The Doctrine of Presence. Benjamin Vance

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The Doctrine of Presence - Benjamin Vance

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Leo and red Greenie. The only thing I could think to say was, “Greenie, you look Red.”

      The third face to peer into the gloom was our old friend (and his) Andrew Wall. My heart sank and my hackles were immediately up. I said, “What the hell’s going on. Are you guys here to assist the movie team or something?”

      Leo was the first to respond, “No way Daiwee, why would you think that shit?”

      “Well, those three Unimogs belong to them don’t they?”

      “Not only no, but hell no. Those beauties are ours Daiwee.” He glanced beyond me and said, “Hey, guys how you been?”

      I turned and saw Fredo wheeling Gimp up to the craft. Gimp had Tinker Belle in his lap. She was sitting there like she owned him, and his wheel chair. The three African gentlemen apparently were left with our belongings and the SUVs. I worried about that too.

      Once Leo and Greenie saw Tinker Belle, it was all over. They practically jumped down the ramp to see her. It was all oohs and aahs, for what seemed like ten minutes, while Andy and I just stood there watching in the red glow, with silly smiles plastered on. When at last Leo was allowed to carry the little thing, they came slowly up the ladder like they were carrying the Queen of Sheba and the spacious plane was her castle.

      After all were inside, Andy shut the door and the interior lights changed from red to dim pink incandescent. It was then entirely evident the plane was no standard craft. There was a bulkhead with door about half way to the tail and another light-proof bulkhead between the passenger area and the cockpit. There were no windows. I assumed the “windows” were cameras and antennae of various types mounted on the exterior. This was definitely a “spook” plane. Andy asked us to sit and enjoy something to drink. Since it appeared I was going to be inside for a while once I sat down, I excused myself and started to the SUVs to brief the other gents. Leo interrupted and asked if he could go talk to them. He said he knew everything Andy was going to say anyway. I agreed and sat down, finally enjoying something that wasn’t bouncing my kidneys to mush.

      Andy poured some bottled ice water and as he was doing so I heard a hum start and felt cool air hit me from the plane’s vents. It felt like heaven. I saw Gimp shift around a couple of times while we were getting settled and dispensing with our portion of small talk. If those beauties outside were really ours, I was most glad for him. I asked if he was having any pain. He replied, “Not much … nothing I can’t handle. I think my back is screwed from trying to hold my head close to the window all afternoon. That Sankaw guy’s farts could be used for strategic weapons … my God, Fredo, you were right.”

      That comment broke the tension and after we settled down and Leo returned with some positive information about our employees, Andy started by asking how our trip had been so far. We explained and related how we had watched the movie team and learned a few things and how Fredo had found “Tink”, as he called her. Andy looked down at his water and after a few seconds started his shadowy briefing.

      “Gentlemen, as far as you’re concerned, this plane and I belong to the State Department. Our pilots and two of our technicians are staying at a nearby hotel. Larry, one of the technicians, is in the rear of the plane. He’s been keeping tabs on you guys, making sure you were continuing to move along. Of course I wanted to wait for you here so you could see what presents we brought you. These vehicles have been cleared at the highest levels. Your cover is similar to what we discussed several months ago; photography. Your current tasks are: first, get some rest, then meticulously inventory your Unimogs, then get to work. I think you’ll find there is something for everyone in those vehicles. They were designed based on current threat levels and have some strange stuff on board, so learn it all.

      “Your real job or mission if you like, is to be genuine poacher hunters.” Just then, for some reason Tink jumped into Andy’s chair. She turned her head to look at him, and then settled at his side. He grinned, lightly scratched her tiny head and asked her if she was hungry. Leo retorted he forgot to mention he had sent the Afrikaners to get some antelope or goat milk and baby bottles. Fredo and everyone else exclaimed their surprise and cheered Leo.

      Andy continued with a drowsy Tink at his side, “We know there is poaching going on outside the park, a ways south of here. Most of it happens at night. You have all the latest generation night vision devices you’ll need. Everything is rechargeable and replaceable. Don’t treat any of that stuff like it’s yours; it’s expendable, remember that. You guys are not expendable. Like I said, there’s some poaching going on in Amboseli. However, the poaching that we’re interested in is in Tsavo East area and it is Rhino poaching on the protected reservations. There are Muslims in this country and for the most part, they are law abiding citizens. However, we believe the poachers are backed and guided by a group of Yemenis using Somali separatists. You see, every Yemeni man covets Rhino horn to make his dagger or Jambiya handle, which in my opinion substitutes for his dick. Those Rhino horns are going for as much as thirty six thousand dollars apiece.

      “You can see why it’s difficult to control poaching. I also think you can understand why there are Yemenis in Kenya directing the killing of Kenyan Rhinos. The Kenyan government has done much to stop the killing, but they are hampered by some corrupt officials and religious zealots who would kill the last Rhino on Earth to get horn. Also, there is a great bunch of rangers from the Big Life Foundation who are doing a great job in Tanzania and Kenya around Amboseli and Chyulu Hills. They have about 20 outposts and drive dark green Land Rovers mostly. I gave you a map of their locations. Try to steer clear of them; you might give ‘em a bad reputation. In any case, they won’t be where you will probably end up.

      “All that said; the Yemeni are not here just to get Rhino horn. They are here to help destabilize the country. You know, at one time Kenya was considered the England of Africa. Of course all that fell apart due to ill treatment of the indigenous, mainly Kikuyu. The Brits are going to have to pay big bucks in reparations for the Mao Mao debacle, even at this late date I think. Al Qaeda sees a great opportunity to destabilize and spread their influence at any time and for any reason. The Mao Mao tragedy may be one of those opportunities, so it may be advantageous to have some of those old KLFA members on our side. They were fierce nationalists.

      “We know of seven mosque-associated cells in and around cities in Kenya, but we think the head boys are hiding out in the bush close to Tsavo East, somewhere east of the park along the Sabaki or Tana Rivers. It could be they are headquartered in Garissa or even close to the refugee camps. Wait ‘til you get a load of those militant incubating shit holes. I have some maps for you and I’ll help you from a distance. It’s a huge area. One can get lost for good in that place, and you guys can lose people permanently, if you get my drift. You should make yourselves known by your low profile in Amboseli. Keep it low and you’ll be considered a threat to only poachers. I know … I know … we’re using you---but hell, look outside. You guys know what to do and how to do it. We just gave you the tools you need to do damn near anything, except go to the moon … any questions?”

      We all looked at each other and eventually deference was mine. I sat up straighter and looked at the other four. My first question was directed to Leo and Greenie, “Why and how are you guys here?”

      Leo looked at Greenie, who said, “Well, Leo called me after Andy touched base with him and we decided you wouldn’t think poorly of us anymore if we brought us some toys as an apology gift. We were going to come anyway, eventually. Fredo called us when he got out of the hospital and asked us to come. He said you were taking too many chances with our little boy Gimp.” At that point Gimp said, “Fuck you Green jeans.”

      Greenie threw Gimp a kiss and continued, “We missed you guys is all. We just got a good reason to come to this hell hole and took it. This should be fun if everyone wants to do it, and we get to do some decent things before we check out … I mean in a couple of ways, you know.”

      I didn’t answer immediately, but looked at both of them with a blank stare and waited. When I sensed Andy opening his mouth I quickly said, “You guys all know we could end up being statistics here, don’t you? Andy, has a job to do. Shit knows who he’s really working for and we may never find out. Leo and I have been in this position before, but you three haven’t. It is one

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