Thanks Be to Bono. Brent Barton

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Thanks Be to Bono - Brent Barton

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      The U2opian philosophy embraces a worldview that accepts differences, conflicts and contradictions. Monotheism. Dualism. Belief in the trinity. Yup, sure. That’s all good and what have you. But it’s all been done. Our beliefs came via quartet. The U2opian philosophy accepts the distinctions between all the instruments in the band. Literally and metaphorically.

      Singers in a choir, we can sing. We can meet together in the same key. We can accept the differences between tone and pitch and move on, to the common ground, harmony, where we, as humans, can put the idea of opposition aside (even if just for a brief moment, please). It’s a recognition of all the connections that we share on all the other levels of existence.

      Other levels of existence?

      Stay with me now.

      I’ll do my best to keep our discussion here grounded.

      The U2opian philosophy embraces the idea of a connected universe. Don’t ask me how it all works (ask a physicist) but it appears that there is a mysterious gravitational force, binding us all together. Call it science, call it magic, it can be poetic, and it can be religious if that’s how you like to look at things. But this is the ultimate fact: in the bigger picture of the universe, we’re all tied together. Connections. This is the essence of it all.

      U2opian scientists have found overwhelming evidence for these connections. Recent experiments point to a defining quantum energy behind it all. People in the past referred to this connecting energy as “spirit.” That’s what we often called it in our service. Others have liked to call it “God,” or “chance,” or “complete and total chaos.” I’m not sure. I don’t care, really. Shit! Fuck! Whatever. Call it what you want. These names are the least important things about it. It’s the connections, not the names, that are the point. The connections. The U2opian belief system is not concerned about semantics and mere words.

      Fuck all that.

      We’re all about the bigger picture!

      Forward, clear thinking.

      The U2opian view is a rational one, one that aims to strip away the artifice of distracting ritual to target the purpose, the goal of life at the universal level. As a global movement, we connected with people. And they in turn connected with what we had to say.

      And what is there not to like about what we had to say?

      It’s clear to me why people liked our message. We offered positivity and acceptance for a change. The mandate of TEMPLE™ was positivity, plain and simple: Spread the message of love and peace throughout the world. No baggage limit. No baggage required.


      Sing a song!

      Our talking points were well articulated.

      Our slogans were direct and relevant to all of humanity:

      Quench thirst!

      Satisfy hunger!

      Stop hurt!

      Easy now: Breathe.



      The problems of the world are all too real. And the U2opian philosophy embraces this reality. It embraces the up and down, back and forth world we live in. The sad parts are all real. We live with the consequences of bad decisions.

      Folks, it isn’t all sunshine and happy good times. Far from it. The music of U2 brings us down, to the ground, and buries us. It buries us deeply. Whenever a tune becomes a little too happy happy, joy joy, that sad minor chord cuts it all down to remind us what’s at stake here. Life and death. There is a darkness looming. The minor chord comes in. Darkness and light. Contrast. Difference. Dangerous ideas can almost make sense.

      But fear not. The minor chord bridges across the chasm, to a chorus and with it we are uplifted. Thank goodness, chords can change the tone.

      The world we live in is an interactive world. Like a guitar string, we can strum it.

      And so, let’s strum it right. Sustainable prosperity for all the people of Earth, is what we say. U2opia!

      A far fetched concept?

      Friend, there has never been any question about it.

      We aim far because our target remains very far away.

      Our heads aren’t in the clouds, our heads are beyond the clouds.

      Our priorities, as a religion and as a community, were to ensure that all humans have reasonable access to clean water, food, medicine, shelter and peace. And toilets. Is this too much to ask?

      Reasonable access to clean toilets, for all humans.

      Let’s make this goal happen.

      But first, let’s stop right here because I want to make sure that we are all clear about what we’re talking about.

      Right now our conversation is focusing in on the issue of extreme poverty. I know we keep going on about it. You may have heard Bono speak on this issue.

      Do you know what Bono means by this, when he refers to “extreme poverty?” Because he’s not talking about regular poor people here. He’s not talking about the people who are struggling to survive. Sadly friend, there will always be poor people. Poverty of one kind or another will always exist. Life will always be a struggle. BAM! There’s a cold hard fact of life for you. Deal with it.

      But this thing called extreme poverty…well this is something entirely different. Extreme poverty is what lies beyond poor. Extreme poverty is when there is absolutely nothing. No food. No water. None. No medicine. No peace. No future. No help. It’s when hope is in danger of running out. It’s quite different from extreme skiing. The people living in extreme poverty are not “hungry.” These are people who are “starving.” Actually starving sustenance wise, as opposed to the everyday expression of “oh my God, I’m starving” while wondering what’s taking the waiter so long to return with your order of nachos.

      You can talk all about the 1% and the 99 – this soundbite math is so easy, anyone can do it – but the real numbers of what lie at the very bottom of the 99 statistic is a little more complicated and potentially far more disturbing. Extreme poverty is the real bottom. The real, desperate, human bottom. These are the people Bono has asked us to help. Mmmm. Now I have nachos on my mind.

      Bono tells us that that there is a way.

      Hope lives in this moment.

      Hope lives now in how we choose to act.

      Folks, if we all want to get along and live together in peace and prosperity, we’re going to have to learn to communicate with one another. The U2opian philosophy embraces the idea that we, as humans working together, can realize a functional world without hunger, war or sickness. We can make something beautiful! Something that wouldn’t be a problem. Humanity can express itself in positive and constructive ways.

      We invite you to believe it.

      Cooperation amongst people and nations.

      Unity across divided lines.

      Individuals, working together. Helping each other. We have faith that wondrous things can be done. Suffering can be stopped. We can manifest miracles!


      This isn’t just religious pie in the sky bullshit talk.

      This is all real.

      Wondrous things are possible.

      We can make the world better.

      And this is our belief. Bono guides us on the issues. And what a guide he is! TEMPLE™ was established, in his name, to realize the magnificent potential that dwells within the universal

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