I Shall Not Die. Gabriel Agbo

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I Shall Not Die - Gabriel Agbo

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True! Nothing has the right to terminate your life just like that. This is the way I spoke to a man who had death sentence passed on him by one of these dreaded secret societies; a secret cult where they do so many unprintable things which include using blood to wash their heads. He read one of my articles on this in the newspapers and quickly contacted us. They had given him a date – 5th of June that year to die and it was remaining about two months to go. And truly, he was almost gone when we met. He was already being paralyzed, shaking as we talked in my sitting room that afternoon. He could barely talk. Yes, almost dead!

      But after praying and obeying the Holy Spirit, that covenant of death he made with Satan was completely broken by Jesus. It is ten years now. He is still alive and healthy today. In fact, on that very day they gave him to die, I was physically present in his new home to celebrate his birthday. Our God is the most powerful! But this is not to encourage you to go look for wealth, power and fame from the devil. You will sure pay for it if you do. The devil has no free gift. He is terribly wicked. And anybody that associates with him will always end up in pain, sorrow and regrets. Please, always wait for God’s timing and blessings; for his will not add any sorrow. Are you hearing me?

      Has the enemy in any way passed any decree or death sentence on you? Did they give you a date to die? Are you hearing or having the urge to take your life? God can reverse that today. Have they sent evil arrows, spells, curses, diseases against you? They shall no more have effect on you and your family in Jesus’ name! All the plans being made against you will SURELY fail in the mighty name of Jesus! Look at our LORD Jesus. All the plans made by the enemy to terminate his life never materialized. When he was born, Herod did everything to kill him but God foiled all the plans and in anger and frustration, the king slaughtered thousands of Jewish male babies around Bethlehem. But Jesus escaped! And today, I also see you escaping that trap of the enemy! You can read my analysis on this particular divine maneuvering in my best-selling book Power of Midnight Prayer. It is very illuminating! God does exactly the same today.

      When he grew up and started his ministry, the Jews didn’t like his teachings, his boldness and claims; especially that he was the messiah, the Son of God, etc. So, they made several attempts to kill him, but he will always from them. I hope you understand what we are talking about here? They will raise stones to smash him to death and suddenly, miraculously, God would remove him from their midst. Powerful! Every plan, every attempt or process to terminate your life will be miraculously foiled by heaven in the mighty name of Jesus! This is exactly what the Psalmist means when he says that even when our enemies trapped us, rejoicing that our end has come, we mysteriously, miraculously, divinely, surprisingly, suddenly escaped like a bird would from the trap of the fowler. Oh My God!

      If they were unable to kill Jesus, their evil plans against you shall also not succeed! Now, Jesus, at the appointed time, willingly, in obedience to his covenant with his father, temporally, and just for three days, submitted his life. Even at the point of his arrest, immediately he identified himself, all the soldiers fell down. Nobody could touch Jesus until he willingly submitted himself. And the bible clearly said that as He is, so we are. That is true! From today, nobody, nothing shall be able to destroy you!


      Obedience is the key to defying untimely death. When we live a holy life and totally walk in obedience to God’s laws and leading, then, it will become impossible to die untimely through sickness, diseases, enemy’s attacks, demonic arrows, etc. And I hope you know that obedience includes respecting natural, spiritual, psychological, health and even nutritional laws; for they all stem from the divine laws. For example, when you smoke, do drugs, live in immorality, take alcohol, you are already breaking spiritual and health laws and you are inviting death.

      When you live in bitterness, unforgiving, fear, hatred, envy, anxiety, impatience, regrets, etc, you are breaking psychological as well as spiritual laws. When you don’t eat right, you eat junk, you don’t expect to live long and healthy because you are already breaking a law that God has put in place to help you. Even wrong and extended fasting can also kill. Thousands Christians are dying because of this. This is also the same when you break physical laws like lack exercises, overworking yourself, exposing yourself to physical dangers, etc. God said that we should be wise in all areas of life. And that is complete wisdom. True! Most Christians neglect all these and unfortunately pay heavily for it. Now, you may ask yourself why the older generations live longer, healthier and even more spiritual than us. Please, let me know your thought. Tell me.

      Now, back to Jesus, he was able to defy and conquer death because he totally lived in obedience to God. He was always conscious and anxious to observe divine laws as written. He was always eager to seek and obey directives from His Father – ‘Let his will be done’. He was working for the kingdom’s interest. Heaven cannot afford to lose you when all you think and do is to proclaim, protect and propagate the gospel and goodness of Jesus Christ. When you give yourself totally to the work of God, all the machinery of heaven will be put in place to protect, provide and keep you. This is just what preserved Jesus while he finished his divine assignment on earth. And that was what he meant when he said that if you work in the light you will not stumble and the darkness will not defeat you. Get up today and throw yourself totally into His work and His grace will totally preserve you. Don’t expect to live long when you are not adding any value to humanity his kingdom.

      He also told us clearly in Mark Chapter Sixteen, verses seventeen and eighteen that no power of the enemy or sickness shall be able to overcome us. Listen to it,

“These signs will accompany those that believe…They will be able to handle snakes will safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place hands on the sick and heal them.”

      Praise God! He didn’t go back with those grace and power. He gave them to us. And the ‘snakes’ here means all the powers of Satan and death. Yes, I said all. The ‘poison’ represents all physical and spiritual agents that can be injurious to our health, our organs and our well-being. And even when the enemy thinks he can sneak in sickness, Jesus said we have the power to heal and cast him and his bag of diseases away. Praise God! What again do you need??

      You have every provision to immediately defy Satan, stop that sickness and all those life-threatening conditions. Yes, you will not die; you will surely live to finish your assignment on earth. It’s not over yet. I command you to get out of that condition now, in the mighty name of Jesus!

      Chapter Three

      Go Back and Tell Him

      “…This is what the LORD, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the LORD.” 2 Kings 20:5

      I thought you would have been dancing by now. Read the above verse again. Hezekiah’s case was an exceptional divine intervention in the bible. As yours will soon become. Now, people have in the past bluntly refused to bow to the very powerful hands of death. They have either postponed or totally cancelled the experience.  Tue. Elijah was taken to haven alive. Enoch just disappeared and nobody saw him again till today. Jesus was buried, the grave vomited him and he ascended into haven like a rocket. Yes, it is appointed unto man to die once, but what we are saying here is that Christians should not die untimely, suddenly, shamefully and without fulfilling all that God has for them. That is it!

      Even when God told Hezekiah that he should prepare to die, the man ‘refused’. Wow! Truly, there is nothing your relationship with God cannot achieve. With God all things are possible! The king was very sick and Prophet Isaiah was sent to go and deliver the “death bomb” to him, but before the man of God would leave the palace, within minutes, God sent him back to go and cancel the first message, “tell him that he will not die again!” My God! As you read this message, it cancels whatever first negative message that you had received. I say that you will not die now! There are people that God cannot ignore in this life. True. You are coming out of that situation in the mighty name of Jesus! Let’s just read the story. It is very interesting:

      “About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill, and the Prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to visit him. He gave the king this message: ‘this is what the LORD says: Set your affairs in order, for you are going

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