Life and Science. The speed of light. World broadcast. Time Machine. Morphogenetic fields. Replication of objects. Unsupported movement. Rem Wоrd

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Life and Science. The speed of light. World broadcast. Time Machine. Morphogenetic fields. Replication of objects. Unsupported movement - Rem Wоrd

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is taken out of circulation, so that it “rests”. But what does “rested” mean? Fertilizers fly into the soil from the air? The mechanism for the return of fertility is nowhere clearly clarified. What can bacteria restore? I suppose my experiments with the (temporary) extinction of reactions may be quite useful to farmers.

      And to you, dear reader, too. Well-known medicines no longer help you? Change your diet, habits, clothes, home decor. Step aside. Try to take the medicine in other forms… for example, simply dissolving in water. And… maybe it will help. Then – let me know!

      Why doesn’t nature like to repeat itself?

      Rise, flowering, golden autumn and fall of civilizations. This is also a reflection of the law of extinction (development) of reactions

      …We continue the topic of experiments on the time trail, which has gained a kind of popularity with a seasoning of political news in Belarus.

      …A series of identical repeated experiments (chemical, biological, scheme, pattern of any actions) leads to the fact that the force of interaction between elements weakens. In the first variant of the naming, this is the Law of Reaction Fading.

      You are interested? Would you like to summarize? In a previous publication, experiments were mentioned with seeds germinated in one substrate, on water. Crops are not visibly related to each other. Moreover, only that they are produced in one relatively small area of space. The same picture. First sowing – lush seedlings. Extinction. Ascent that does not reach the original level. Deep recession. “Stabilization”. I did not begin to find out further regularities, because each germination up to the height of stalks of 8—15 cm takes two weeks. But, there is something here.

      Artificial felt field

      Water-soaked technical felt substrates are used. The substrates are changed every time, but the germination of a new batch of seeds (from one package) is carried out in the same place in the room.

      Similar results are revealed in experiments, hmm, in the fermentation of sugar (the volume of carbon dioxide released) and with the rate of crystallization of hyposulfite.

      And here is the feature. It is possible to restore, at least partially, the strength of the reaction if the place of the experiments is changed somewhat. Or – to radically change the decor of the room. Or – just wait a long time for some kind of change.

      Our Mission – Stability – Impossible

      To generalize is to generalize. Although, if we draw bold analogies, it becomes a little sad. Hence, any peaceful civilization is simply doomed to extinction. Here you are, a farmer. Plowed in the field. Not so much bothering yourself. Somewhere let’s say in Mesopotamia. Or Ancient Egypt. Fascinating birdsong… They plucked a handful of dates and ate with pleasure. We caught a fish in cool clear water. A lovely wife prepared a delicious dinner. We ate fish with appetite, drank some sweetish hake beer, and…

      The flow of love is power

      Carries me to you

      Swim quickly my dear

      Swim to me soon!

      Herons walk in the river

      Bare breasts, no restraints

      Transparent water drops

      How lotuses bloom

      You hold my hand

      And around – flowers

      I am yours, without a sound

      After all, my dear – you

      (Ancient Egyptian poetry, free translation by Gena Cher)

      Just a girl from the country of Kemt

      …Day in the field, the second. Summer replaces autumn, another year. Everything is according to a measured schedule. Things are good. But – the same thing. There is no change. Here, however, my wife, like something, began to shout at you. You drink your favorite “hake” with saffron, 12% on the banks of the Nile, but… there is no former relish. Should we try to increase the fortress? The river flows and flows. She no longer speaks to you with the voices of sacred crocodiles and naiads. Fish tastes like papyrus. The flow of love in a general sense dries up.

      Here is a new generation, as it is already obvious, without the former excitement. Boys are not particularly interested in girls. Girl and girl, nothing like that. And on the other hand, the same reaction. None of these young men are lions, but just donkeys, it’s good if they have silver bars in their luggage. I want something new… but where can I get it? After all, it was said by wise scribes and by Pharaoh himself, how our ancestors lived, so let it always be afterwards. Our goal is stability!

      And everything around goes to the extinction of all kinds of reactions. Yes, now, almost it has come. Jumping off the pyramid, for the novelty of sensations?

      But now… from the side of Assyria, or the previously obedient country of Nub, a storm is approaching. Swords – lightning, shields – thunder. The settlements are compared to the desert. Everything gets mixed up. Everything is changing.

      And is reborn.

      …At the same or even the highest level of reactions:

      Reaction restored

      The sun rises and sets

      And in the desert there are mirages

      What’s happening to me

      Stupid heart, tell me!

      You are racing in a chariot

      My beloved hero…

      I want to merge with you

      Late sometimes!

      In the meantime, I’ll paint my eyes

      For you my soul

      I will lure you like in a fairy tale

      Quietly, slowly…

      Time Machine for the Poor

      We have found that repeated actions, chemical reactions, biological processes somehow cancel each other out. A banal constant, the force of interaction between the atoms of the reagents in a series of independent identical experiments, decreases markedly. It is convenient to extrapolate the results to different things: … from setting rural fields to “fallow”, to restore their fertility, to the principles of the extinction of civilizations.

      Interactions. Both horizontally and vertically

      Let’s go straight to the complex. Identical forms interact not only in time but also in space. Here and now.

      A very simple outwardly experience. Two burettes with ink solution. We saturate A4 paper sheet with clean water, carefully put it on the surface of the solution. Not very fast, the ink diffuses to the surface. At this moment, they are very sensitive to any impact. If a certain field slows down or accelerates the force of intermolecular interactions, it will become visible on the surface.

      Also, put a “label” on this sheet. It can be a small plastic triangle, rectangle, pentagon. At this point, the diffusion rate obviously changes.

      Next to the burette “A” we place exactly the same container “B”. With a sheet. But already without a label.

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