The Healer Within. Mariena Foley

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The Healer Within - Mariena Foley

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eyes opened, although it was clear that she hadn’t meant them to be. Her strange, unfocused gaze was a little unsettling. That was enough for me! I placed my hand on her shoulder. She sat up and looked at me and said, “My throat doesn’t feel any different. I don’t think it worked but don’t be discouraged, Mel. You’ll get it!” before she realized that her voice was completely restored! Trust me, I was more shocked than her. But Lynn was so excited.

      A professional renovator, Lynn had some furniture removalists at her house that day. She’d come over for a cuppa (that’s Australian for “cup of tea”) to escape the chaos. She was paying these guys by the hour and one had broken his foot the day before. You can see her motivation here, right? She ran out to get him. In short order, he hopped in on his crutches while Lynn gave him a rundown that I was a “healer”. So I worked on his foot…and in ten minutes he walked out the door, pain free, and actually forgot his crutches. Once Lynn picked her jaw up off the floor, she took them to him.

      I was not even a day old in this role. Something was afoot.

      That same night I returned to the hotel to have part two of an “axiatonal alignment” procedure completed. Done over two days, the cost was $333. The money alone made me take it seriously. I remember the first stage, for my part, but I have no memory of the second stage or of the four days after it.

      It was recommended that I have this done. My friend informed me that when he had had this procedure, in short, he awoke the next day with an unprecedented and inexplicable healing ability. I could certainly relate to that…although I hadn’t as yet undergone this procedure. He would not tell me its source or where he had learned it, but…again it was my “gut”, my own intuition that led me to this. I trusted enough of what had already unfolded to undertake this step too.

      This was my first personal “session” under quantum bioenergetics. And it was key.

      Ultimately and to this day, I have only undergone one procedure, guided by my own intuition and by the loose tongue of the gentleman facilitating it. David was as generous with information as he was in himself. He took time to try to help me, to guide me when I truly needed guidance.

      The company they worked with referred to axiatonal alignment under another name that they’d trademarked and registered, etc. When I asked if it was the same, he replied, “Exactly the same”.

      The session itself was curious: David would be the first to tell you he did it wrong. He forgot stuff, forgot to do some of the lines he’d been taught, found himself “improvising” and even doing a few bits backwards. Whatever he had been taught, he did not do to me. It was not an axiatonal alignment by its or any other name. And for that I am eternally grateful.

      Key in this journey and pinnacle in quantum bioenergetics is an unprecedented and extraordinary procedure known as the Axial Initiation™. A structured multi-dimensional web in its mechanics, The Axial Initiation is a process that is felt, a kinesthetically fluid dance in balance rather than a counted out or memorized bumbling two-step. For each individual who chooses to undertake this, it feels and is as unique as they are.

      Well beyond the physiological process of placement, it is driven instrumentally, primarily by intent. It is an initiation into the recognition of the whole present self. Your whole present self.

      An enormous personal shift, this procedure enables unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our own personal evolution. Enormously personal, unique for each individual, this procedure enhances your knowledge both of yourself, and at a higher level, of the journey you are upon.

      In this, my first session exposure to QB, the importance of the Axial Initiation was made clear to me. But first, the experience itself…

      (One of the sources that attempts to explain this healing process, and in particular this axiatonal procedure, is The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. In order to learn of the procedure and its purpose, Chapters 3:1:4 {the “what”} and 3:1:7 {the “how”} are quite informative for those following at home.)

      During the first session of this frenetic alignment, the “quiet in my mind” was anything but. If there has ever been a time when my head hasn’t been moving at warp speed, it’s unbeknownst to me. To quiet the mind and “check out and relax”, as had been suggested, was my greatest challenge during this. For some reason, apparently just after David had started the whole thing and I was trying to stop thinking, I had a flashback from an episode of M*A*S*H. For fans of M*A*S*H, it was the moment when Henry Blake is searching for something in Hawkeye’s tent and shakes the flue as he’s looking up, and is consequently covered in black soot. What I remember was the effort I went to not to laugh; what was reported later was that I laughed and laughed out loud for ages. Damn.

      I felt physically chilled, really chilled, and quite self-conscious because I could feel myself shuddering all over. The sensation then changed to a heavy buzz that felt as if it was just under my skin, uniformly throughout my whole body, and moving deeper within. This was not a light tingling. I was sure you would be able see my skin rippling, with such fierce activity beneath it. Disconcerting? Yes! It felt like something was taking me over! I started to question what would happen when this noisy buzz actually reach skeleton depth. At this point I was forced to make a decision: I could get up and say “No thanks. You’re all a pack of nut cases”, and leave. Or I could trust my own heart and let go.

      I chose the latter.

      The moment, I mean the moment I made that decision to surrender, I saw a huge array of colour rushing past me as if I was propelled down (dare I say it?) a tunnel of some sort. It wasn’t a solid tunnel, but instead very like the television depiction of a wormhole. Different coloured clouds of light formed the shape of a tunnel around me, and it undulated incredibly up and down and around. This ride was incredibly fast with the colours flying past me, and not so smooth, I might add, for when I finally slowed as I arrived at where I needed to be, I felt physically nauseous.

      I had arrived at a place, or rather at a colour; an indescribable (although of course I will try to describe it) blue. Enveloped and cradled within an iridescent, pearlescent blue that had no structure, yet I knew it was spherical. It had no size, no beginning or end to it. It was ever shifting, moving, but without limitation and without boundary. It is communicative. It is…Home.

      “Home” identified by the feeling of arriving there, the emotion. If you could physically enter the most generous of smiling eyes, that is what it felt like. My tortured heart rested, my busy mind stilled, and I was just…feeling a blissfully ecstatic, soulful entwining that I never wanted to leave. My journey continued there for some time, and much happened.

      Then suddenly, quite brutally, I was brought back to a basic physical awareness when someone took hold of my arms. Two hands, one on each arm, had taken hold of my forearms, and I was thinking, What is he doing? Isn’t he supposed to be drawing some sort of lines off the body? I was furious. I’m talking tantrum-sized furious, as I had not wanted to leave the “blue”. Five minutes later (I think), he was still holding my arms. By now, I was only just stopping myself from sitting up and bawling him out. I mean really, I’d paid $333 for this, and I could have held hands with anyone for free! Some time later, he touched me on the chest to indicate the session was over.

      I opened my eyes, and only then realized that the whole time, when I thought I had been there (I could hear him moving about, hear the storm raging outside), I hadn’t in fact been in the room. When I opened my eyes I had that singular recognition that something big had happened. A moment later, I realized that I could still feel the hands holding my forearms, only I was physically alone in the room. Like weighted shadows, the two hands were different; one was large, strong and somehow masculine, the other finer and smaller. To this day I can still feel them there.

      That night, I awoke at 3:33 am and, without thinking, got up with purpose, feeling I had something to do. I wandered into the kids’ room, out of habit no doubt; both were sleeping peacefully. What woke me up? I felt edgy, like an unknown equation was upon me (which of course it was) but I talked sense to myself, logically. I silently chastised my melodramatic response

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