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off again.

      Half way across this plain Joe’s wind began to fail, and his breathing became labored; but he kept close to the hunter’s heels. Once he looked back to see a great wide expanse of waving grass. They had covered perhaps four miles at a rapid pace, and were nearing the other side of the plain. The lad felt as if his head was about to burst; a sharp pain seized upon his side; a blood-red film obscured his sight. He kept doggedly on, and when utterly exhausted fell to the ground.

      When, a few minutes later, having recovered his breath, he got up, they had crossed the plain and were in a grove of beeches. Directly in front of him ran a swift stream, which was divided at the rocky head of what appeared to be a wooded island. There was only a slight ripple and fall of the water, and, after a second glance, it was evident that the point of land was not an island, but a portion of the mainland which divided the stream. The branches took almost opposite courses.

      Joe wondered if they had headed off the Indians. Certainly they had run fast enough. He was wet with perspiration. He glanced at Wetzel, who was standing near. The man’s broad breast rose and fell a little faster; that was the only evidence of exertion. The lad had a painful feeling that he could never keep pace with the hunter, if this five-mile run was a sample of the speed he would be forced to maintain.

      “They’ve got ahead of us, but which crick did they take?” queried Wetzel, as though debating the question with himself.

      “How do you know they’ve passed?”

      “We circled,” answered Wetzel, as he shook his head and pointed into the bushes. Joe stepped over and looked into the thicket. He found a quantity of dead leaves, sticks, and litter thrown aside, exposing to light a long, hollowed place on the ground. It was what would be seen after rolling over a log that had lain for a long time. Little furrows in the ground, holes, mounds, and curious winding passages showed where grubs and crickets had made their homes. The frightened insects were now running round wildly.

      “What was here? A log?”

      “A twenty-foot canoe was hid under thet stuff. The Injuns has taken one of these streams.”

      “How can we tell which one?”

      “Mebbe we can’t; but we’ll try. Grab up a few of them bugs, go below thet rocky point, an’ crawl close to the bank so you can jest peep over. Be keerful not to show the tip of your head, an’ don’t knock nothin’ off’en the bank into the water. Watch fer trout. Look everywheres, an’ drop in a bug now and then. I’ll do the same fer the other stream. Then we’ll come back here an’ talk over what the fish has to say about the Injuns.”

      Joe walked down stream a few paces, and, dropping on his knees, crawled carefully to the edge of the bank. He slightly parted the grass so he could peep through, and found himself directly over a pool with a narrow shoal running out from the opposite bank. The water was so clear he could see the pebbly bottom in all parts, except a dark hole near a bend in the shore close by. He did not see a living thing in the water, not a crawfish, turtle, nor even a frog. He peered round closely, then flipped in one of the bugs he had brought along. A shiny yellow fish flared up from the depths of the deep hole and disappeared with the cricket; but it was a bass or a pike, not a trout. Wetzel had said there were a few trout living near the cool springs of these streams. The lad tried again to coax one to the surface. This time the more fortunate cricket swam and hopped across the stream to safety.

      When Joe’s eyes were thoroughly accustomed to the clear water, with its deceiving lights and shades, he saw a fish lying snug under the side of a stone. The lad thought he recognized the snub-nose, the hooked, wolfish jaw, but he could not get sufficient of a view to classify him. He crawled to a more advantageous position farther down stream, and then he peered again through the woods. Yes, sure enough, he had espied a trout. He well knew those spotted silver sides, that broad, square tail. Such a monster! In his admiration for the fellow, and his wish for a hook and line to try conclusions with him, Joe momentarily forgot his object. Remembering, he tossed out a big, fat cricket, which alighted on the water just above the fish. The trout never moved, nor even blinked. The lad tried again, with no better success. The fish would not rise. Thereupon Joe returned to the point where he had left Wetzel.

      “I couldn’t see nothin’ over there,” said the hunter, who was waiting. “Did you see any?”

      “One, and a big fellow.”

      “Did he see you?”


      “Did he rise to a bug?”

      “No, he didn’t; but then maybe he wasn’t hungry” answered Joe, who could not understand what Wetzel was driving at.

      “Tell me exactly what he did.”

      “That’s just the trouble; he didn’t do anything,” replied Joe, thoughtfully. “He just lay low, stifflike, under a stone. He never batted an eye. But his side-fins quivered like an aspen leaf.”

      “Them side-fins tell us the story. Girty, an’ his redskins hev took this branch,” said Wetzel, positively. “The other leads to the Huron towns. Girty’s got a place near the Delaware camp somewheres. I’ve tried to find it a good many times. He’s took more’n one white lass there, an’ nobody ever seen her agin.”

      “Fiend! To think of a white woman, maybe a girl like Nell Wells, at the mercy of those red devils!”

      “Young fellar, don’t go wrong. I’ll allow Injuns is bad enough; but I never hearn tell of one abusin’ a white woman, as mayhap you mean. Injuns marry white women sometimes; kill an’ scalp ’em often, but that’s all. It’s men of our own color, renegades like this Girty, as do worse’n murder.”

      Here was the amazing circumstance of Lewis Wetzel, the acknowledged unsatiable foe of all redmen, speaking a good word for his enemies. Joe was so astonished he did not attempt to answer.

      “Here’s where they got in the canoe. One more look, an’ then we’re off,” said Wetzel. He strode up and down the sandy beach; examined the willows, and scrutinized the sand. Suddenly he bent over and picked up an object from the water. His sharp eyes had caught the glint of something white, which, upon being examined, proved to be a small ivory or bone buckle with a piece broken out. He showed it to Joe.

      “By heavens! Wetzel, that’s a buckle off Nell Well’s shoe. I’ve seen it too many times to mistake it.”

      “I was afeared Girty hed your friends, the sisters, an’ mebbe your brother, too. Jack Zane said the renegade was hangin’ round the village, an’ that couldn’t be fer no good.”

      “Come on. Let’s kill the fiend!” cried Joe, white to the lips.

      “I calkilate they’re about a mile down stream, makin’ camp fer the night. I know the place. There’s a fine spring, an, look! D’ye see them crows flyin’ round thet big oak with the bleached top? Hear them cawin’? You might think they was chasin’ a hawk, or king-birds were arter ’em, but thet fuss they’re makin’ is because they see Injuns.”

      “Well?” asked Joe, impatiently.

      “It’ll be moonlight a while arter midnight. We’ll lay low an’ wait, an’ then—”

      The sharp click of his teeth, like the snap of a steel trap, completed the sentence. Joe said no more, but followed the hunter into the woods. Stopping near a fallen tree, Wetzel raked up a bundle of leaves and spread them on the ground. Then he cut a few spreading branches from a beech, and leaned them against a log. Bidding the lad crawl in before he took one last look around and then made his way under the shelter.

      It was yet daylight, which seemed a strange time to creep into this little nook; but, Joe thought, it was not to sleep, only to wait, wait, wait for the long hours to pass. He was amazed once more, because, by the time twilight had given place to darkness, Wetzel was asleep. The lad said then to himself that he would never again be surprised at the hunter. He assumed once and for all that Wetzel was capable of anything. Yet how could he lose himself in slumber? Feeling, as he must, over the capture of the

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