The HAMILTON - MATHIESON Family History. Dixie Dunn

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The HAMILTON - MATHIESON Family History - Dixie Dunn

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daughter of: SIR RICHARD CHILHAM DeDOUVRES (1215-1270) who was the son of: RICHARD FITZROY (1216-1246).

       Richard Fitzroy was the son of: JOHN LACKLAND PLANTAGENET 1ST King of England (1167-1216) who married ISABELLA DeTAILLEFER PLANTAGENET(1188-1246) who was Queen Isabella of England. (my 24th Great Grandparents.)

       JOHN LAKLAND PLANTAGENET was the Son of: HENRY II CURTMANTLE PLANTAGENET (1133-1189) King of England who married ELEANOR AQUITAINE CAPET PLANTAGENET (1122-1204) She was first Queen of France and then Queen of England, They were my 25th Great-Grandparents.

      WILLIAM X the YOUNGER was the litigimate son of WILLIAM 1 LONGWORD Duke of NORMANDY (1024-1087). AENOL was the daughter of SPROTA BOURGOYNE known as “Dangereuse’s”. WILLIAM X the YOUNGER married AENOL in 1121 and were parents of ELEANOR AQUITANE CAPET PLANTEGENET.

       FULK V YOUNG Jerusalem France PLANTAGENET (1092-1143) King of Jerusalem (my 27th Great-Grandfather)

       DAVID CANMORE (1083-1153) King of Scotland and HENRY BEAUDERC (1068-1135) King of England and LOUIS VI THE FAT KING OF THE FRANKS (1081-1137) King of France.: (All three were also my 27th Great-Grandfathers.)

       MAGNIFICENT NORMANDY ROBERT I (1001-1035) Duke of Normandy

       DUNCAN I GRACIOUS MacCRINAN SCOTLAND (1001-1040) King of Scotland This is the king killed by Macbeth in Shakespeares play. He was also called Duncan the Sick—and he was killed by Macbeth. (my 29th Great Grandfather)

       Now back to my direct line to Odin (215-) Notice how the last names begin with “de” which means “from” Vielles, Beaumont, or Hamilton, etc. which was the name of the town they were from. Finally the “de” was dropped and the different spellings of Hambleton, Hambeldone, etc was changed. David Hamilton was the first to establish Hamilton as the family name.

      Laird Sir David FitzWalter fitzGilbert deHambeldone was the father of:

      DAVID HAMILTON (1333-1392)

      JOHN HAMILTON (1369-1402)

      JAMES HAMILTON (1398-1441)

      1ST LORD JAMES HAMILTON (1423-1479) married PRINCESS MARY STEWART (1452-1488)

      MARY STEWART was the daughter of KING JAMES IIof SCOTLAND STEWART (1430-1460) son of JAMES I OF SCOTLAND STEWART ( 1394-1437) the son of OF ROBERT III of SCOTLAND STEWART (1340-1406) son of ROBERT 11 OF SCOTLAND STEWART (1316-1390) son of MARJORIE BRUCE (1297-1316) who was daughter of ROBERT BRUCE 1 SCOTLAND (1274-1329) the son of ROBERT d BRUCE who descended from the Earl of Orkney.

      JAMES HAMILTON (1475-1529) son of 1st Lord James Hamilton married JANET VEATON (1486 -1522) He was made Earl of Arran and stood next in line for the throne. The Hamiltons made their home on the Island of Arran and for most of that century a Hamilton was close to inheriting the Crown.

       JAMES HAMILTON (1515-1575) m. MARGARET DOUGLAS (1511-1579). He was 2nd Earl of Arron and was heir to the throne both of King James IV of Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots. As Mary’s regent he enjoyed her wealth and was bribed into allegiance with both England and France. In 1545 he led his men into battle at the Battle of Ancrum Moor where they helped to defeat the English during the Anglo-Scottish Wars.

      CLAUD LORD PAISLEY HAMILTON (1543-1621) m. MARGARET SETON (1550-1616)



       Queen Elizabeth’s successor was James I (1603-1625). During the reign of James I, a colony of Scots removed from Argyleshire, and formed a plantation in the north of England near Londonderry. This became a favorite project with them to re-people those countries with a protestant population. They encouraged people from England and Scotland to come to Londonderry. The coast of Scotland is within twenty miles of Ireland. They consisted mostly of Presbyterian churches in Ireland which were formed in 1613. Two clans, the Alpine and the Argyle, began persecuting one another. To avoid this persecution, many fled, some to what would become the United States. The Scots believed they should maintain the religion of their fathers. When the Charleses and James II endeavored to establish the Church of England over Scotland by great persecution, and to force the position of a clergyman of high rank as a bishop upon them, many sought asylum in remote regions across the ocean.

      COL. JAMES HAMILTON (1628-1673) m. ELIZABETH CULPEPPER (1636-1709)

       JOHN B HAMILTON (1650-1702). m. MARY (1650-1704)

       He was one of the first family settlers in Massachusetts. He was the son of Col. James Hamilton, a clergyman. He was one of whom came with about 100 other families to Massachusetts, with The Church of the Barony of Glascow, Scotland, led by their pastor Rev. Robert Abercrombie. They settled in Pelham, Massachussetts, while some settled in Worcester, Massachusetts. In an attempt to erect a house of Worship, it was entirely demolished by a mob, on account of religious persecution. So they moved to Pelham, in Hampshire County. They were surprised to hear themselves called Irish, a term they greatly resented.

       Doctor John B Hamilton became a Surgeon General at the head of the Marine Hospital Department, located in Washington, D.C. He was known to be a genuine Hamilton, of a class of people of sterling integrity, industrious, and frugal, honorable and honest, never heard of as one committing any punishable offense.

       Doctor Hamilton was said to have a trunk half full of manuscripts for a history of the Hamilton family in the United States, but the trouble is, his services were too valuable to the world to allow him any time for arranging and writing out such a history.

      JAMES HAMILTON (1670-1735) m. REBECCA (-1761) in Argylshire, Scotland, where they was born. They came to Massachusetts in 1716 with his father, John B. Hamilton, along with a hundred other families to establish a church here. He llived in Boston and Pelham. He later died in Worchester, Massachusetts.

      MICHAEL JAMES HAMILTON (1701-1802) m. REBECCA FORBUSH (17051785) Michael was born in Scotland. He was 14 years old when he came to the United States in 1716. Michael and Rebecca first lived in Worchester, Massachusetts, Later they moved to Hutchison, Massachusetts, which was renamed Barre. Michael died in Worchester.

       Through Rebecca Forbush’s father, James Forbes(1689-1761) her 7th Great-Grandfather was KING JAMES IV of Scotland (1473-1513). He was the last king of Scotland to be killed in battle. Also through Rebecca’s father her 15th Great-Grandfather was ROBERT d BRUCEof Scotland, who descended from the Earls of Orkney,

       Through Rebecca Forbush and Mary Stewart, that makes Robert d Bruce my Great-Grandfather twice.

       Also through Rebecca’s father, James Forbes (1689-1761), her ancestery goes back to SAHER De QUINCY (1155-1219) the 1st Earl of Winchester,who was a signer of the Magna Carta. He was my 22nd Great-Grandfather.

       ROBERT HAMILTON (1742-1821) m. in 1767, MARGARET CONKEY (1746-1845) They were my fourth Great-Grandparents. Robert was born in Barre, Massachusetts, son of Michael James. He died in Conway, Massachusetts and was buried at the Howland Cemetery. Margaret died at the age of 99 years

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