Fly Fishing Montana. Brian Grossenbacher

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Fly Fishing Montana - Brian Grossenbacher

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      If you wish to take a photo of the fish, keep the camera in a readily accessible location, and make sure your fishing partner is familiar with your camera. Keep the fish in the water until you are ready to snap the photo. Try to position the fish low to the water so that if it slips from your grasp it will not become injured. Never squeeze a fish. It will simply slip from your hands like a wet bar of soap and, most importantly, may sustain terminal internal bruising.

      Release a fish facing upstream in clean, oxygenated water. Let the fish swim away from you under its own power. It is not necessary to move the fish back and forth in the current to oxygenate its gills, allow the moving water do that for you.

      As a wading angler, stay on the stream banks whenever possible to prevent damage to aquatic habitat. It is not just the fish that we need to preserve, but the valuable and fragile aquatic ecosystem.

       Rights and Responsibilities of Landowners and Recreationists

      The following information has been taken directly from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks website and summarizes the ways in which Montana's 1985 stream access law affects the recreational use of the state's rivers and streams and incorporates the ways the law has been interpreted by the courts in Montana.

      The law states that rivers and streams capable of recreational use may be so used by the public regardless of streambed ownership. It also states that certain activities require landowner permission. Because the law affects your rights and responsibilities as a landowner or recreationist, the information that follows may be of interest to you.

       Trespass Legislation

      This legislation states that a member of the public has the privilege to enter or remain on private land by the explicit permission of the landowner or his agent or by the failure of the landowner to post notice denying entry onto the land. The landowner may revoke the permission by personal communication. (For more detail see H.B. 911 from the 1985 session.)

      The law states that notice denying entry must consist of written notice or of notice by painting a post, structure or natural object with at least 50 square inches of fluorescent orange paint. In the case of a metal fencepost, the entire post must be painted. This notice must be placed at each outer gate and all normal points of access to the property and wherever a stream crosses an outer boundary line.

      The law also extends the authority of game wardens to enforce the criminal mischief, criminal trespass and litter laws to all lands being used by the public for recreational purposes.

       Montana Stream Access Law

      Under the Montana Stream Access Law, the public may use rivers and streams for recreational purposes up to the ordinary high-water marks. Although the law gives recreationists the right to use rivers and streams for water-related recreation, it does not allow them to enter posted lands bordering those streams or to cross private lands to gain access to streams. Complete rules are available at any Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks office.

       National Parks, Indian Reservations, and Wildlife Refuges

      Certain waters on national parks, Indian reservations and wildlife refuges may have special rules. Specific information may be obtained from the headquarters of the park, reservation, or refuge involved.

      For further information concerning access laws, please contact the Department's Conservation Education Division in Helena at (406) 444-2535, or one of the Department's regional offices.

      Copies of the law may be obtained by sending a request to the Montana Legislative Council, Room 138, Capitol Building, Helena, MT 59620, or by calling (406) 444-3064.

       The fish gods smile on law-abiding anglers.Photo by Brian Grossenbacher.


       Flies to Use in Montana-Drys


       Adult Midge


       Blue Winged Olive


       Blue Winged Olive Cripple


       Bullet Golden Stone


       Bullet Head Skwala


       BWO Biot


       BWO Comparadun


       Callibeatis Cripple


       Carlson's Purple Haze Parachute


       Carnage Stone Skwala


       CDC Comparadun Baetis


       CDC Green Drake Parachute


       CDC Sparkle Dun




       Black Caddis


       E/C Caddis


       Elk Caddis


       Goddard Caddis


       Grifffith's Gnat


       GT BWO


       GT Mahogany



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