Purgatory: Divine Mercy. Marino Restrepo
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Divine Mercy
Marino Restrepo
First edition published in Mexico by P.L.F.
September, 2013 – 5,000 copies
Diagram and Design: Maria Heneghan
Cover Design: Luz Angela Garcia Betancur
Cover Photograph: Pilgrims of Love Mission – Randalstown, Northern Ireland
Original Spanish edition translated by: Virginia Marie Forrester
Biblical texts taken from the Navarre Bible. EUNSA Popular Edition.
All rights are protected by international laws on the Author’s Right. The contents and cover cannot be reproduced totally or partially by printing, audio-visual, recording systems or any other means created or about to be created, or translated into any language, without the permission of the Publishing House.
Visit our Website: www.marinorestrepo.com
Pilgrims of love
P.O.Box 830
Wembley, HA9 1AQ
Copyright © 2014 Pilgrims of Love. Marino Restrepo
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2216-9
This book is written to enrich the knowledge of Catholics about the wonderful gift of the mercy of God for souls. Who, on dying and appearing before the Divine Tribunal of our Lord Jesus Christ, without a perfect and holy preparation, are rescued from the punishment of eternal damnation and taken to live in a state of purification or purgation. Where, after passing through a trial by fire, they have the opportunity to enter into the fullness of the eternal glory of Paradise.
The first part of the book is a compilation of excerpts from the Councils, in which the existence of Purgatory is established as a dogmatic reality for the Catholic believer. The second part is a collection of testimonies of mystics and saints of the Church, who have left a valuable legacy of information on their experiences with souls in Purgatory and of their innumerable sufferings. They are useful to us as profound reflections on the responsibilities we all have in our preparation for the days we face after our death. The third part is a testimony of the author’s mystical experience, which enables one to share the depth of his vision of the sufferings souls endure in Purgatory.
The essential message of this book is to present the infinite Mercy of God, which continues even after our death.
At the present time there are many difficulties affecting the life of the Church; however this book will focus only on the examination of one of the truths detailed in the Catechism of the Church: Purgatory. It is true that, in the post-conciliar years, the ecclesial Magisterium has had to intervene in certain circumstances, with its infallible authority, to defend the truth of the Deposit of the Faith, which is conveyed by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Indeed such intervention is needed, now even more ardently in this new millennium, the church should follow the mandate that our Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter, when He told him, that he must confirm the faith of all his brethren (cf. Luke 22:31-32).
Sadly, many Christians who call themselves Catholics, seem unable to understand the important need to adhere to, and unite with the teachings of the Magisterium. By recognising the catechesis of the Church they can avoid the danger of being drawn ‘by the winds of doctrines’ and taught moral and doctrinal errors which are promoted by many anti-ecclesial environments, national governments and religious sects.
Never has man been in greater need of a sure norm of life, which will enable him to have a clear understanding of moral and ethical values. It is precisely because of such an erosion of ethical behavior, that we are also facing an astounding loss of the basic foundations of the faith. To the extent that, within the Catholic Church herself, we are seeing total disorder and confusion in relation to the main object of the act of faith: what should be believed, and who should be believed.
In such a situation, it is easy to find ‘Catholics’ who have let themselves be swayed, and guided, by new doctrines that gratify their conscience, allowing them to live as they please. Subjective conscience has become the accepted behavior and the infallible teaching of the Magisterium is accepted, only in so far as it conforms to their way of thinking. If not, it is simply not accepted.
This book, which touches upon one of the truths of our faith – that today is widely doubted – is the fruit of the wide ecclesial experience of the author. The experience of a great sinner who converted and, more than that, was rescued after many years of estrangement from the Church. He was rescued as the result of a true mystical experience, in which our Lord Jesus Christ manifested His infinite Mercy to him.
In his first book, entitled Testimony, the author describes the astonishing and most extraordinary experience of his conversion. After that event, and for the past 15 years, Marino Restrepo has traveled around the world, visiting more than 105 countries. He has preached tirelessly; guided by his personal experience, he presents the true faith in keeping with the orthodox teaching of the Church, and the content of the Deposit of the Faith.
While defending the truth, he unmasks the lies and errors of false doctrines, which dull the minds and consciences of many weak Catholics, who lack clear and sufficient knowledge of the Church’s teachings. These false doctrines have caused many Catholics to be shaken like reeds in the wind, and so, have risked apostatising from the true faith.
It is a thorough book, well documented with biblical and magisterial teachings, and enriched by the experiences of Saints and mystics, who were exposed to the reality of Purgatory. To the testimony of these Saints, the author adds his own experience, exactly as he lived it. This includes a reflection upon the sin of adultery in his own life.
We never fully consider the consequences of our acts on others. The text makes it clear, that in Purgatory we will have to meticulously purify for all the negative consequences that our sins have had on the lives of others, especially if it caused them to sin.
The book provides clarification on the graces of Indulgences; graces that the Mother Church grants for the spiritual wellbeing of her children, in order to help them to do reparation for their faults, whilst remaining in this world, with the hope of diminishing their purification after death. Very appropriate, therefore, is the lovely prayer book of supplications for the dead, with which the author ends the book. It reviews the ways to gain plenary and partial indulgences as established by the Church.
This document will certainly be of great help to Catholics who need to be more aware of the realities and duties of their Christian life in relation to the hereafter. This is well expressed in the phrase ‘the Communion of Saints,’ and proclaimed in the Apostles’ Creed. The book seeks not only to dispel doubts about the existence of Purgatory, but also to awaken and revive in the reader, charity towards suffering souls, who are most in need of our prayers and intercessions.
In the name of the whole Church, I wish to thank the author of this book, for this new testimony of life and service to Her. His written work is no less effective than the word he preaches around the world.
Finally it is to Jesus and his Most Holy Mother that we address our gratitude, for all the wonderful work they have done and will do with this chosen instrument, for the good of many more brethren.
For the glory