The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

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The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey

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squares the circle. This constitutes the great work.

      Truly, this is the cross upon which each one is crucified.

      And most emphatically is it a cross of matter, a chemical cross. The story of each one’s individual cross will be given in a forthcoming book on The Biochemic System of Body Building and Astro-Chemical Analysis.

      The Spring equinox, therefore, is the return or springing up of creative energy, while the Fall equinox is. the falling or going down, the decreasing or diminishing of the power of the sun or energy. Autumn is derived from the Latin auctus meaning enriched, thus bringing out the idea of harvest time, the gathering in of the increase of the year.

      The out-pouring time of Nature takes place in what is termed the first month of the astrological year, which begins March twenty-first, and lasts until April twenty-first. During this time the sun is transiting or passing through the constellation of Aries, the Lamb or Ram of the zodiac. It is really termed the April month or sign, as it covers two weeks of the latter and only one of the former.

      The process going on during this period in Nature and in man is again brought to our attention by the interpretation of the word April. It is derived from the Latin aperio and means to uncover, to lay bare, to expose to view, therefore to open, to render accessible. Thus the great creative power of Nature is rendered accessible at this time, which is not only a time but a certain definite place in Nature and in man’s body.

      From time immemorial the signs of the zodiac have been allocated with the parts of the human body. Whatever other interpretations were given, the physiological application came first.

      Astrology deals with the body (anatomy) of the Grand Man (the universe) and by analogy, with the body of man. This is a fact that has for the most part been lost sight of, because the mighty science of the macrocosm and the microcosm has been perverted into fortune telling. No wonder so few are interested in it; no wonder so many laugh at and deride it, for they have good reason to. Astrologers, so-called, are for the most part not working for or with Uranus. However, the number of those who are doing so is slowly and surely increasing.

      One of the oldest and most common forms in which the signs of the zodiac have been brought down through the ages is in the figure of man, with the glyph of Aries and a gamboling or up-springing Lamb above his head. On the right, from the neck, a line or arrow points to a reclining bull and the symbol of Taurus; on the left from the shoulder is a pointer to two seated children and the symbol of Gemini, and so on to the two fish crossed underneath the feet. The latter gives us the story of the Cross and the religion or scientific story of the fishermen, irrefutable evidence of the one purpose of astrology, which is to give mankind complete information relative to the process, chemical and physiological, whereby perfection and illumination may be attained.

      From an understanding, then, of the word Aries, the first or head sign of the zodiac, we obtain its physiological allocation. It is of Latin derivation and means ram. The Latin lexicon also gives battering-ram, prop or beam as other derivatives, all having the same basic idea. The ram, as an animal, is known to butt or bat with its head, when engaged in conflict. But the word ram comes to us from the Sanskrit, and means high. Ram in a Hindu name is evidence that one bearing it is of high caste.

      The top of the head is the highest part of the body, and man differentiates himself from an animal by elevating his head, or walking upright. In Hebrew, the top of the head is named calvary, for its literal meaning is bare skull. It is truly the place of ascension.

      There are many references in the Scriptures to lofty elevations. One says: “Look toward the holy mountain from whence cometh thy help.” As the Bible and all ancient and sacred writings are physiological, the above quotation refers to the upper brain or cerebrum, in which is the marvelous All-Seeing Eye, or center of understanding.

      The brain of man is the organ of mind. If the latter functions well, he is helped and all is well, for he helps himself by doing that which brings about the best result. There are also many statements in this same book calling our attention to the Eye Single and the All-Seeing Eye, also the Candle of the Lord and the Imperishable Sacred Lamp.

      Each nation and people has had its own name for that period of the year when the Sun passes through the sign of the Ram. The Egyptians termed it the God Amen-Menthu, the Lamb of Gad, which “taketh away the sins of the world,” Gad being one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

      The sun in the sign of the Ram was looked on by the ancients as the God Aries. The Lamb of the Mysteries of Atys; the Lamb of the Festival of Cybele; the White Lamb of the Trojans; the Redemption of the Lost Sheep; The Golden Fleece of Jason and the Argonauts; the Lord of Hosts. As Aries represents the Vernal or Spring equinox, when the Sun crosses the line from Pisces, the sign of the Fishes, into the sign of the Ram, it is, as Dr. Wakeman Ryno says, “crucified or crossified on the equinoctial line which constitutes the redemption of earth, a saving power; the ice and cold winter disappear, water flows, the buds and blossoms start, and the earth is rejuvenated—the sin of cold winter is taken away.”

      Allocating this with the cerebro-spinal system, with which Aries deals, an outpouring of energy takes place, flowing downward into the form to rebuild and rejuvenate it. This is exactly what occurs in the body of the Grand Man. It was termed “the sign of Baal Gad by the ancients, or Lord of Felicity, because he presided over the happiest and most prosperous time of the year.”

      The word Gad is derived from the Hebrew, and the word sun from the Coptic, according to Dr. Taylor, and both mean the same thing, “God or Gad, being the never-translated name in the ancient Tsabaism, or star-worship of the constellation of the Ram, or Lamb of God, the Rama, the Great, the Elevated,” and thus corresponding to the human head.

      The Greek word Thebes means head. There was an old city by that name, the capital of Ancient Egypt. It was the seat of marvelous learning and the greatest art, and was said to have been destroyed by Alexander. This part of the human anatomy, the cerebrum, is, indeed, the storehouse of man, but it is the super-conscious and not the subconscious, as has been so long erroneously taught.

      By studying the sacred and secret writings of all nations and peoples, one realizes that Easter was not new to the Piscean Age, nor to the supposed dawn of the Christian religion, but belongs to all time and to all peoples, for it signifies both a cosmic and a microcosmic process, literally a renewal of life. An understanding of this fact, constituting, as it does, a logical and wholly natural explanation, is one of the first steps necessary to an entirely new viewpoint of the Bible.

      Realization of this eliminates all controversy which at the present time is becoming more and more pronounced. Bishops and ministers alike are unable to give logical and satisfactory elucidation of the Scriptures, and this has largely constituted the reason so many people remain away from church. Humanity is beginning to think for itself, for this is the age of knowing, not blind belief.

      Thus we find from the foregoing the meaning of the opening month of the year, in man as well as in Nature. We find there is a perfect system of analysis, synthesis and allocation which links up space, time, activity, and mankind, yes, even the most secret part of the body. And, as Dr. Wakeman Ryno says: “What silly trash this would be (quoting from Daniel 7:9) taken exactly as it reads; what a beautiful illustration it becomes when taken as an astronomical allegory of the Sun and Moon in their passage through the constellation of Aries the Ram as the opener of the growing months of the year after the winter; ‘the judgment was set (the equinox—equal) the books were opened’—(the Spring).”

      Let us now consider another science, that particular branch of physiology which is termed embryology. Here we at once find a perfect allocation with Nature’s work in the Spring. The cerebro-spinal system is the first part of the organism developed and from it the whole form materializes. The cerebrum and cord constitute most truly The Tree of Life, for they bear or produce the rest of the body. The cerebro-spinal system has, as ancient Sanskrit writings inform us, “its roots in heaven and its branches in the earth.”

      The cerebrum is man’s potential or embryological heaven, his heave-N, for his work is to perfect this heaved-up place. The letter N is the key to the secret process. In Hebrew it literally means Jesus.


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