are shampoos which can help to remove the eggs and fleas that are on a dog’s skin. Fleas can survive on your dog, in your home, and in your yard, so even indoor dogs are susceptible to getting them.

      While these are only a few of the diseases your pet may encounter, it is up to you, as the owner, to recognize a change in your dog and get them the proper medical treatment. The faster you take note of your dog feeling ill, the faster you can get to a doctor and get the proper medical treatment to help out your canine.

      Communicating With Dogs

      Part of the appeal of having a dog is the communication that is said to be has between a man and his best friend, the dog. Paying attention to the subtle verbal and nonverbal cues your dog gives you can tell you a lot about how they are feeling and what they are trying to tell you. Every dog is a little different, but everything they do is to communicate with the people and animals that are around them.

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