Poems And Rhymes Exploring Animals, Politics, Soldiers, Faith, Love, Addiction And Insanity. Perry BSL Ritthaler

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Poems And Rhymes Exploring Animals, Politics, Soldiers, Faith, Love, Addiction And Insanity - Perry BSL Ritthaler

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to see?

      Now the war has spread to Afghanistan over terrorism concerns I hear

      Pakistan is paid off and so is Afghanistan to insult Taliban bringing repeat terrorism near

      When manufacturing went offshore the big corporations made a huge financial score

      Western unemployment was increased shrinking government tax base even more

      Huge tax breaks given to the rich to keep the corporations creating more

      Crippling the country’s way of life leaving the citizen to pay for the score

      More cut backs taking away our lifestyle building more frowns than smiles

      Increased security crushing liberty, freedoms and rights creating poor lifestyles

      Country debt building a new lifestyle beyond the comprehension of the average child

      Yet the next generation will pay while the old ones had a war to fill the pockets left wild

      No controls on a huge government or how they spend creating more debt in the end

      The next generation is in deep trouble and may create a revolution if they don’t bend

      Is this why those soldiers had to die; looking down from heaven in the sky

      Democrats fight Republicans to see who can get away telling the biggest lie

      Waiting for more fellow soldiers to die or turn crazy from stress hearing more lies

      Terrorism created by war or anti terrorism created by peace when no one dies

      The First Time I Tried To Swim


      Earlier today I tried to carefully walk across the river on a log

      I was doing ok and I really have good balance for a dog

      All of a sudden my owner pushes me off the log

      I am in shock and did not expect him to push this dog

      I land on all fours but the water is deep

      I try to run and even try taking a leap

      I feel myself sink under the water deep

      I try to run again and take another leap

      The water feels so cold I think I am going to die

      I think you can see the fear in my eyes and that is no lie

      My owner makes a loud noise that sounded like paddle

      What does this mean or did he say saddle?

      My eyes are wide open and feelings of panic come over me

      Water is flying into my eyes and I find it hard to see

      I feel my arthritis in my joints giving me pain

      I can’t think and I feel like I am being pulled under by a chain

      The cold water is making me tense and feeling scared

      I am trying to remember the information on swimming my mom shared

      I yelp as loud as I can and I am afraid I am going to drown

      Then I hear I got you, and the familiar voice is creating the sound

      I am shaking as my owner carries me in his arms to shore

      The failure is mine and I do not think I will try to swim anymore

      My owner hugs me and I hear him laughing out loud

      I feel embarrassed after failing to swim, being a dog that is proud

      He takes out a towel and starts drying me off

      I feel him rub my fur and as he takes good care of me I cough

      I feel the love in his heart for me and I no longer have the arthritis pain

      He gives me a hug and now I am in love with him again

      I shake a few times and roll in the dirt

      I hate being wet and then I jump up on his shirt

      I leave the muddy marks on his shirt and run away

      I am gone before he can push me down and now we can play

      The time today has gone by so fast

      Every time we play we have fun and I want it to last

      We walk over to the lake together watching the sun setting on our fun day

      Then I hear him tell me he loves me and together we start to play

      Plant Addiction Creating Insanity


      I see the battle scars on my old brown cat’s face

      The scars remind me of my own life feeling out of place

      My brain feels tattered and torn as I live my life in this rat race

      Fighting with anyone who makes me feel out of place

      I find it hard to smile or even be happy at this time

      I live lost in my mind and my happiness is an uphill climb

      I am slowly going into more depression falling downward into my dark mind

      When I look into the mirror on the wall the picture I see is not kind

      I look wrinkled and old, sad perhaps and most days mad

      My once beautiful life has turned into a dark cloud making me sad

      I hear intelligent words created by special voices in my head

      Telling me I am better off alone and will find peace when I am dead

      The voices in my head have become the only friends I have today

      My doctor tells me I am sick and I am becoming my mind’s prey

      I have two brains speaking and at times they feel tied together by a chain

      I long for the peaceful feelings in my head and to no longer fight my brain

      I have so much anger and love for the voice talking in my head

      I am not sure how to think when I feel lonely and mentally half-dead

      When I knock on heaven’s door to die the voices will die with me

      So I have started to plan this peaceful day and soon will be free

      From smoking marijuana every day my mind has become the prey

      I wonder if I will ever be straight without voices and feel ok

      My voices tell me I will feel better if I keep smoking the weed

      I feel shattered and vulnerable and think medication is what I need

      I used to be so smart with a memory like a steel trap

      Now I cannot even remember where I laid my baseball cap

      For years I have smoked marijuana and poisoned my brain

      No wonder inside my mind I feel like a runaway crashing train

      When I think about all the money for weed I spent

      Feeding my habit just too mentally feel good and vent

      I am tasting insanity in my mind and barely able to pay my rent

      As I reflect I understand why I need help after reading the message this poem sent

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