Yoga for Beginners With Over 100 Yoga Poses (Boxed Set): Helps with Weight Loss, Meditation, Mindfulness and Chakras. Speedy Publishing
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Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)- Strengthens and stretches body.
Come to all fours with hands underneath shoulders and knees under hips.
Curl toes underneath feet.
Begin to hinge (or straighten) legs so pelvis is lifted into the air.
Hinge your arms and torso to form a inverted V with body.
Keep the head straight and tucked slightly under arms.
Hold as long as possible and release slowly, returning to starting position.
Balancing Poses:
Tree Pose (Vrksasana) - Improves balance and strengthens legs.
Stand up straight with feet parallel to each other.
Shift as much weight as possible on to left foot.
Lift right foot bringing the sole to the inner left thigh.
Try not to let the right hip jut out- stay aligned.
Focus on something to help maintain balance.
Plank Pose-- Strengthens the arms and the spine, preparing the body for harder arm balance exercises.
Start in Downward Dog Position.
Pull toes under.
Open your body out into a straight line (similar to that of a push-up).
Press forearms and hands down firmly.
Push with feet for added stretch.
Keep the neck straight.
Repeat if desired.
Hands and Knees Balance - Improves core strength and balance.
Go on all fours with the wrists aligned with the shoulders, and knees underneath the hips.
Extend right leg out and behind on the ground.
Lift right leg up to hip level.
Lift the left arm up to shoulder level.
Balance on left knee and right hand, keeping neck and body straight.
Stay five to ten breaths then lower leg and arm.
Reverse and repeat.
Half-Wheel Pose- Improves spinal flexibility and strength, and opens the chest.
Lie down on back.
Bend knees and pull feet close to buttocks.
Lift hips up towards the ceiling.
Lock hands behind back and straighten, pressing into the mat.
Twist shoulder so arms are twisted with wrists up.
Stretch so the chest is pulled towards chin.
Repeat as desired.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) - Increases spinal flexibility.
Start in Plank position.
Turn feet top down to rest on the mat.
Lower legs and lower body to lie face down.
Keep arms bent and hands face forward on the mat.
Keep neck loose and neutral and lift chest as high as possible.
Repeat multiple times.
Knees, Chest, and Chin Pose- Increases spinal flexibility and arm strength.
Start in Plank position.
Bring knees to the floor.
Bring chin and chest down to the floor between the hands.
Keep elbows at sides.
Make sure the hips stay high forming an inverted V shape and stretching as much as possible.
Repeat as desired.
Note: Backbends are the most uncomfortable positions for beginners and should be approached with the utmost caution and care. Warming up prior to exercising is essential. If any pain occurs, stop exercising immediately.
Seated and Resting Poses:
Cobbler's Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Sit on buttocks with legs stretched outwards.
Bend the knees and brings soles of feet together.
Keep the spine long.
Press soles together tightly to produce stretching effect.
Easy Pose (Sukhasana) - Helps alleviate mental and physical stress, lengthens your spine, and opens your hips.
Sit cross-legged with shins tucked underneath legs.
Close your eyes
Put hands on knees.
Lower head and shoulders, then slowly straighten spine while inhaling deeply.
Note- Many variations of Sukhasana exist. The most important factor is to remain relaxed.
Child's Pose (Balasana)- Resting pose.
Start in Downward Dog position.
Drop knees to the floor.
Spread knees as wide as the mat, keeping toes touching.
Stretch arms out and over on the ground in front of you with palms face down.
Corpse Pose (Savasana)- Resting pose. Body can process all the changes during exercise.
Lie down on back.
Allow feet to widen apart as is comfortable.
Rest arms at sides of the body with palms facing up.
Relax the whole body.
Stay awake and aware for the five to ten minute pose.
Deepen the breath and begin to move fingers and toes.
Pull legs up to chest and roll body to the side.
Bring yourself up to a sitting position.
Although very beneficial to your health, Yoga is physically taxing with varying levels of difficulty and should, therefore, be learned gradually starting with basic Yoga exercises. Once these poses are mastered and are less of a challenge, it will be time for you to move on to the next level of intensity. Consistent practice will soon get you feeling happier, healthier, and on the road to becoming a Yoga pro!
Chapter 7- Tips to Having a Great Yoga Workout
Today, you can find yoga practitioners nearly everywhere you go, and for good reason. Yoga provides an excellent work out without being intimidating to a beginner the way that weight lifting or cycling can. It appeals to both the stay at home mom looking to ease her way back into the fitness world and the experienced athlete seeking a way to stay flexible and limber. No matter what your motive, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your yoga experience is a positive and productive one.
Before you sign up for your first yoga class or purchase your first yoga DVD, you need to decide what type of yoga class will best suit your needs. Many first timers assume that yoga is yoga and that is doesn’t really matter what kind you sign up for. This could not be further away from the truth. For example, if you are not a fan of heat or sweating, it would be a big mistake to sign up for a Bikram yoga class.
Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga, combines a series of challenging asanas (traditional yoga poses) performed in quick succession in a sauna-like