The Healer Within. Mariena Foley

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The Healer Within - Mariena Foley

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if these frequencies showed themselves initially in a healing capacity so that we, shackled by our humanity, bound by our duality in consciousness, would be able to accept them at a rudimentary level. Over the years and from seeing many clients, my experience has shown me that they are so, so much more. There’s a whole encyclopaedia to transcribe in this discussion alone!

      Welcome to the next step on your journey. It is my privilege to be a part of it. Clearly all I can offer you is my own perspective, and really that is all it is.

      This is your journey.

       Take what you need,

       Discard what you don’t,

       and, please, be gentle with me.

      All the best,

       Melissa Hocking Hunt

      Introduction - The Crack of the Starter’s Pistol


      You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?” –George Bernard Shaw “Back to Methuselah” (1921), part 1, act 1

      “Yep, uh-huh, it’s a tumour.”

      The doctor was groping about my lower abdomen with incredible indifference, in the way only a doctor could.

      “Yep, already the size of a golf ball.” He stood up, staring absently at my abdomen. “Well,” he sighed, “we’ll have to take care of that, won’t we.” He turned and called to his receptionist to take some notes for him.

      I was nineteen years old. I had just finished high school and started a scholarship at university in Engineering, which I already knew I despised. Nineteen years old, just starting out with my whole life ahead of me; alone, frightened and bewildered by what was happening around me.

      The receptionist walked in. The doctor continued his indifferent monologue as the fog closed in on my brain. “Yes, Judy, she has three tumours, roughly the size of golf balls, in her uterus…” Tumours? You only hear the word “tumour” when you hear about

      The doctor’s voice returned to my ears in time for me to hear, “…feel they are cancerous. Yes.” He finally met my eyes, “You will need to see an oncologist.”

      Standing up to leave, he added a few cursory instructions to the receptionist. In that moment I found my voice. “Cancer? I have cancer?”

      He stopped in the doorway and looked at me blankly, eyebrows curiously raised, apparently surprised that I was still there. “Yes,” he said and walked out.

      As I look back now, had my hearing not been shrouded within the horror of such diagnosis, no doubt I would have heard the crack of a starter pistol; for this was the moment when I crossed the starting line, journeying into the very role I now live. The direct route leading me to this purposeful life began with that diagnosis.

      Already a lot had happened in my life, a chaotic cacophony of events prior to this diagnosis. All had happened to create who I had become. Yet this was the moment when the “contract”, the task I was here to fulfil, came into play. I put foot upon the pathway to here, a pathway of unprecedented healing.

      I use quantum-based frequencies to trigger living bodies to heal themselves.

      Yes, I do. And so can you.

      The best thing about this enormous gift, is that right now, as you sit there reading, you already have it within you to use these amazing frequencies.

      Yes, this amazing healing ability is yours. You can use this for yourself, for your dying tomatoes, for your arthritic pussycat, or, if you so choose, you can help other humans. Myself, I do all of the above.

      This process of healing is a non-invasive, hands-off form of healing whereby a body is immersed within quantum-based frequencies and is then able to instigate and facilitate an appropriate healing for itself.

      This process of healing is the Quantum BioEnergetic Balancing Technique™.

      I am not the “healer”. You’ll find as much as possible I refrain from calling myself “healer”, although it has been difficult in the process of writing this book to find another term! So forgive me if, for convenience, I use the term “healer”. I do work with energy healing (although I’m not altogether comfortable with “energy” either), and I am certainly not the designer of it all.

      I am an instrument, a vehicle through which these frequencies can be implemented and applied. It is my privileged role to immerse a body within these frequencies and watch as that body prioritises what it needs to heal, and then heals itself. Immersed within these frequencies, living bodies are enabled to recognise healing codes that until recently were residing dormant within, and activate them.

      The clientele who walk into my rooms suffer from any number of permanent disabilities, chronic illnesses and terminal diseases. I have worked on individuals of all ages, from babies in utero to my oldest client to date who, as I write, is about to turn one hundred years old. And every day, I watch in wonder as I have the privilege of both facilitating and witnessing the most incredible healings.

      Above all, what has become most obvious is that such ailments are no longer “permanent”, “chronic” or “terminal”. Our biology has evolved, as has its ability to heal itself! We are able to heal ourselves, and in many cases the healing happens in an instant.

      When I say “living bodies”, I mean all living bodies: human of course, but also plant, and animal, fish, even water. I have not yet seen a living body that does not react to quantum bioenergetics. Sure, there are people who do not receive the healing they anticipated, but always there is a healing of some design. The simplest explanation I can give you is that the body itself had a greater recognition of the healing priority, than that which the client consciously deemed pertinent. Instead the body responds exactly as is appropriate, at the time, for them. A plan uniquely designed for that individual.

      Within these pages, I have the immense privilege of giving to you the amazing gift you have within: a blessed discovery that is, to say the least, significant in the evolution of healing but even more, in its infinite capacity, significant in the evolution of self. To be able to hand this to you was always the intent for this gift. As such, it is an essential element in the evolution of both the frequencies and of the human. Perhaps you should read that sentence again, for it is no small matter: the evolution of the human.

      What I am not doing is presenting you with something brand new and “different” that nobody else knows about. I’m not that special, I’m afraid. Even the concept itself is not “new”. Research and proven results in frequency therapy date back centuries. What has been recently discovered and introduced to us, however, is this readily available quantum-based frequency structure.

      What I am going to share with you is the innate, already present gift you have to utilise this incredible healing ability. Through the role I am in every day as a Healing Facilitator, I’m going to assist you in recognising this, for as I said, the knowledge is already within you.

      As you’re reading, perhaps you are already feeling something activating within. Something deep inside has started to dawn, your awareness of this gift is stirring. You may suddenly become very “aware” of your hands, or at least a new sensation in and/or around you that is strong enough to draw your attention.

      How? As you are reading, you too are discovering, just as I did. Your journey of discovery, chaperoned by yours truly, is actually a journey of recognition. Your own biology is remembering, your energy anatomy ascending…Can you believe it? You’re already doing this! There will be so much more to follow.

      To date there are numerous writings, ranging from New Age authors to scientists to volumes of scripture, that have predicted, or attempted to explain, the changes in the planet, in the human and in the code within us. And there will be many more to follow. The Dead Sea Scrolls themselves, their format being more a

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