The Max Brand Megapack. Max Brand

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The Max Brand Megapack - Max Brand

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Fortune, is down there with him.”

      A gun cracked from the house; the bullet chipped the rock with an evil clang, and the flake of stone whirled through the air and landed at the feet of Drew.

      “There’s your answer,” said Nash. “But we’ve got the rat cornered.”

      “Wrong again. Calamity Ben is going to live—”

      A cry of joy came from Shorty Kilrain.

      “Duffy says that he gave his horse away to Bard. Glendin has called back your posse. Ride, Nash! Or else go down there unarmed and bring Bard up to me.”

      The shadow of a smile crossed the lips of Nash.

      “If the law’s done with him, I’m not. I won’t ride, and I won’t go down to him. I’ve got the upper hand and I’m going to hold it.”

      “If you’re afraid to go down, I will.”

      Drew unbuckled his cartridge belt and tossed it with his gun against the rocks. He drew out a white handkerchief, and holding it above him, at a full arm’s length, he stepped out from the shelter. The others, gathering at their places of vantage, watched his progress toward the house. Steve Nash described it to the wounded men, who had dragged themselves half erect.

      “He’s walkin’ right toward the house, wavin’ the white rag. They ain’t goin’ to shoot. He’s goin’ around the side of the house. He’s stopped there under the trees.”


      “At that grave of his wife under the two trees. He waits there like he expected Bard to come out to him. And, by God, there goes Bard to meet him—right out into the open.”

      “Steady, Steve! Drop that gun! If you shoot now you’ll have Drew on your head afterward.”

      “Don’t I know it? But God, wouldn’t it be easy? I got him square inside the sights. Jest press the trigger and Anthony Bard is done for. He walks up to Drew. He’s got no gun on. He’s empty-handed jest like Drew. He’s said something short and quick and starts to step across the grave.

      “Drew points down to it and makes an answer. Bard steps back like he’d been hit across the face and stands there lookin’ at the mound. What did Drew say? I’d give ten years of life to hear that talk!

      “Bard looks sort of stunned; he stands there with a hand shadin’ his eyes, but the sun ain’t that bright. Well, I knew nobody could ever stand up to Drew.

      “The chief is talkin’ fast and hard. The young feller shakes his head. Drew begins talkin’ again. You’d think he was pleadin’ for his life in front of a jury that meant him wrong. His hands go out like he was makin’ an election speech. He holds one hand down like he was measurin’ the height of a kid. He throws up his arms again like he’d lost everything in the world.

      “And now Bard has dropped the hand from his face. He looks sort of interested. He steps closer to the grave again. Drew holds out both his arms. By God, boys, he’s pleadin’ with Bard.

      “And the head of Bard is dropped. How’s it goin’ to turn out? Drew wins, of course. There goes Bard’s hand out as if it was pulled ag’in’ his will. Drew catches it in both his own. Boys, here’s where we grab our hosses and beat it.”

      He turned from the rocks in haste.

      “What d’you mean?” cried Conklin. “Steve, are you goin’ to leave us here to finish the job you started?”

      “Finish it? You fools! Don’t you see that Drew and Bard is pals now? If we couldn’t finish Bard alone, how’d we make out ag’in’ the two of them? The game’s up, boys; the thing that’s left is for us to save our hides—if we can—before them two start after us. If they do start, then God help us all!”

      He was already in the saddle.

      “Wait!” called Conklin. “One of ’em’s a tenderfoot. The other has left his gun here. What we got to fear from ’em?”

      And Nash snarled in return: “If there was a chance, don’t you think I’d take it? Don’t you see I’m givin’ up everythin’ that amounts to a damn with me? Tenderfoot? He may act Eastern and he may talk Eastern, but he’s got Western blood. There ain’t no other way of explainin’ it. And Drew? He didn’t have no gun when he busted the back of old Piotto. I say, there’s two men, armed or not, and between ’em they can do more’n all of us could dream of. Boys, are you comin’?”

      They went. The wounded were dragged to their feet and hoisted to their horses, groaning. At a slow walk they started down through the trees. Evening fell; the shadows slanted about them. They moved faster—at a trot—at a gallop. They were like men flying from a certain ruin. Beyond the margin of the bright lake they fled and lost themselves in the vast, secret heart of the mountain-desert.



      All that day, in a silence broken only by murmurs and side glances, Anthony and Sally Fortune moved about the old house from window to window, and from crack to crack, keeping a steady eye on the commanding rocks above. In one of those murmurs they made their resolution. When night came they would rush the rocks, storm them from the front, and take their chance with what might follow. But the night promised to give but little shelter to their stalking.

      For in the late afternoon a broad moon was already climbing up from the east; the sky was cloudless; there was a threat of keen, revealing moonshine for the night. Only desperation could make them attempt to storm the rock, but by the next morning, at the latest, reinforcements were sure to come, and then their fight would be utterly hopeless.

      So when the light of the sun mellowed, grew yellow and slant, and the shadows sloped from tree to tree, the two became more silent still, drawn and pale of face, waiting. Anthony at a window, Sally at a crack which made an excellent loophole, they remained moveless.

      It was she who noted a niche which might serve as a loophole for one of the posse, and she fired at it, aiming low. The clang of the bullet against rock echoes clearly back to her, like the soft chime of a sheep bell from the peaceful distance. Then, as if in answer to her shot, around the edge of the rocks appeared a moving rag of white which grew into William Drew, bearing above his head the white sign of the truce.

      In her astonishment she looked to Bard. He was quivering all over like a hound held on a tight leash, with the game in sight, hungry to be slipped upon it. The edge of his tongue passed across his colourless lips. He was like a man who long has ridden the white-hot desert and is now about to drink. There was the same wild gleam in his eyes; his hand shook with nervous eagerness as he shifted and balanced his revolver. Listening, in her awe, she heard the sound of his increasing panting; a sound like the breath of a running man approaching her swiftly.

      She slipped to his side.


      He did not answer; his gun steadied; the barrel began to incline down; his left eye was squinting. She dropped to her knees and seized his wrist.

      “Anthony, what are you going to do?”

      “It’s Drew!” he whispered, and she did not recognize his voice. “It’s the grey man I’ve waited for. It’s he!”

      In such a tone a dying man might speak of his hope of heaven—seeing it unroll before him in his delirium.

      “But he’s carrying the flag of truce, Anthony. You see that?”

      “I see nothing except his face. It blots out the rest of the world. I’ll plant my shot there—there in the middle of those lips.”

      “Anthony, that’s William Drew, the squarest man on the range.”

      “Sally Fortune, that’s William Drew, who murdered my father!”

      “Ah!” she said, with sharply indrawn breath. “It isn’t possible!”


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