Idle Lies. Lian Knight

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Idle Lies - Lian Knight

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why he did that,’ said Kate, her eyes misting. ‘He must have something better.’

      Angela watched as a dark cloud returned over her friend. ‘I’ve got some spare furniture in storage,’ she offered. ‘A divan and a kitchen setting. I took them out of the house while the renovations were happening, and I haven’t put them back. Why don’t you use them for the meantime? My brother can help bring them over.’

      Kate’s spirits lifted slightly. ‘Thank you, I might take you up on that. I just don’t know what to do next.’

      Lauren sat quietly studying the table, deep in thought. ‘You said her name was Bridie,’ she said at last. ‘I think I might have met her.’

      Kate’s eyebrows rose involuntarily. ‘You did?’

      ‘A girl named Bridie came into our office to order business cards. She works at the electrical wholesaler, right?’

      ‘I don’t know …’ Kate still knew nothing about the woman Matt had deserted her for.

      Lauren pushed on. ‘I offered her some new designs, but she was adamant it had to be the company layout and colour, that bright pink they have. She placed a big order and then she left. I didn’t know who she was until I saw her with Matt a few weeks ago.’

      ‘You saw her with him?’ Kate said, swallowing hard. She did a mental calculation. ‘A few weeks ago, before we went on holiday?’ Her face paled.

      Lauren nodded slowly. ‘I wasn’t aware that anything was going on. Lucy and I were getting lunch at The Republican – you know, that new restaurant that has opened, when Matt and this girl walked in. They sat near the window so they didn’t see us. She was wearing the company uniform, and Matt, being an electrician, I assumed he was working, ordering stock or something.’ She turned to Lucy. ‘What did you think?’ she asked.

      ‘Well, they weren’t holding hands or anything like that,’ Lucy volunteered.

      Kate was not convinced. ‘Why would he meet an office girl in a restaurant?’ she asked, frowning.

      ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘Come to think of it, she did look a bit young to be a business manager.’

      Kate’s brow furrowed. ‘How old do you think she is?’

      ‘I would say about twenty,’ Lucy blurted.

      Kate’s eyes lit with shock. When they had met, at twenty-four, she was a year older than Matt and Paul had often jested that Kate was a cougar. Now, eight years on, this girl was eleven years Matt’s junior.

      ‘She’s nineteen,’ Lauren said quietly. ‘When she got the company card out to pay, her driver’s licence fell out.’

      Kate gulped. It was worse.

      ‘We could be wrong,’ said Lucy quickly. ‘We couldn’t see that well. After all, they were by the window and there were several tables of people between us.’

      ‘You didn’t go over?’

      ‘No, we were talking,’ said Lauren. ‘But I am sure it was her.’ She put her hand gently on Kate’s elbow. ‘I thought it was business. Maybe it was.’ She hesitated as she thought this through. ‘Business that turned personal and intimate just before you went away? Maybe not. We just didn’t recognise the signs.’

      ‘Neither did I,’ said Kate woefully. ‘Angela and I were just discussing liars and their secrets before you arrived. Good liars are very good at deceiving,’ she said, nodding to her friend. She paused and then nibbled on her lower lip. ‘That’s funny, I just remembered what I found this morning,’ she said frowning. ‘When I dressed, I rescued a shoe that was jammed under the bed. As I collected it, I saw a shiny thing wedged in the carpet behind the bedhead. It must have slipped off my bedside table – when I had one,’ she added dejectedly. Reaching into her purse, she pulled it out and held it up.

      The girls gasped.

      ‘Can I see that?’ asked Angela. Kate handed it to her and she examined it carefully. ‘That looks like a real diamond ring.’

      ‘It couldn’t be real,’ said Kate. We couldn’t afford it, and although we’ve been together a long time, Matt wouldn’t think to buy me a –’ She stopped, and an awful thought came to her.

      ‘You should get it valued,’ said Lauren, stepping in. ‘Just in case.’

      Angela passed the ring back to Kate. ‘I have an old family friend who is a jeweller. Why don’t you show it to him? I can arrange a time.’

      Kate sighed. ‘I guess it can’t hurt.’

      Angela rose from her chair and, leaning down, rested her head against Kate’s and gave her a big hug. ‘Anything we can do to help.’

      Kate closed her eyes. ‘Thanks,’ she said.

      ‘Hey, sweetheart,’ Angela said, ‘I’ve got a couple of house calls to do tonight, I need to get going. I’ve got clinic in the morning, but I could swing by after that, if you like. And I’ll give Tony a call, maybe we can see him next week.’

      ‘That would be good,’ said Kate, reaching up and squeezing Angela’s hands. ‘I have the same shifts for the next fortnight, so I’ll be finished at three.’

      ‘Perfect.’ Angela slipped on her jacket and waved goodbye.

      ‘Let’s talk about something else and give you a break,’ said Lauren, as they watched Angela make her way out. ‘Guess what, Kate!’ She stole a sideways glance at Lucy. ‘Can I blurt?’ she asked excitedly, and then continued without waiting for an acknowledgement. ‘Lucy has a new job! At The Republican!’

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