Sean. Virginie T.

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Sean - Virginie T.

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better not to be his enemy. Fortunately for me, he is always on my side. Normal, he considers me as  his daughter, just like Sam.

      The thing that bothers me the most is that I don't know how to contact Sevana and that Guardian Angels territory is hundreds of miles from here. Too bad, if I don't hear from her by the end of the week, I'll go there and no one will stop me from seeing her. I did some research. It seems that one can enter their territory only by invitation, but I will deploy all my power if necessary to persuade them to let me in and see my best friend, even if I pass out at their door. Once unconscious, they will be forced to bring me in to look after me. And say that I regularly harassed her so that she would go out, meet and open up to the world. She certainly has other priorities today, and her distrust of others has yet to grow. I'm not ready to be able to introduce my family to her. Such a waste!

      In the meantime, I take my service by closing my mind to everything around me. It is better. Between the pain of the patients, the anxiety of the visitors and the dirty thoughts of the doctors who imagine us naked under our hospital gowns, I would go crazy if not! It is not always good to know what people think.



      I hate taking the plane. The expression "feeling like a caged lion" makes sense to me. My pet goes around in my head and demands to be released. I will not have a choice. My feline is far from being docile, it is wild and difficult to control, and feeling locked in a flying tin can for several hours made it mad. It keeps roaring and scratching my skin from the inside to force me to make room for it. It becomes painful and metamorphosing in the city would be a bit annoying.

      – Sean, stop snorting, you make the stewardess uncomfortable. They will eventually run away.

      Indeed, Owen is right. We wait on the tarmac until our rental car finally arrives and the staff look at me from afar, eyes wide.

      – Liam would have loved it. These girls in uniform are quite to my taste. Unluckily he couldn't come. Connor wanted his presence, as well as that of Nate, in the territory to protect Sevana. As if she needed us to defend herself! She is able to kick the buttocks of our enemies just by raising a hand. She is in no danger.

      It is true that Liam and Owen are an inseparable duo, both professional and personal. No mistake, however, they are not in a relationship, but they like to share the same partner. Go find out why. I'm more an exclusive type. I want to have a partner who belongs only to me. I must admit that I envy Connor for finding his soul mate. I aspire to find mine one day. But I doubt I can do it. Or at least to please her. I know myself. I am too serious, too focused on my work and the pack. I put everything else in the background, as for my lion, it is aggressive and has no subtlety. It would be able to scare or grumble at our partner, at least. It’s not ideal for finding and winning the love of your life.

      Owen gets me out of my gloomy thoughts with a nudge in the ribs.

      – Look, there is a wood bordering the airport. Let's free our animals before that you disembowel a human by mistake.

      Um, disembowel, my lion's favorite technique. It loves to open its opponents up and down to kill them. For it, it is a clean and fast operation. Animorphs are no secret to anyone, but indeed, some humans, by frequenting us only with our human appearance, forget that we shelter within us a wild and formidable animal, and it would be unfortunate if one of them take a fatal claw spreading his guts to the ground, because he would have made me jump or said a wrong word.

      We stop at the edge of the wood, we get undressed so as not to disintegrate our clothes during processing, and let the metamorphosis take place. It happens quickly. The bones snap, the skin stretches, the fur covers us, and I find myself next to a black panther in place of Owen. His animal is superb, all in finesse, unlike my lion which is of a large and imposing stature. I start by shaking my head to snort my thick mane and sniff the air, looking for a possible threat. Beta reflex. Nothing. The smell of the trees around us, moss and bitumen behind me. There are the essence of some animals, but my lion is not afraid of them. I start jogging, enjoying my legs, and play with the ground by planting claws several times. I love the feeling of being one with nature. Owen chooses this moment to jump on my back. Unlike me, he doesn't want to take advantage of this moment to relax, but to let off steam and for that, nothing better than a good fight. It may well weigh less than me, its weight, combined with the fall due to the height of the tree on which it was perched, makes me lose balance by taking my breath away and we roll on the side, legs intertwined. I take advantage of its confusion due to our rolled-up to bite it on the skin of the neck while standing up and I push a fierce roar that makes the surrounding leaves tremble and clear away the rodents nearby. This startles the panther and bristles the back hair. I like to inspire fear in my opponents, even if in this specific case, I know that it is only an instinctive reaction in my pack companion who has nothing to fear from me, but my lion appreciates everything even. I drop my large paw on its shoulder, without taking out the claws. There is no question of hurting my friend, only of beating him up a bit by playing cat and mouse, and I expect Owen to play the role of the mouse. However, the panther does not seem to agree and gives me a kick on the side, scratching me superficially in passing, its claws not being retractable, unlike mine. I roll up my lips against it to tell it of my dissatisfaction and decide to end the fight before finding myself lacerating on all sides, as often happens during our training with Connor and the other lieutenants. To do so, I utter a new cry to destabilize it and take advantage of its momentary disorder to overturn it on its back and grab its throat between my powerful jaw. I don't hug enough to hurt it, but enough to show it who is the stronger of the two of us. The panther stops struggling, feeling my fangs on its chin strap, admitting its submission in front of me. So I release it and resume human form at the same time as him. I thank him while helping him get up.

      – Thank you, I needed it.

      –You're welcome. Your lion is still on the alert, but I felt that our flight had put it on edge. Can we go now? Will it keep quiet in the car?

      –Yes it's good. Let's get dressed and let's go. We've lost enough time and our SUV has arrived.

      We make the half hour journey in silence, we focus on our mission. The last time, I did not come to the hospital, I was guarding our territory. Only my alpha and the lieutenants went there. So I don't know how the building is designed and it bothers me. I am a meticulous person, I like to be prepared for all eventualities and there, I have a little the impression to leave blindly. I know who I'm looking for, but I don't even know what she looks like, her folder has no photos. I never even thought of asking my alpha to describe her to me precisely. Too bad, Owen should be able to enlighten me, he was on the last trip here. It would be handy to recognize Nurse Peterson if we saw her in a hallway.

      – Owen, can you describe the nurse we are about to interview.

      – I barely saw her. You know Connor, he doesn't like feeling trapped in a room with a lot of people. Liam and I left Sevana's room as soon as her friend arrived. I can only tell you that she is slightly taller than Sevana.

      – Um, that's not difficult. Our alpha female is as tall as three apples.

      – Yes, but she is fierce. It is better to avoid upsetting her.

      For sure. From her 160 cm, you could think her harmless. She’s the most powerful fatel I’ve ever seen and she rescued us. I owe her a debt and I hope to pay it off by saving her friend, if she is really in danger.

      – You surely remember other things.

      – As Nate told us, she has blond hair, but I have no idea how long they were, they were tied in buns, and green eyes. She had pale skin. That, I remember well, because she had a bruise on her temple and it stood out a lot on her white skin.

      –OK. A distinctive sign that would distinguish her?

      – Sorry, I don't remember anything more. You know I hate hospitals, too many smells for me. It annoys my panther and puts it on edge.

      I nod my head. I totally understand. Of all of us, Owen has the sharpest smell, so the fumes of chemical drugs and detergents are a real sensory attack for him.

      – No worries, we'll do with it. We will ask to speak to her at reception. The receptionist

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