Illustrated Chinese Moxibustion Techniques and Methods. Xiaorong Chang

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Illustrated Chinese Moxibustion Techniques and Methods - Xiaorong Chang

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In certain circumstances, the root and branch are complicated pathomechanically, and the signs and symptoms manifest as the branch being more acute than the root. If not dealt with promptly, the branch manifestation can develop into a severe and dangerous disease pattern. In this case the process of treatment determination should be done according to the pathomechanism, and the branch should be treated before the root.

      3.In Moderate Conditions, Treat the Root: Generally speaking, when the disease condition is stable, unstable but not dangerous or in the case of dual disease of branch and root, after the branch disease has been relieved through treatment, the principle of ‘in moderate conditions, treat the root’ can be applied.

      4.Treat Both Branch and Root: When the branch and root disease are both moderate or both acute, both branch and root should be treated.

      ‘Supplement vacuity and drain repletion’ is the basic principle that guides moxibustion therapy. ‘Vacuity’ refers to the condition of vacuity of right qi; ‘repletion’ means that pathogenic qi is abnormally strong. Supplementing vacuity indicates supporting right qi, strengthening internal organ function and supplementing and boosting yin, yang, qi and blood, with the goal of resisting disease. Draining repletion refers to expelling pathogenic qi, to allow right qi to recover. ‘Supplementing vacuity’ and ‘draining repletion’ in moxibustion therapy means using methods of moxibustion to stimulate the body’s own regulatory functions, creating the effects of supplementation and draining, thereby supporting right and expelling pathogens.

      Supplementation and drainage are achieved through choosing different acupoints and different methods of operation. Supplementation of vacuity by choosing different acupoints is primarily achieved through the use of acupoint combination methods such as supplementing the same channel, supplementing the exterior-interior-related channel, and supplementing the mother to feed the child. Choice of acupoint combinations for drainage of repletion is primarily achieved through draining the same channel, exterior-interior-related channel, and following the principle of draining the child in repletion. The choice of method can also be used to differentiate between supplementation and drainage. In supplementation, the burning ember is left to expire completely, allowing the heat to slowly penetrate to a deep layer in order to supplement vacuity and support emaciation, warm yang and supplement centre qi. In drainage the ember should be blown so it burns quickly, and the moxa should be swept away before it burns down to the surface of the skin; the heat should be urgent and strong to achieve the effects of dissipating and dispersing.

      These three principles refer to enacting an appropriate treatment method according to the season (and time), geographic location and individual.

      1.Act According to Time: The special characteristics of different seasons and times (namely the 12 earthly branches) determine the treatment method. The different climate in each of the four seasons initiates a certain effect on physiological functions and pathological changes. In a single day, the strength and weakness of the qi and blood of each channel will vary. The influence of changes in season and time lead to differences in acupoint and method choice. Besides these, one ought also to understand the most effective time for treatment; for example, treatment of menstrual pain is usually carried out before menstruation begins.

      2.Act According to Place: The treatment should take into consideration the special characteristics of different geographical environments. Just as there are differences among geographical environments, climates, living habits and customs; differences also exist in human physiological activity and pathological characteristics. The method of treatment should take these into consideration.

      3.Act According to Person: Factors such as sex, age and constitution of the patient all require special consideration when determining treatment. Men and women have different physiological characteristics, which are especially apparent when dealing with menstruation, pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Treatment should also take into consideration the different physiological functions of different age groups.

      Due to the warming and fumigating properties of moxibustion, it has the function of warming and dissipating cold pathogens. Cold includes both externally contracted cold pathogen and vacuity cold of the centre burner. In Chinese medicine ‘externally contracted cold pathogen’ refers to symptoms such as an aversion to and fear of cold, cold limbs, cold pain, a preference for warmth and lying in the foetal position, caused by exposure to cold or by over consumption of raw or cold foods. Vacuity cold of the centre burner is usually caused by internal injury and enduring illness causing injury and taxation of yang qi. This is observable in symptoms such as cold limbs and lying in the foetal position, an absence of thirst, clear and thin phlegm, drool, mucus, clear and excessive urine, thin and loose stools. Moxibustion can dispel cold pathogens, return yang qi, cause cold pathogens to dissipate, and bring warmth back to the limbs. According to the viewpoint of modern medicine, the heat characteristic of moxibustion can cause vasodilation of local capillary blood vessels, lead to tissue hyperaemia and increase the speed of blood flow and metabolism, improving areas that lack blood, oxygen and nutrition. This results in the function of warming and dissipating cold pathogens. This effect can be relied upon to treat symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, which are caused by externally contracted wind-cold exterior pattern and centre burner vacuity cold.

      It is believed in Chinese medicine that qi, blood and fluids are the basic materials for human life, and that they circulate throughout the entire body. The paths that these materials follow around the body are the channels, and if these channels are blocked or inhibited the result will be limb pain or dysfunction, or irregular internal organ qi dynamics, which lead to disease. Obstruction of the channels is often due to cold pathogens settling in the channels, inhibition of qi dynamics, or injury to the channels. This can manifest as dysfunction of limb movement, joint pain, headache, lower backache, abdominal pain and painful menstruation, as well as stroke paralysis and facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy). When moxibustion is performed on acupoints, it has the effect of warming and freeing the channels. The viewpoint of modern medicine is that moxibustion speeds up metabolism of local tissues, speeding up pain mechanisms causing products of inflammation and discharging them out of the body. At the same time, moxibustion regulates the excitability of nerves, inhibiting over-excited nerves and exciting functionally decreased nerves. This brings about a cessation of pain and improvements in nerve palsy and limb paralysis.

      Yin and Yang represent the root of human life. Yang debilitation leads to yin exuberance, and yin exuberance manifests as cold, reversal or even verging on desertion. Conditions such as enduring illness, a weak constitution or fulminant desertion (sudden loss of consciousness) of qi and blood are common. These result in insecurity of defensive yang, insecurity of the interstices and a tendency towards wind damage and common cold. In extreme cases sinking of central qi, organ prolapse or extreme yang debilitation, separation of yin and yang, with the signs and symptoms of a sombre white facial complexion, reversal cold of the limbs, copious sweating and a drop in blood pressure. The heat of moxibustion can warm, supplement and support yang qi, and treat vacuity qi desertion. From the perspective of modern medicine, moxibustion can regulate the body’s stress levels and raise tolerance, regulating various glandular functions and maintaining the organism’s physiological functionality. For these reasons, moxibustion can treat chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, seminal emissions, impotence, and vacuity qi desertion, resulting from spleen and kidney yang vacuity, as well as organ prolapse, flooding and spotting, caused by sinking of centre qi.

      With regards to stasis and knots, Chinese medicine believes that they are caused by coagulation of cold or poor movement of qi and blood, resulting in phlegm-damp

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