The Land of Snow. Skye Waters

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The Land of Snow - Skye  Waters

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      Shivers of excitement ran up Ella‧s spine as she picked up the reins. The dogs took off across the snow, running so fast that it took Ella‧s breath away. The scenery flashed past, leaving her with mixed-up images of a vast landscape covered in snow. There were hills and valleys, thick green forests and a wide river, slushy with ice. Ella had never been to such a wild place, empty of all the clutter of modern living, where animals were free to roam. It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time.

      Entranced, Ella leant forward, squeaking with delight when she saw polar bears lumbering along on all fours, snow-white Arctic foxes, caribou and lean wolves that hid amongst the snow-flecked trees as she passed. The dogs climbed a hill and Ella held on tight as the sled bounced and bumped to the top, then down the other side. The air was so fresh it made her lungs tingle and as the land flattened, Ella was delighted to find there was a beach at the bottom of the hill.

      As the dogs raced alongside the half-frozen sea, Ella stared in amazement at the seals and walruses, swimming in the icy water. These were animals Ella had only seen in books or on television. She wished the Starlight Snowdogs would slow down so she could look for longer, but they raced on until finally they approached the outskirts of a small town.

      It was very different from the towns Ella was used to. It was much less crowded and the houses looked too fragile to withstand the harsh conditions. Passing by a long salmon-coloured house with a pointed roof, the dogs slowed to a jog. An elderly Inuit woman with a weather-beaten face and a young boy about Ella‧s age were standing at a window. The woman smiled and raised her hand. Ella stared in surprise, then, remembering her manners, she waved back. The woman‧s smile broadened, but the boy turned away. For a moment, his expression troubled Ella and she wondered why he looked so sad. But the dogs ran on, the town blurred, and soon they were back in the snowy landscape. Ella was impressed by how much stamina the dogs had, and also their incredible sense of direction.

      At last the dogs pulled up. Half recognising a patch of long grass poking through the snow, Ella thought they might be back where they‧d started. The six dogs stood there with ears pricked forward, sides heaving and steam coming from their panting mouths. After a long silence Acer spoke. “Whenever we pull the sled on land, we need the command to go free.”

      â€œOh!” Ella blushed. “Sorry! Of course you can go free.”

      At once the harnesses fell away and the dogs rolled in the snow. Blue was playfully waving his paws in the air, flashing his white tummy as he rolled on his back.

      After a little rest, Acer called everyone to order with a sharp bark. Honey stood by his side and when Bandit tried to edge her out, Acer gave a low growl. Bandit stopped pushing Honey and stepped back.

      â€œThat was fantastic. Thank you,” said Ella, addressing Acer.

      â€œSo,” he answered, thoughtfully pawing a groove in the snow. “Will you help us? Do you accept the challenge of leading the Starlight Snowdogs?”

      Images of the snow-covered land and the animals that lived there flashed through Ella‧s mind. It was the most wonderful place she‧d ever visited. Ella knew she must do everything she could to help it stay that way. Suddenly she was aware of six pairs of eyes watching her. Looking up, she saw that Blue‧s were the keenest. Ella smiled at him and he ever so slightly cocked his head in return.

      â€œYes, please,” said Ella, beaming. Then she added eagerly, “What do I have to do first?”

      Acer barked his approval, and the other dogs joined in until he silenced them with a growl. Pushing his nose into Ella‧s gloved hand, Acer said, “That‧s enough for today. The Starlight Snowdogs will howl when we need you next. Blue will hear them and he‧ll transport you here. Blue and his magic snowflake collar are your links to us.”

      Reaching out, Ella stroked Blue‧s dark head. So she‧d been right! There was a special bond between her and the dog. But why had she, Ella Edwards, been chosen to be their new leader when she lived thousands of miles away from their land? There were so many questions Ella wanted to ask.

      Acer‧s voice cut gently into her thoughts. “It‧s time to go home,” he said.

      Ella sighed, the questions would have to wait. Blue was already in place in the harness. Remembering her terrifying yet strangely wonderful journey to the Arctic, Ella gripped the sled‧s sides as Blue began to run across the snow. Acer, Honey, Bandit, Coda and Inca ran alongside, howling and waving their tails. Ella‧s stomach dipped as Blue jumped into the air, pulling the sled with him.

      â€œGoodbye,” she called quickly, then closed her mouth against the freezing air. A flash of green lit up the sky, then everything went dark. Ella held on tightly, but the ride was smoother than before. There was no snowstorm and no magical starlight, just black air swirling around the sled as Ella travelled home.

      â€œReady to go down?” Blue‧s voice rang out clearly and Ella nodded, then shouted back, “Yes.”

      As Blue dropped towards the ground, Ella braced herself for the crash. Seconds later, they landed with a small bump. Ella fell on her feet, narrowly missing her dad‧s compost pile and she giggled with relief. She looked around for the sled, but it had disappeared. Blue was skidding to a halt by her den at the bottom of the garden. Ella blinked. It was almost as if she‧d never been away and was still chasing the puppy down the garden. But she knew that the starlight adventure had been real. Scooping Blue into her arms, she held the puppy up to her face. “Thank you. That was brilliant fun.”

      â€œYap!” barked Blue, licking her nose.

      â€œYuk!” Chuckling, Ella carried the puppy indoors, running the last few paces as she saw through the kitchen window that Dad was home.

      â€œHello, Ella what happened to your homework?” he asked as she bounded indoors.

      â€œBlue happened.”

      Thrusting the puppy forward, Ella began talking at double speed.

      â€œSlow down,” said Dad, as she explained how she‧d found Blue.

      â€œSo can I keep him?” Ella finished.

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